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Date Posted: 21:26:03 02/14/02 Thu
Author: Migz
Subject: Romeo Who?
In reply to: "The Chosen One" Tommy Romeo 's message, "Re: Remember Me?" on 18:36:39 02/13/02 Wed

Tommy is it? First off... I don't know who the hell you think you are and, quite frankly, I don't care. But the fact is that you better back the fuck up son. See, it's one thing for you to talk trash with your little wrestling pals, it's another thing to talk trash about someone who is hundreds of miles away. You think you can fuck me up? You think you can tear me two assholes? Hey, that's all good in writing but are you able to back that up? I'm sure you'll reply with "hell yes I can back that up" and all your other cute catch phrases but perhaps you should think about this. In my previous message I said that two of your biggest wrestlers would probably be the only challenge for me. Now, granted, size doesn't matter too much but the fact that I'm not intimidated by a 200+ person should tell you something. Another thing you should consider before pissing me off is that you don't know a damn thing about me. Now I'm not going to sit here and give you some sob story but I will tell you this, I'm much tougher than you would think. Now as far as Cas goes, yeah... things didn't work out, not many internet relationships do. And yeah, you are going to go see her this Summer so more power to you. But know this, Cas and I have something special... a bond so to speak, that will not and can not be broken. But hey, if you think that you can win her over then go for it but from what I've heard... you're pretty much an asshole so good luck with that. And as far as you being the Ultimate Champion, congradts. 'Course, it means shit to me because I'm not in your little group but none-the-less, I'm sure winning that title has been the highlight of your life. But all jokes aside Romeo, I was once like you. In fact, my e-fed character that I currently use is a lot like you. Cocky, Arrogant, Thinks he can take on the world. That's not who I am any more and, if you even give a damn, you can ask Danny why. The fact is that you stepped over a boundry here son, whether you realized it or not. But that's all, I'm just letting you know. You can respond anyway you want to this but know that I'm not going to give a fuck what you have to say. As far as I'm concerned, you're just another immature 15 year old kid and I don't plan on wasting my time on you.

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