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Date Posted: 14:18:56 08/14/02 Wed
Author: Tryn
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Subject: .-joining-.

Name: Tryn
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen Turns
Appearance: Tryn is pale-skinned, with red-chestnut hair and blue-grey eyes. Her hair is straight and is cut five inches below her shoulders. Her lashes are long and dark, and her face is somewhat heart-shaped. She's attractive, perhaps pretty, but not beautiful.
Personality: Wild, mischevious, exasperating, exhuasting, inpudent, insolent, they all describe her. Her temper is very fluid and unpredictable; she can switch from sincere to sarcastic to furious to peaceful in a minute, and when she gets angry, she gets angry. She's a flirt, though not tremendously so.
History: Harper-bred, Tryn spent her days in the Hall until she turned sixteen. The day after, she was (falsely) accused of murder, and banished from all Halls and Holds. Outraged at first, she cooled down soon, stole a fine Ruathan runnerbeast, and set out for the Weyr. When Thread fell, she sheltered in a cave until it was over; when she emerged, a green dragon was flying low to check for burrows, and detected her as a potential Candidate. After setting the runner loose, Tryn went to the Weyr with the dragonrider. Her outward reason for wanting to Impress is to pay back those who set her up for murder; inwardly, she longs for unconditional acceptance and love, something she never had.
Current place of residence: Minerva Weyr
Job [& rank]: Candidate
Other: Her thoughts are written without capitals. When speaking to a dragon, they are italicized. If this gets too confusing, I'll change it.

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