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Date Posted: 05:54:41 06/13/00 Tue
Author: Cynthia
Subject: Re: Our Little Elizabeth
In reply to: Dennis and Suzi Lipps 's message, "Our Little Elizabeth" on 14:03:34 06/02/00 Fri

First let me say that I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. I have lost many children late in pregnancy but can not begin to imagine the heartache that you must have felt after holding your precious angel in your arms only to lose her. The bliss you must have felt I can imagine was nothing short of fantastic and the sorrow that you have endured I can imagine has been horrendous. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family, and I truly hope that with time you will be able to ease your heartache a little. Congratulations on your soon to be newest edition to your family. I pray that God watches over you all and that you will enjoy many wonderful years with your little one.
Please be sure to let us all know when the joyous event occurs :) I must thank you for this message board. As I said Sharon when she told me of your board, I believe that many people will benefit from your heartfelt words and from the words and thoughts of others. It is so nice to know that there is a place where one can come for peace, grieving, compassion and understanding. You have started something wonderful here and I would like to thank you for that.
I will be back often
Take care and may God Bless and Keep You

> First I would like to thank Sharon for this page , for
> it was she that did all the work . Thank you Sharon
> Our daughter Elizabeth was born on August 23 / 1999
> with Hypo plastic left heart syndrome. She passed on
> August 27/1999 during surgery . For two days there
> were no signs of anything being wrong. In those two
> days my wife and I fell totaly in love with our new
> baby. My two sons from a previous marrage , were
> proud to have a little sister. The night of the
> surgery was a nightmare for my wife and I, and many
> friends and family members. For five hours the nurse
> would come out every half hour or so . sometimes with
> bad news some times with words of encouragement . Then
> finnaly the chaplin came out , and Elizabeth was gone.
> For awhile , this house became our tomb. We took
> time to ourselves to morn Elizabeth and will always
> feel that hole in our heart. Even now almost a year
> later some little thing might trigger us to tears. But
> we realized that we had to get on with our lives, not
> just for my two sons , but for each other and all our
> family and friends.
> in April 2000 we discovered we were pregnet with
> another child. this one due December 24 2000. No
> better day of the year to recieve a gift from God.

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