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Date Posted: 10:06:08 03/03/03 Mon
Author: Katie
Subject: Metroid Prime

Well I noticed there were no Metroid related posts so I thought I'd put in my two cents.

For those who were upset of the lack of a Metroid game for N64, cry no more, now there is Metroid Prime for Game Cube. One of Nintendo's nicest looking games yet.

It starts where Super Metroid left off. Samus is traveling the galaxy when she comes across a Space Pirate ship over the planet Talon IV. As the game continues you learn that Talon IV was once a home to the Chozo race, the creatures that adopted Samus when her family was killed by the pirates and the creators of Samus's suit. Soon she finds that the pirates have built facilities on Talon IV. The Chozo fled from the planet when a meteor smashed into the planet causing Phazon radiation to overtake the world, the pirates learned of the phazon's power and want to use it to mutate Metroids and themselves into powerful creatures that could take over the galaxy. It's up to Samus to destroy the Pirates, the Metroids and return the Chozo artifacts to the temple above the crater and restore peace to the planet.

Samus has a slew of new weapons as well as old ones. The game is now is first person, shooter mode and switches to 3rd person whenever she takes her morph ball form. It's not simply about shooting up everything but also search and exploring. Using her scanner visor she reads Chozo Lore and Pirate Data to piece together the story.
It's challenging without being impossible. In past Metroid games, I was intimidated and worried about getting lost in all the caves and tunnels but in Metroid Prime I'm able to find my way around thanks to the maps and clues given.

It's a great game and even better if you have the Game Boy advance linkup.

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