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Date Posted: 12:09:57 02/27/02 Wed
Author: Rachael, Ama, and their characters
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Subject: Xanta Sea Holdes and the Master Dolphineer.

Name: Kyin
Age: 78 Turns
Gender: Male
Appearance: Kyin is tall. His back is slightly stooped. His hair has turned grey and he is slightly balding on top. His eyes are blue. When he's in a good mood, he picks himself up straight and tall and you can see the glimmer in there of what he was like when he was younger.
residence: Xanta Sea Hold
Job [& rank]: Um... He's the current Holder's father

Name: Lord Evet
Age: 41 Turns
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, broad shoulders, tanned skin. Evet is now in his prime, short and straight black hair, bright blue eyes that almost always show what he's feeling at the moment.
residence: Xanta Sea Hold
Job [& rank]: Lord Holder

Name: Leandra
Age: 40 Turns
Gender: Female
Appearance: Medium Height, her skin is pale. Her eyes are a glittering jade green, and she has waist length light brown hair that falls into waves about her when she leaves it down, but more often then not she has it done up neatly on top of her head.
residence: Xanta Sea Hold
Job [& rank]: Lady Holder

Name: Yamas
Age: 14 Turns
Gender: Male
Appearance: Medium Height, tanned skin. Yamas has short dark brown hair and blue-green eyes.
residence: Xanta Sea Hold
Job [& rank]: Son of Evet and Leandra, Heir to Xanta Sea Hold

Name: Mero
Age: 14 Turns
Gender: Male
Appearance: Medium Height, tanned skin. Yamas has short dark brown hair and blue-green eyes.
residence: Xanta Sea Hold (he'll probably be sent to Healer Hall, though)
Job [& rank]: Son of Evet and Leandra

Name: Ansel
Age: 11 Turns
Gender: Female
Appearance: Short with creamy skin and refined facial features, Ansel is the different one in the family. Her hair is chin length with a red-brown hue. Her eyes are blue-violet.
residence: Xanta Sea Hold
Job [& rank]: Daughter of Evet and Leandra

Name: Dweia
Age: 38 Turns
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tall, shoulder length thick black hair, hazel colored eyes.
residence: Xanta Sea Hold
Job [& rank]: Sister to Lord Evet

Name: Kandel
Age: 36 Turns
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall with tanned skin, as it is with his family, Kandel has dark, midnight blue eyes and brown-blond hair that doesn't ever seem to quite lie flat.
residence: Dolphin Hall
Job [& rank]: Master Dolphineer

Note: Kyin is the father of Evet, Dweia, and Kandel. His wife (their mother), died five Turns back and he never got over her death, and so he gave up the Hold to his oldest son, Evet, making him the Lord over it, and his wife, Leandra, the Lady. By that time Kandel had long since moved to Dolphin Hall, having met his dolphin partner, Atal, when he was about twelve Turns or so. Dweia stayed at the Hold to take care of their father, Kyin. Leandra and Evet had twin sons, Yamas (the heir) and Mero. Several Turns later they adopted a daughter, Ansel.

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