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Assignment 1 -- Shane Winter, 23:35:54 02/06/02 Wed
Greetings everyone,
I thought this might be easier than sending individual emails to everyone. Ultimately, I'm going to see if I can use my free webpage on USC's server to set up a more complete site for the class, but until this this should work.
As it is right now, our meeting time for assignment 1 is set for 12:30-2:00pm on thursday, just outside the soundstage where class is; drop by whenever you can (I'll be there the whole time with materials). Aside from that, I can make it to the class a half hour early, so anyone wanting to catch up then can do so before we get started.
Anyway, post a message here to confirm that you've seen it and are able to use this, and I'll see everyone tomorrow.
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