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Date Posted: 15:58:19 04/25/02 Thu
Author: aerlaan
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Subject: she doth see
In reply to: fate & destiny 's message, ".hoof.strikes." on 19:18:28 04/14/02 Sun

she moveth discreetly 'pon the tract, and cloven hoof cometh 'pon the treasure. Uncovered by hooves which trod here before, 'tis easy to stumble 'pon it, and notice. Orbs catch sight of jeweled cup; cranium doth lower, tapered visage nudges. Pearly alicorn giveth treasure a sharp rap; small piercing in the center appears. Incisors grasp a long blade of grass, and yanketh it from the ground. She droppeth it near treasure, and doth tap it with cloven forehoof. instantly, it becomes a silver chain, 'pon which she can suspend the treasure. She arches her neck and striketh the two once each with her forehoof, and recites:

"Two. One, silver, a chain, unadorned. One, a flower of stone, sparkling, inconvenient to transport. Two, combine, become together. Two become one, a circlet to wear about the neck, unseparable. Thus two come together!"

Pale blue-and-white light flasheth, and silver chain is seen, laced thru' the center hole of the treasure. Alicorn tapeth the new necklace, and it appeareth 'round the mare's neck. She doth turn and leave.

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