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Date Posted: 13:36:37 02/12/02 Tue
Author: Zargon
Subject: Some Interesting Info !!!

Taken from Dss-shop.com
Written by: Aqua-Uomo

I don't know if most people are running married -sub AVR's. I am running CAMLESS and never lost the use of my CAM subsequently to last week ECM.

Let me hypothesize...
Your CAM (Conditional Access Module) is just an active switch encrypted with information that allows the data streams travel to the TSOP (boxkey information and firmware (the BEV software and Operation system of your IRD) and farther to the decryption module. The CAM receives the encrypted keys for decoding the scrambled channels, decrypts the keys and store them in a register in the EEPROM which uses the keys and send them to the decoder. the hard of the IRD (DTV calls it the Transport IC) The CAM also contains info and handles the tracking and billing of pay channels, but that is a different issue.
When you activate your CAM it will but a mark in your EEPROMs, a benckhmark that the date stream will search for when gets to it. If the data data stream packets does not match the encryption of either CAM or TSOP the data will never make it through this gateway to the IRD's decoder.

In the last week's scenario BEV/s target was the this interface thus the data stream put a small mark in the IRD's EEPROMS and the CAM when inserted looked for the information on it. It found the message on it and disabled, temporary, the legal encryption on the CAM. Once the system was left on or rebooted the CAM looked again for the encryption match. All the active legal CAMs retrive all info from the satellite transmission and rewrote its codes to the active transmition. This can take some time, depending of the speed of the receiver, software under its operational system runs under and the strenght of the signal acquired.
I encouraged everybody to convert to CAMLESS feature of the new AVR's. CAM being BEV's property can and will be, in the last instance, damaged or altered by BEV. This is the furthest they can go legally at this time and they will eventually consider it, if they have no other option to win this confrontation. The worst case scenario in using the CAMLESS AVR is to have your 8515 chip corrupted or blemished versus calling BEV and explaining how your CAM got wiped, damaged or worn out. BEV pressures us to use the CAMs with our AVR so they can became an easier target for totally their "assaults" Cards erased to their basic subscription or erased if they find an AVR interface wont make the object of law suits as long as BEV have all the owner rights on these access cards.

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