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Date Posted: 11:44:59 08/02/03 Sat
Author: Myria
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Subject: Joining

My name is Myria, pronounced mee-ree-uh. I am seventeen turns old, and I am tall for my age, at 4.6 firelizards (a firelizard length is fifteen inches). I have looong russet-brown hair that I usually don't touch other than to brush it twice a day. I am very pale, and I have dark bluish-green-brown eyes (I really do, I'm not joking, this is really what I look like) and my skin is the color of undyed werryleather (the color of doehide) and I am really really thin. It's not my fault, though. I actually eat about as much as any teenage boy, but I just don't seem to gain weight at all, which is bothersome when I am trying to convince people I'm strong enough to do any job a boy can. I currently have no specific workplace, other than doing oddjobs and taking care of animals. I am a Healer, of some sort, but not really because I can only heal animals. I suppose you would call me a Wildmage. I am also a Singer, but I don't let anyone hear me if I can help it. I suppose I'm a little shy. I can create a flame in my hand, too, which can come in handy when I build it up strong enough. I don't really belong to any holds or weyrs, because I travel where I please when I please. It's always been that way. I have never impressed a dragon or firelizard before, although I can speak with any of them quite easily. I guess for now I will belong to the Minerva Weyr, if it's allowed of me.

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