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Date Posted: 14:53:01 02/13/02 Wed
Author: Midnight in Montgomery
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Subject: ->A find??!
In reply to: }-treasure-{ 's message, "Star of Sin" on 21:41:02 02/11/02 Mon

The large, ebony, silverblood exploring the unclaimed territorys after he had finished marking his he had found a stream, he was slightly thirsty, and saw a stream up ahead. He quickly troted to it, his oynx hooves were very quite agaisnt the ground as he made no sound his muscles twisted and turned with his almighty power within', shown through his dark shinning pelt. He may have been black but it of course ment nothing for he was a true silver. He came to the stream and lowered his head to the water sipping slightly with his lips barley touching the surface of the water. He dug his nose in suddenly to take a longer more refreshing drink, when he hit something pointed. He jerked his muzzle up quickly and looked down, there was something shinny between the alge his nose had parted. He starred at it for a moment with a cocked head then saw that it had a chain on it also, which looked harobly beaten. He gently picked up the cresent with his lips and placed it out upon the bank of the stream. He sniffed it and again starred. He knew it must be vauluable. He looked around to make sure no one was around to see, he picked it up once again gently by the cresant and not the chain.He knew he must hurry back to his own territory instead of this strange place. He quickly not to make a scene cantered beautifuly out of the territory with his mane waving behind him in the breeze, he took off and began to fly as he took a few more strides. And countinued returning to his own home.

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