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Date Posted: 03:48:21 07/24/03 Thu
Author: max03
Subject: premodded PS2/XBOX/GCN console for sale!

We're the largest wholesale distributor for videogame products with branches in HK, Singapore and Malaysia. We're selling premodded PS2 consoles modded with DMS v3.0 / Messiah Pro, XBOX modded with X-ecuter 2 mod chip and Panasonic Q modded with universal mod chip for games and dvd movie playback. We sell all types of consoles, mod chips, accessories, original softwares and backups (for personal use only) at wholesale prices. For more information, please email us at max03@time.net.my

Reseller enquiries welcomed.

Consoles modded with a mod chip are only for the sole purpose of playing original import games or movies and also backups that you legally own or for consideration or preview purposes (which you promise to destroy after previewing it unless you get the original copy later on). We're merely providing backups as a service and will not be responsible if you have infringed the copyright laws of your country by using the backups for other purposes other than the abovementioned purposes.

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