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Subject: Well looks like it is all over now!

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Date Posted: 23:56:24 02/19/02 Tue
Author Host/IP: inktomi3-not.server.ntl.com/

The lights come around the arena as fire works hit the stage and the fans all going wild. Then the TWO theme hits the speakers as all the crowd still go wild not getting tyerd at all. Then the music stops as the commentating starts by Anthony Kunne and Amanda Coltman. Anthony Kunne to start talking first...

Anthony Kunne: "Hello and welcome to a new show of Titan Wrestling Organisation. I am Anthony Kunne and along side be is the wonerful Amanda Coltman."

Amanda Coltman: "Thank you Anthony Kunne and I am wonderful. But any way at Inferno we seen Bio-Hazard win his first ever match against Wolverine. Then at Survival he had to team up with Wolverine and take on Craven and Perfect Storm. They came out of Manchester as winners and became the number one contenders for the tag team titles in London at the first PPV."

Anthony Kunne: "Yes, but now Bio-Hazard has won both of his matches so he has 100% record so far. But he also made Wolverine win so that gave him his first win. But now Wolverine has formed a tag team with Mr Showtime. But Bio-Hazard and Wolverine have to face Rocko and Lionheart for the tag team titles at the PPV witch is now cofimrd on the 5th of March called Holocaust. Well that's whta Daniel Hall said not long ago."

Amanda Coltman: "Well it is on a sunday and the 5th of March is on a sunday so I a sume that it is the 5th of March. Any way now Bio-Hazard has to face Rocko to go through to the semi finals of the tourement for the TWO Heavyweight Title. But also Bio-Hazard has to face Rocko and Lionheart and the PPV and Bio-Hazard has to face Perfect Storm at the PPV and they both involve titles. Is Bio-Hazard wins this little touremnet for the number one contender for the TWO Heavyweight title then he will have three matchs for Holocaust and all involving titles."

Anthony Kunne: "You can give me a chance to talk if you ever thought about that. So please don't hog all the room please. Any way Ihave just recived infomation that Holocaust will take place on the 5th of March so there we have it!"

Amanda Coltman: "Any way who do you think will win the Division A Tourement then? Then who do you think will win the Division B Tourement? I think Bear will win Division A and Lionheart will win Division B."

Anthony Kunne: "Well I am sticking to Bio-Hazard to come faviroutes to win the tourement and Craven to win the other tourement. So there are my pridactions so you want to bet any money on that?"

Amanda Coltman: "Ok lets say about $300 as I am from the USA! What do you say?"

Anthony Kunne: "Fine with me..."

The suddenly Bio-Hazard's music hits the speakers, Offspring as the crowd jump to there feet. Then Bio-Hazard appears at the top of the stage as he taunts the crowd. He then begins to walk down the ramp with a big smile on his face. As he gets to the bottom of the ramp he walks over to the steel stair case and climbs them and onto the apron. Bio-Hazard walks roughly into the middle of the apron and then climbs through the ropes. He then walks to the center of the ring and taunts the crowd. He then walks over to the nerest turnbuckle and climbs the turnbuckle to the second rope as he taunts the crowd once again. He then jumps down after 12 seconds and walks over to the ring announcer and asks for a microphone. She then passes him one as Bio-Hazard turns away and walks to the center of the ring as he begins to speak...

Bio-Hazard: "Well it is nice to see you all in a good mood because I sure as hell in a brilliant move. Do you all know why I am in a brilliant move? I bet some of you do and some of you don't. So to all my fans and the people that ain't got a clue. I am now the number one contender for the European Title at the PPV in London called Holocaust. Also I am the number one contender for the tag team titles at the PPV called Holocaust. That is why I am in such a goo mood! But come this Holocaust. I have to face someone called Perfect Storm and two people called Rocko and Lionheart who are lovers with Daniel Hall. I know I am his mate and all but they do bum him alot. I also know that you lot like Rocko and Lionheart so I ain't going to get much into them because I always want tp please you. But at Holocaust I am going to capture the tag team gold. Also I know that Wolverine has lined up his very own tag team partner but it looks like Wolverine is going to have to be my partner because I am not letting this opptunity go to waste. Now onto my match against Perfect Storm, I know yu don't like him that much solet me talk about that low done, fat fucker son of a bitch. You know laddy, your days are numbered because when I am after gold then I am hungry to beat someone up for that presious gold. So that is just a fair warning for you Mt Perfect so watch out and you will be fine but when it comes to the night I will totally humilate you."

Bio-Hazard then drops the microphone to here the crowd cheering him on. He then brings the microphone back up to his mouth as the crowd quite down as e begins to speak for the second time tonight...

Bio-Hazard: "Well now back to me talking once again. I know it is kinf off boring but just bare with me. Ok so now that's soted let me talk about Rocko, seen as I have to play him at Inferno to advance to the semi final and then I will win in the semi final who ever I have to play and then I will beat them and then go onto the final at Holocaust and beat the Division B winner and become the TWO Heavyweight Champion and on that might I will have become a Triple Champion and will mke history of winning 3 matches in one night. I a sure that it will come true because I am the best in the business and it will stay that way for along time untill I am too slow to get up and to slow to get down. So that's really all I have to say for tonight but I will be back sooner than you think.

Bio-Hazards music hits the speakers as the corwd jump to there feet as they cheer Bio-Hazard as he makes and exit out of the ring and heads back up the ramp. He then turns around to taunt the crowd one last time before heading backstage as TWO TV cuts to a commercial break.

(OOC: If that is someone else's music then I am sorry. Danny Hall gave me the music for it!)

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