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Date Posted: 10:03:01 04/18/02 Thu
Author: J'rasin, Basoth
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Subject: Rp Sample!!
In reply to: Xanta 's message, "Yes >" on 00:42:33 04/18/02 Thu

J'rasin and Basoth walked quietly down the corridors of their old and failing weyr, they were going to leave soon. This weyr was now possibly dubbed a southern weyr. An Oldtimers weyr. Which was something J'rasin and Basoth were not. So they were moving northern to a different weyr. One that would possible accept them.
(Is this our last day here?) Basoth inquired of J'rasin.
"Yes. Tis so, my friend." He sighed. Remembering visions of his impression. Standing, waiting for the dragonets to emerge from the heavily rocking eggs. He remebered the bronze falling at his feet, he could remeber helping the big bronze up. Remebering when the bronze told him his name, Basoth... He grined, it was a pleasent memory. Basoth rumbled. He too rembering it. That memory also brought back another, the candidate bully. J'rasin chuckled. Benol, the bully, only impressed a blue. His Basoth could now outfly him easily and effortlessly. Basoth could just about outfly any bronze as well. Basoth was the biggest of his clutch. Or so Basoth thought and looked.
(We have many memories here. Can I swim one last time here? The water is warm here. It will get colder up north.) Basoth half-whined and comented.
"You know I couldn't deny you a swim."
J'rasin and Basoth were now in the Bowl, heading to the lake. Basoth took bigger steps and faster ones as they got closer to the lake. Basoth took flight and circled the lake, looking for the warmest spot. Faceted eyes whirling excitedly. J'rasin sat in the grass, picking boredly at it. Enjoying the feeling of Basoths excitedness. He noticed a grub, one who had unearthed itself. Disgusting, J'rasin thought, why would wnybody let these things help us?
He shook that thought from his head. They were useful, they devoured the thread before it burrowed. Couldn't it just be some other creature that did this? Not these disgusting grubs?
Basoth was now exiting the lake, heading for the HerdBeasts pen. To feast of course. Basoth rose in the air and started circling the pen and herds, seeking the biggest beast. He choose one and dove upon the frightened beast. Biting the neck with his fangs and blooding the first one and eating the flesh of the others he catches.

J'rasin walked over to Basoth and vaulted on the huge bronze. He grinned and leaned over to slap(or pat) his bronzes neck affectionatly. The bronze rumbled and flapped his wings to lift into the air. Mentally, J'rasin sent the coordinates of the Minerva Weyr to his partner, Basoth. He cringed as the cold of between engulfed him and Basoth. They came out of between high above the Minverva Weyr. The weyr he came from was old and failing. He hoped to join the Minerva Weyr. He and Basoth spiraled down to the land in the Weyr Bowl.

(We are here.) Basoth comented, J'rasin only nodded.

When the great bronze landed he extended a leg to let J'rasin unmount. J'rasin slide off and stood looking around the Bowl. Hopeing to introduce himself to the WeyrWoman and WeyrLeader.

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  • Welcome! -- Minerva/ Willmina & W'menel, 19:41:19 04/18/02 Thu

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