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Date Posted: 21:11:21 05/25/03 Sun
Author: Angie Chambers
Subject: Re: Hypo-Plastic left heart syndrome
In reply to: Lindsey 's message, "Hypo-Plastic left heart syndrome" on 15:52:02 04/11/01 Wed

my daughter Olivia Josephine was diagnosed with hypo-plastic left-heart syndrome when i was five months pregnant with her. the doctors told me she would be still born, and she proved them all wrong. on December 18,2001 Olivia graced us with her presence. the doctors then told us the only way for her to survive would be the Norwood operation. we in turn elected for the surgery. We went from Calgary, Alberta, Canada to Edmonton Alberta and we were there for a month and despite a few setbacks Olivia did remarkably well. two days after we arrived back in Calgary, the hospital called at 5:30 am to tell me to come in right away because something had gone wrong. Olivia passed away in my arms at the age of 43 days.....almost ten months later it was found that a nurse had over-dosed her with a paralyser drug called rocronium....her reasons for this was that i was a young mother and dint deserve such a beautiful child..(i am 21, with a five year old as well) this nurse has been charged and stripped of all medical ability...but i am not satisfied...i just want every parent out there to know that if a doctor says "they wont make it" dont lose hope because they probably will.....dont elect for palliative care...give them a chance...i thought all the tubes would kill me to look at, but once you understand that they are there to help your child and how they help, its such a joy when you see them come out.....as for Olivia, i will not live in vain, she is our angel now....and she always has been...thank-you Olivia for a job well done.

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