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Date Posted: 07:10:53 06/12/02 Wed
Author: Kally
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Subject: Canidate..?

Name:Kalashin called Kally
Appearance: Kally is slim but has well toned muscles. She is about 5’ 6” and 106 lbs. All her features are well defined. Her cheekbones are high yet delicate. Her nose is small and semi-pointed. So are her ears. Kalanor’s eyes are almond shaped with dark lashes. The coloring itself is dark green tinted with brown and gold. Her lips are thin and light pink. Her hair is really, really long and patterned with the colors of Autumn leaves. She keeps her long hair (Down past her knees) in two long braids that can be wrapped around her head. Her bangs are braided separately and decorated. They are decorated by gold and clay beads and owl feathers. Her skin is dark copper in color. Kally shirt is dusty white, worn and patched at the elbows. Her tunic is worn brown leather embroidered with the Rose-and-thorn pattern in beads of copper on the edges. Her skirt is thin, white cotton overlaid with another skirt of brown leather. The over skirt is patchwork of different colors of brown. The hem is decorated by the Thorn-and-lace pattern made of copper and clay beads. On both the back of the tunic and the front of the skirt is a picture of a dragon in quills and feathers. Her boots are plan brown with thick soles. On the toe of each boot there is a row of thorns. These insure that she can climb steep climbs. On her right cheek there is a tattoo of a Blue Jay.
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Current place of residence Minerva Weyr
Job [& rank]: Canidate..?

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