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Date Posted: 17:03:23 02/24/02 Sun
Author: Minerva
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Subject: Yes, females are allowed
In reply to: Onyx 's message, "Joining?" on 12:15:49 02/24/02 Sun

Yes, females are allowed to Impress.
One of the nice things about Anne McCaffrey's 'PERN' series is that there is very little gender discrimination in it. Gold riders, always female, are some of the most powerful people on PERN. Only Lord/Lady Holders and Bronze riders are comparable. There is also a lot of responsibility tied to being such- so it is not all gravy for them!
There are restrictions to what color the genders can ride-
Males can only ride bronzes, browns and blues.
Females can only ride greens and golds.
In other words, the genders can only ride same gender dragons as themselves, not opposites.
If you would wish to be a Candidate you must state such, say which Weyr you would like to go to, give specifics for your character, and then wait for a Clutch to be laid by one of the Gold Queens on the Hatching Sands.
I would reccomend joining a Weyr now and starting your character's life. It would be nice for any of us Weyrwomen to have someone to interact with.
Thing is about RPGs, like this one, it is folks like you that make it fun! Without the interaction from everybody, RPG boards get real boring real fast!

Good Luck!


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