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Date Posted: 13:36:09 04/01/02 Mon
Author: Asori
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Subject: Asori

Name: Asori
Age: 17
Gender: f
Appearance: Asori is built to last, and has to be, from hours of heavy labor. She is tall and lean, and shows no muscle, and has to work extra hard to last as long as the boys. She has long legs that help her to move quickly around the ship, and a grip that can break wrists. She keeps her hair about shoulder length, tied back in many braids so no hair will get in her face. Her hair is a rich klah in color, with highlights of sun bleached blonde. Her eyes are a deep, sun colored gold with hints of brown. They are quite large and dominate her face. From turns in the fierce southern sun, her face had become ruddy and tanned, with dark rosy cheeks. Her skin is a bit rough, but creams from the healers have helped it from becoming too chapped. Asori's nose is a bit off center, from a fall when trying to set sails. Her cheekbones ride high on her face, and her chin is a bit sharp for her oval face. Her eyes are what most people notice first, and they lay under very thin and uneven eyebrows. Her teeth are very white beneath her dark skin. Asori wears little jewelry, for it might get caught in the riggings. She has her belt-knife at her side at all times, carefully honed, just in case her foot gets caught in the ropes once again. Practical, Asorirarely wears a dress. Trousers and a sleeveless tunic, plus sturdy boots and a wherhide jacket are her garments of choice. She wears a bandana to keep her hair off her sweaty face. Occasionally she will slip into softer garments of short pants and sandals.

Current place of residence [hold/crafthall] Dolphin Crafthall
Job [& rank]: Sailor/JW Dolphineer

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