Subject: Essential PGCE Books Wanted!!! |
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Date Posted: 11:59:14 07/18/03 Fri
Hi everyone,
In September im about to begin my PGCE and have been given a big list of books i need.
Im posting this in the hope someone will have some of them they no longer need and would be willing to sell to me so i dont have to pay the full price (I have two kids to feed!).
Ill include the list and if anyone could help please feel free to email me at:
the list is:
PGCE Essential Texts
Essential Maths texts
Frobisher, L. et al. [1999] Learning to Teach Number, Stanley Thornes
Haylock, D [1995] Mathematics Explained for Primary Teachers, Paul Chapman
Mooney, C. et al. [2000] Primary Mathematics: Knowledge and Understanding, Learning Matters
Suggate, J, Davis, A, Goulding, M [1998] Mathematical Knowledge for Primary Teachers, David Fulton
Essential English texts
Browne A. [1996] Developing Language and Literacy 3-8, Paul Chapman
Browne A. [1999] Teaching Writing at Key Stage 1 and before, Stanley Thornes Ltd
Medwell, Wray,.D, Minns, H et al [2001] Primary English: Teaching Theory and Practice, Learning Matters
Medwell J. Wray,.D Moore G. Griffiths V. [2001] Primary English, Knowledge and Understanding, Learning Matters
Wyse, D and Jones, R [2001] Teaching English, Language and Literacy, Routledge
Essential Science texts
Goldsworthy A, Feasy R [1997] Making Sense of Primary Science Investigations. ASE
Harlen W [200] The Teaching of Science in Primary Schools. 3rd Edition. David Fulton
Johnsey R, Peacock G, Shapr J, Wright D [2002] Primary Science Knowledge and Understanding 2nd Edition Learning Matters.
Sharp, J. Peacock G, Johnsey R, Simon S, Smith R [2002] Primary Science. Teaching Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition. Learning Matters.
Essential ICT texts
Ager, R [1998] ICT in primary schools children or computers in control, David Fulton
Poole, P [Ed.] [1998] Talking about Information and Communication Technology in subject teaching KS1&2, Canterbury Christ Church University College
Potter, J, [2002] PGCE Professional Workbook: Primary ICT, Learning Matters
Sharp, J et al [2002] Achieving QTS: Primary ICT knowledge, Understanding and Practice, Learning Matters
Essential TPS texts
Jacques K., Hyland, R [2003] Achieving QTS Professional Studies: Primary Phase, Learning Matters
University of Bristol Graduate School of Education [2002] The Bristol Guide
Essential PE Texts
BAALPE [1999] Safe Practice in Physical Education, BAALPE/Dudley LEA
Bailey, R Macfadyen, T {2000} Teaching Physical Education 5-11, Continuum
DFEE/QCA, [2000] The National Curriculum for Physical Education, HMSO/QCA
DFEE/QCA, [2000} Physical Education Scheme of Work, HMSO/QCA
Essential RE Texts
Ewens A & Stone M [2001]: Teaching about God, Worship & Spirituality RMEP
Langtree, G [1997] Are You Ready? RMEP
Teece, G [2001] A Primary Teacher's Guide to RE and Collective Worship, Nash Pollock
Teece, G [2001] Pocket Guides to the Curriculum: Religious Education, Scholastic
Stone, M [1992]: Don't Just Do Something, Sit There. RMEP
Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
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