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;Best not to Look; -- Chica d' Tortura, 11:57:20 06/23/02 Sun (
She-beast ent'reth th' terra, nadir ne'er pausing, carrying her evermore t'wards th' treasure. Strange, this; a copper sphere, lying 'pon th' terra. Probing, femora finds nothing outwardly different 'bout this marvel, yet its age 'nd obvious power draw femme fatale forth. Visage lowers, nudging treasure. Pausing. What's this? Vines, tangled together t' form a kind of net. Nudging treasure onto th' "net", she-beast grasps anoth'r vine in 'er teeth, somehow weaving it 'long th' edged of th' net, then holding th' ends up t' nearby mapletree, t' glue them together using th' sap. Somehow new necklace is affixed 'round neck. Setting off 't trot, she-beast exits th' terra.
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