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Date Posted: 20:07:28 08/14/02 Wed
Author: .x. Cadeyrn(First male to join) .x.
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Subject: .x. Incursion .x.





Cadeyrn stands at six feet even. His stature is lean, although definately muscular. His hair is a black that matches the sea when in its most vile temper, with an almost blue sheen to it. The untamable raven locks that are his bangs, fall unhindered over his brow to give him the roguish-pirate look, which always seems to make the ladies swoon. The rest of the long, ebony threads settle around strong, virile features harboring a few small scars of which there were most certainly more elsewhere, and accent the incredible pools that are his eyes. Cadeyrn's eyes are disarming to say the least, beguiling the seriousness of his usual nature, and them being the most attractive feature of his person. Their rich coloring changes like the moods of the sea. Blue-green with his calm, then violet with the makings of a storm. Black with his fury unleashed, then grey so light it seems white with the crashing mix of feelings. Those shocking orbs can even become that of a wolf; golden in color. Broad shoulders set with a straight back declare his stature for all, exuding a sense of power and electricity the moment he enters a room.

Though he is not one for many smiles, even more disarming than his eyes is his laugh. The sheer abandon of it comes as a surprise; its uninhibited exuberance could charm the clouds away. Being one of intrigue among all things, Cadeyrn will never disappoint when it comes to surprising you with something out of the blue. He is exclusively loyal to his family and friends but will love even an enemy. He is prone to being head-strong when he thinks he is right, but, more often than not, in an insistant, rather than pushy, way. He has never and will never hold back from a challenge past, present, or future. He absolutely loves animals, espcially Dragons, going out of his way to help one out, and harbors a extreme dislike for those who would ever harm one. He knows what he's made of and will use every ounce to reach a goal. Unfortunately, dispite his ability to disarm even a long-time enemy, he is infused with a strong streak of pride and revenge. Often leading him into quite a bit of trouble. Though usually he states things as plain as day, he's been known as being sly and sneaky in his own way, on many an occasion. When he wishes to, Cade can be the type of person who would play mind games with you to let you figure something out, rather than just boldly stating it. Oh, and umm.... Watch out for his temper. It's very explosive.

Minerva Weyr


YES!!! *coughs* Erm... Yes, please

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