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Date Posted: 08:09:58 08/19/02 Mon
Author: Zel
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Subject: A candiate

Name: Zel
Age: 18

Persona Description
Zel is neither attractive nor unappealing. She's plain, but that may be a result of her heritage. She's always been plain, though she could make herself attractive if she wanted to. She just doesn't care enough. She has very large eyes, framed with long, dark, thick lashes. Her unusually large eyes are deep brown and somehow hold this deep appearance of innocence and inquisitveness. Her hair is two long braids of umber with mahogany highlights. Her hair is rarely seen loose, as she keeps it in her two braids, or just two pony tails when she's feeling articularly lazy. Something about this lends an innocence to her appearance, and one would rarely guess that Zel is eighteen. Her face is heart shaped and although she has high cheekbones, she still has a little bit of childish fat left to her face, making her more "cute" than anything else--an adjective made only more fitting by the smattering of freckles across her cheeks and small, pert, upturn ed nose. Zel is fairly tall, standing at 5' 8" and some inconsequential fraction, but she's skinny as one can possibly be. She has a slight curve where most girls her age have full breasts, and although she sometimes silently laments this fact, she's never mourned it all that much. She has almost no hips to speak of, and her legs, though very long, could benefit from perhaps gaining a little flesh on them. She doesn't lack in muscle however--she doesn't have a lot of it, but she has a very strong, firm body and can easily hold her own. She's tanned from her life on the road, and rarely burns any more.

Persona Personality
Zel is quite the character. Stubborn, on a good day, head strong bitch on a bad day. In general, she's a laid-back, non-plussed sort of person who won't get phased by anything. Nothing surprises her, nothing upsets her, and certainly nothing is going to get her to start acting like a giddy little girl with a crush. She's a happy-go-lucky type, though, don't make the mistake of thinking that just because she's level-headed doesn't make her stupid at times. She won't panic even when everyone else is near death from panic, but she's known to do the stupid things that put people into such panicky situations. Family members have been known to joke about how the only reason Zel is so calm in crazy situations is because she gets into them so often that she's used to it. She's endlessly curious and always doing something that she probably shouldn't be and she WILL NOT be persuaded not to do something. Once she decides it's going to happen, it will. It's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN. Along with this stubborn streak, Zel carries amazing grudges. She ought to be a professional. Don't get on her bad side, because you'll end up taking a permanent vacation there and it's not a sunny, pleasant place. She's creative, in both her ideas and her ideas in how to get revenge. She's a very head strong person and is not abovr judging people on their first impressions--ALWAYS make a good first impression with Zel, or you're libel to be disliked by her for the rest of your existance. She's not known for her fabulous first impressions though, as she's often moody and she'll act EXACTLY how she feels. She doesn't sugar coat, and she sure as hell doesn't fake anything. Zel is a tomboy deep down--and right on the surface, too--and she's often dirty and doesn't mind. She's not above getting into fistfights, drinking, or cursing. She doesn't flirt--she just doesn't comprehend how. She's disgustingly innocent and confused when it come to men. She's never had a crush, she's never had someone like her, and she certainly hasn't been anything more than friends with a guy. Hell, she's never even been kissed! It took her a long time to realize that guys were anything more than people to play with and have fun with. She still doesn't understand why one would be attracted to them, but this may just be because she's always been around the same select little group of boys and her brothers. Her guilty pleasure, however, and also her deepest, darkest secret, is that Zel LOVES to dress up. She absolutely adores it. Gathers are one of her favorite things because she gets to dress up pretty in dresses and put up her hair and wear the little bit of jewelry that she has. She's a girly-girl at heart, but don't say it to her face or she'll punch you. ;D

Persona History
Mother - Zelacey Father - unknown, stepfather Tabry Siblings - brother Zebry, 17; brother Lacry, 16; brother Tazel, 15; sister Zelacey "Lacey", 14

Zel was her mother's first child when her mother was very young. After a few months, however, Zelacey was married to a different man, Tabry. They lived holdless in the propserous trading train of Zelacey's brother. Zelacey and Tabry had three sons, whom Zel became very close with and very fond of. Zelacey died giving birth to her second daughter, named Zelacey in honor of her. Zelacey Jr, called Lacey by all, was the rebel of the family and Zel never became close to her, even holding some unpleasant feelings toward her only sister. Tabry got into a number of unpleasant episodes with Lord Holders and Zelacey's brother, no longer feeling a responsibility to take in the disreputable family, kicked out Tabry and his children to avoid ruining his train's good reputation. Although he offered Zel a place in his train, Zel chose to go with her stepfather and siblings as she felt more like she belonged with them. They ended up going to the South of the Northern Content, hoping to start anew. There, they began their own trading train, which started meager, but began to grow as Tabry managed to salvage his reputation and become honorable. Lacey, however, ran away and vanished not long after their arrival. Zel felt a little guilty when her sister ran away, as she had always spent her time with her brothers and almost shunned the feminine Lacey for her assorted hobbies involving more of grunt work than Lacey enjoyed. Zel was searched, to her suprise, a few turns later to Minerva Weyr.

Living at: Minerva

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