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Date Posted: 18:19:39 02/19/02 Tue
Author: W'menel & Lerath
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Subject: A brown rider for Minerva

Name: W'menel
Age: 44 Turns
Gender: Male
Appearance: A lanky fellow of about 6 feet tall. Has dark brown eyes that betray his moods by becoming lighter or darker as they pass. Has fine red hair and a full beard kept trimmed. A rather wild young man once, W'menel has somewhat mellowed in the 20 or so Turns since he was Impressed by Lerath. He still loves a good Gather or chance to party and his long face betrays a hard-partying life though he is a dragonrider. His accent is thick due to his being brought up at what was once known as Tillek Sea Hold.
Not given to always obeying rules or decorum, W'menel has decided, with Lerath's urging, to find a new Weyr to go to after being a 'mail' dragon for so long. Both are wanting a new start since their last posting was rather dull and their old Weyr's leaders were a bit overbearing to a man who always seems young at heart.
They have both decided on Minerva since W'menel recalled its Weyrwoman from a Gather at Telgar not too long ago. While he didn't have his characteristic courage to approach the goldrider then, he certainly does now.

Current residence: In transit
Rank: Brownrider and former dispatch carrier for Telgar Weyr

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