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Date Posted: 19:29:09 10/01/02 Tue
Author: Kahlan
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Subject: .x. Entrada .x.


Femme fatale


With a good five foot seven inch stature, Kahlan, at eighteen, is not one to be intimidated or to intimidate. Her Her slender figure, lithe even, is draped in shimmering verdence, made from some exotic, yet unidentifiable cloth. Silky blood-red tresses frame a classic face of smooth lines, feminine angles with high, prominate cheekbones that often bear the lightest of blushes, and full, pink lips that seem to be forever curved in a smile. A smile that seems to give an answer to an unknown question. Dark pencil-thin eyebrows arch over dark lashes accenting piercing green eyes. A captivating innocence-either by nature or by disguise-are held within the radiant depths of those dark occuli, disrupted only by the glimpse of something hidden, secrets perhaps, flickering from the darkness of her constructed ‘walls'.

Kahlan is an odd one, she is. Raised to speak her mind, yet remain silent. Be confident, but not arrogant. Never lie, but never tell the truth. Hate an enemy, yet love them. All her training she went through as the daughter of a Lord Holder was complicated and needs to be performed just right so as not to seem arrogant or impertinant, but not spineless and yeilding. No one truly knows which is the true Kahlan. Perhaps not even Kahlan herself. Perhaps she is all of the above. Perhaps none. Switching from one attitude to another isn't second nature to her; it's first. Because of this, she isn't easy to talk to and has very few friends who can put up with the persona that was literally beaten into her. One thing that could never be beaten out of her though is her love for the wilds. Feminine to the extreme, she'll often make her own clothing to suit her femininity, yet be suitable for the feral lands around her. That passion for the wilds, and the love of animals apparent in her eyes whenever she catches a glimpse of one, is the most apparent weakness. There are others. Many, in fact. You just have to look close enough. Known to talk in riddles if you were in need of something she will give you the clue to find it in her rhymes. Both beautiful and wiser than anyone's knowledge, she is certainly one to be both respected and feared.

Minerva Weyr


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