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Date Posted: 13:06:20 05/10/02 Fri
Author: ^.celes.^
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Subject: ^.Joining.^

Name: Celeste doa Stormae, Celes fa Storm

Age: 18 Turns

Gender: Female

Hair: White-Blonde, to above chin in boyish cut

Eyes: Pale Brown

Father: Chellos do Stormae

Mother: Criesta doa Stormae

Siblings: Cellus do Stormae- eldest brother, age 26,
Callina doa Stormae, eldest sister, age 24,
Cijius do Stormae, next-eldest brother, age 22,
Callisista doa Stormae, next-eldest sister, age 20,
Cyindy doa Stormae, next-eldest sister, age 19,
Spouse: None, but Remus lar Torin was considered

Children: None

Rank: Lord Holder of Stormcloud Hold's youngest daughter

Past: Celeste ran away from home at age 17. Since her looks were a dead give away of herself, Celeste changed her name to 'Celes' and pretended to be a boy. The charade has worked extra-ordinary well, to her surprise. She hasn't been discovered yet.

Residence: Minerva Desert Hold

((OOC: If you're confused (^.^) the story (or part of it) is here ^.^))

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