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Date Posted: 11:32:57 02/15/02 Fri
Author: Sam
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Subject: Look
In reply to: }-treasure-{ 's message, "Silver Tassle" on 21:24:31 02/11/02 Mon

The wolf slows to a walk entering the wooded part of the territory the scent lost. He looked around it was very quiet in this territory.. he knew by the newly used paths there must have been someone.. or something that lived here. He walked through quietly paws pressing into the ground silently then a glint a quick shimmer caught his eye. He looked over at the weaved and dead vegetation seeing the small silver tassel. He stepped towards it slowly stopping a looking then starting to walk towards it. He froze again hearing a small growl. "OK get out of their whatever you are I don't play this stupid game!"

Another growl was heard as a large black animal showed it's eyes. You could not see what it was for it hid next to the silver tassel in a large dark cave like shelter but you could tell it was large and meant business. It let out an angered hiss at the wolf. "Leave pathetic creature." it said with something like a snake voice.

Sam tilted his head for he could see the creatures eyes and they were not of the slithering creature type. "Make me... for all I know you're a bunny with a bad attitude."

The creature obviously not pleased with his response. It slowly slid out of hiding. Brown canine like eyes moved out. The creature had that shape of a very very large snake but yet and the black fur of a canine. It arched up higher than Sam pulling his tail out which was curled around hoof. The creature took a big yank with his tail pulling the hoof harshly. A very dirty horse stood it was an Arabian.. what color was unknown for it was covered in mud and blood. "Stupid creature now leave or you will be my desert."

Sam looked at the half dead horse ears pushed back he thought quickly. The wolf suddenly bounded forward jumping up at the creature fangs bare fur rustled mouth open he bit at the creature long snake type body. He shook his head madly teeth clamped shut growling.

The creature let out a dog like yelp then hissed madly letting go of the equine. He swerved around quickly biting Sam's shoulder sinking his snake fangs in massaging in venom.

Sam let out cry letting go he quickly turned his head biting the head of the creature gnawing tasting the blood but feeling his own pain rush through his shoulder as the venom entered. He heard a crack not sure if it was him or the creature.

The equine stepped on the end of the creature cracking his bones under his hooves.

The creature let out a horrible scream fangs slipping out of the wolfs shoulder the sound of his bones cracking the feel on the blood flowing out of him the wounds just begging for infection and disease to enter them. One last horrible crack of bones and silence.

Sam had bit the creature so hard as to break his skull. He slowly let go backing off with a limp. Blood covered his muzzle the taste still on his tongue. He could still hear the cries of the creature in his head. His ears flopped to the side as he looked at the equine.

The equine obviously very weak looked at the wolf. With the energy he had he made a confused face not understanding why a canine would save an equine. But he did not ask that for all he knew if that he was free from the creature. "Thanks." he let out weakly.

Sam nodded. "No problem." He cringed at the pain in his shoulder limping over to the creature he began to dig a hole trying not to hurt his shoulder more.

"You will be very weak and sick but his venom will not kill." He was still confused.. why was Sam digging a hole?

Sam after digging for a bit giving him more pain he shover the creature in the hole covering it up. He sat down closing his eyes lowering his head in silence for a moment. He then got up and limped over to the silver tassel snatching it up in his bloody mouth. That little thing started it he might as well take it. But he still know what the scent was.. maybe it was the tassel somehow telling him. He may never know. He shrugged it off and began to walk away.

The equine followed behind him having no where else to go. Sam didn't mind a bit he just wanted to find clean nonacid water to drink, and clean up in.

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