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Date Posted: 17:38:53 03/22/02 Fri
Author: R'geto
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Subject: ~*Joining*~

Name: R'geto
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Medium-length black hair, black eyes.
Picture: http://www.sphosting.com/raikamr/personas/rgeto.jpg
Current place of residence: Minerva Weyr, hopefully
Job [& rank]: Bronzerider
Mate: Avidail (from before Impression)
Personality: R'geto is slightly emotional, but strong in a crisis. His Search involved Threadfall, a sickness-torn Hold, and a silent home. As a result, R'geto is scared of the dark, but keeps a small torch in his pocket with lighters. Oddly, he doesn't mind betweening, instead he finds it oddly comforting. He also always keeps his promises.
R'geto stroked his large bronze, the majestic Rireth. He licked his lips, dark black eyes taking in the Candidates on the Weyrbowl. Night was falling, and drudges walked around the people lighting lamps. R'geto smiled. He didn't wish for the Weyr to go to an extra expense for him, but the Weyrwoman had insisted. Avidail walked up behind him, careful to let her usual whisper-soft footfalls make some noise. "Avidail?" he asked, arching brows knitting as he saw his old friend walk to him. The girl nodded. Who is this, R'geto? Rireth asked, interested. R'geto grinned, fingers bumping the various pouches hanging from his belt in his excitement. They knocked together, the ringing audible to the trio only. Rireth, this is Avidail. An old friend. R'geto grinned as Avidail approached his bronze. The girl, fearless as they come, stroked the bronze's eyeridges. Rireth's eyes whirled with happiness, and R'geto took in the familar sight. Avidail's hair was shorter, but her stance was the same. "Why are you here, Av?" R'geto asked quietly, taking up Avidail's milk-white hand and kissing it gently.
"I'm a Candidate here, R'geto. For various purposes." Avidail's clear voice held some ice to it, to R'geto's surprise.
"I'm glad to see you, anyway, Avidail. I was dreading coming to a strange Weyr alone." R'geto said softly, leaning against Rireth for strength and courage. Avidail nodded to him, and left silently.
"Faranth be with me." R'geto whispered. "I hope she does Bond."
But who is she? Rireth persisted.
"My oldest friend, Rir. You'll get to know her, I promise." R'geto swore. Rireth settled. His Bonder always kept his promises.

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