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Date Posted: 16:05:39 03/13/02 Wed
Author: lonelone
Subject: Re: Here's the Problem !!!
In reply to: Zargon 's message, "Here's the Problem !!!" on 00:49:18 03/13/02 Wed

Thanks for the insight post.

>Taken From:
>Id-discussions Forum
>Written by: x-15
>More stream insight.
>Looks like BEV is still playing with the stream. My
>guess is that BEV is experimenting--trying to
>determine just what all the possibilities are. As I
>indicated in the original post for this thread, the
>basic change is that the $02 command now has a "use
>once" character, and it is send immediately before it
>is needed. That, in and of itself, is sufficient to
>disable NAwapo as it is currently implemented.
>However, BEV does not seem content with that single
>Remarkably enough, some channels are being sent
>without the requirement for any $02 data. Channel 200,
>for example, has been frequently in this mode. BEV
>uses the previously normal $03/$13 sequence with no
>$02 anywhere to be found. As others have reported,
>there are perhaps 30 such channels, and NAwapo (and
>other AVR software) receive these channels without a
>problem. I suspect the demands BEV is placing on the
>stream for other channels is forcing it to relax
>requirements elsewhere, and so some channels are
>uplinked without and $02 dependency.
>The normal pattern for many channels seems to have
>$02/$03/$13 sequences showing up at about 20 second
>apart. From indirect evidence, it seems BEV is
>rotating the video keys at the same rate. However, at
>least for some channels, while one rotation occurs
>comfortably after one of the $02/$03/$12 sequences,
>the other occurs during a sequence.
>Just to may things interesting, there is another
>pattern in use on a limited number of channels. During
>a 40 second internal, it looks like BEV sends a total
>of five $02/$03/$13 sequences. The first three at ten
>second intervals, with the fourth and fifth at the 39
>then 40 second mark. I have no idea where in there the
>video keys are rotating.
>The moral of all this is that BEV is still exploring
>its options for battling the AVR. The current NAwapo
>died with the basic use-once-$02 change, so it seems
>the other stream oddities are exploring ways to
>disable any simple fix for NAwapo or to frustrate the
>married-sub AVR setup.
>It is still too early to get too deep into solutions
>until the problem is more fully understood. However,
>it seems clear the current hardware/ software
>combination is inadequate. An 8MHz or so AVR adapted
>to use a BasicCard may be a workable solution, if in
>fact BasicCards are generally available. Other
>possibilities really depend on how the BEV stream
>eventually settles. It could be a simple reclocked AVR
>and new NAwapo version will suffice, or we may need a
>beefier processor with major code revisions. Or, it
>could be an explicit crypto-processor is required
>(which is what the BasicCard is, more or less).
>Time will tell, but now is a time for continued
>analysis and not racing to the finish line.

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