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Awara is between Deven Verma and Nandini.

Vegetation 6/10. Water 1/10.
About 60 sq. miles.

Awara is a rocky forest, with mostly sandy ground. Spacey dens carved into large boulders make Awara an ideal home for wolves and other animals. Well-worn paths web through and lead to places like Mala Sinha. Thick and unruly underbrush dominate the unpathed Awara. There is still much to be explored.

Vegetation is good here, sometimes growing in the most unlikely places, yet it is always welcome. Sweets, berries,wild flowers and onions, some rare fields of untouched grazing. Aside from having no fresh water supply, Awara is a very good territory.

Bones of large felines are scattered around. The number of fragments throughout Awara suggests over 100 skeletons. Unusual is that no skeleton has been found whole.

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