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Date Posted: 14:52:12 02/18/02 Mon
Author: Dweia
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Subject: ** adopting a rider and joining **

I would like to adopt K'tar - Bronze - Shatoth. My sample is here:

K'tar lept nimbly up onto Shatoth's foreleg which he had outstreatched for his Rider. -We finally get to Fly- Shatoth told his Rider, eyes whirling lightly as he 'spoke' to K'tar. K'tar nodded. He had been so occupied at the Weyr lately! Shatoth spread his bronze hued wings and lept up into the air, wings fanning the sky, as he caught hold and rose up higher into the air, wings pumping steadily. K'tar smiled; he remembered when they first had flown together...

::Shatoth, his wings, much smaller then, but still good sized, were flapping. The bronze Dragon ran forward, and then lifted himself up into the air; only to fall face first into a mud puddle. K'tar, his face beet red with embarresment, was mentally crooning reasurresment to his Bonded Dragon, who was getting himself worked up to a rage; the other Dragon's there weren't being nice about this, and Shatoth was sometimes over-protective of his life mate. He lifted himself out of the mu˙

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