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Date Posted: 07:23:30 08/14/02 Wed
Author: .x. Kyanna .x.
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Subject: .x. Incursion .x.



Eighteen summers


She stands an elegant five feet and seven inches, her slender form is lithe and well muscled, dispite the soft curves that are apparent at the first glance. The strength in the young woman goes almost unnoticed until she shows you. That strong, curving figure is draped in shimmering verdence, made from some exotic, yet unidentifiable cloth. Bloodied tresses tumble over acuminate ears, hung with droplet pearls accent a powderly complexion over tilted cheekbones, which often bear the lightest of blushes. A matching milky globule hangs daintily over her collar bones on a thread of of spun sterling. Both the droplet pearls and ivory globule were the final gifts to her from her long dead mother; she has never removed them from her person. Shocking, slightly slanted, green orbs match her elfin-like face and stare unwavering at the world around her, her gaze calm and yet penetrating with measured confidence, which on occasion can border arrogance.

She may appear small and frail but she's surprisingly strong and extremely spirited. She is elegent and extremely well educated as how she's the daughter of a Lord Holder. She is generally kind and somewhat adventurous, though being careful, and somewhat reserved when meeting new people has served her well in the past. She is usually sweet and always has a ready grin when you prove yourself worthy to her. Once you do, you will have a fiercely loyal and trustworthy friend for life... If a bit teasing. She is prone to being head-strong when she thinks she is right, but in an insistant, rather than pushy, way. She has her secrets and will gain more throughout her lifetime, and if she doesn't want you to know of those secrets, then you won't. Simple as that. She has never and will never hold back from a challenge past, present, or future and usually comes out the victor. She never cheats, believing in a honourable and fair fight. She loves animals, going out of her way to help one out, and cannot stand those who would ever harm one. She may be slow to anger, but she does have a temper, and it is unmatched by any. He!! hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Minerva Weyr


YES!!! Erm... Yes, please.

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