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Date Posted: 07:21:13 02/10/17 Fri
Author: c
Subject: Notebook notes 1

Notebook notes 1

In the hard times, people see if our faith is substantial.

Praising during hard times makes our faith substantial in the eyes of others.

Dealing with trouble the right way is a situation that is more serious than we can perceive.

The evil one is always working to try to make a christian's faith seem false or weak.

Matthew 22:29 Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of the Heavenly Father.

Bishop John Bryant, A.M.E.: If we pray, we should push down on our praying. If we praise, we should push down on our praising as well.

I believe in Jesus-not luck. Nothing just happens in the life of a christian. No such thing as "happenstance".


intouch.org TV Broadcast

To find this broadcast on intouch.org, click "watch" then type "awareness" in the "search" function.

(edited portion of a message)

11:53 minutes in

A lot of people are in trouble because they live their lives unaware of the presence of our Lord, of His willingness to help them…..and all of us have to live with our tentacles out: “Lord, I want to be sure that I’m living in obedience to You in every single way.” Awareness of His presence changes everything. And certainly there’s going to be a joy in your heart.
Then, of course, I think we’re more conscious of the good things God sends us when we’re aware of His presence in our life. You see, a lot of people are blessed every single day – never give God any credit. What does the Bible say? “Every good and precious gift comes from the Father above.” (James 1:17).

But if I’m not aware of His presence, I give somebody else the credit. Or I’ll say: “look how….” What’s the next word? “Look how…I was.” “Look how lucky I was.” Christians don’t talk about “luck.” We talk about being blessed – the presence of God in our life – and that makes the difference.

I think when a person is aware of God then we see these things as God being good to us. Amen? Listen, if He is good to you here, He’ll be good to you there. That’s the awesome presence of God.


A saint should say "If God is willing.." when asked about future plans/activities. (James 4:13-16)


“God is my success: Transforming adversity into your destiny” by Larry Julian

We have talents buried under our disappointments, fears, doubts, discouragements. (p 110 - 111)

- Be determined to find the spark hidden under the ashes.
- Believe in the unseen rather than the seen.
- Focus on the spark – not the ashes
- fan with patience
- Focus on God and His calling
- Prepare your heart and mind to hear God’s voice ( p 127 - 128)


A.R. Bernard: the Heavenly Father wants 3 things from christians:

1. Decisiveness. 2. Strength. 3. Consistency-no wishy washy off and on.

Robert Cook:

Witnessing should come from spilling over from overflow of Holy Spirit working in us-no pretense or strain. What the Heavenly Father and Jesus did for us is so good we should be grateful and eager to spread the good news.
(Action first, followed by attitude principle applies?)

John Cherry – pastors should teach people about being holy. 1 Timothy 6:6. Psalms 24:1. 1 Corinthians 10:26,28. People can get too focused on material blessings and what they mean – or the meaning of lacking material blessings.

Creflo Dollar – we should walk spiritually/serve Jesus/Honor the Heavenly Father because we love the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ – not for blessings/rewards

1 Samuel 2:3 The Heavenly Father weighs our actions. Acting in love in key.
The love action registers with the Heavenly Father.


We should be on the lookout on how we can please others because we may be the only way they will see Jesus or the Scriptures. Someone may see the power of Heavenly Father and Jesus from our example of persevering and enduring - we're becoming a testimony. We might go through storms to give counsel to those who will suffer after we suffer. 2 Corinthians 1:3,4.


Robert Cook: in troubled times, keep your eyes on the Heavenly Father-not on circumstances. Not like Peter in Matthew 14:30.

We can be influenced by the world or be influenced by the Word of truth.

John 17:17 Sanctify the saints with truth-the Heavenly Father's Word is truth

Creflo Dollar: We can stand on facts or stand on the Word of truth. Instead of worrying about fears, christians should focus on the Word of truth-the Word of truth says christians will be cared for. The mouth of a christian
is a weapon-use your mouth for victory.

*Don't be moved by what you see/Don't be discouraged by what you see.*

Relax after you pray about troubling issues. Don't let fretting after praying get in the way of victory.

Psalms 141:3 Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

TD Jakes: we need balance-we cannot totally discount reality-hard times, suffering, life is rough, going through stuff- can't just claim healing and success.

Status elevation corruption: 1 Samuel 15:17 King Saul was little in his own sight at first.

Romans 11:17 - 22 good olive tree and branches - be wary of losing humility by being conceited (full of yourself - Pharissitcal) over those on the wrong path.

Joel Osteen: The Heavenly Father can bring a new season to life, new hopes to life, these truths are reasons to be enthusiastic right now and all throughout the rest of our existence.

Deuteronomy 8:18 but remember the LORD, for it is He Who gives you the ability to produce wealth.

Christians are supposed to like challenges - David vs. Goliath victories

Hard times are when christians should move forward to truly advance. In a recession, christians should prepare for how we'll handle the next recession. The Heavenly Father likes real achievements accomplished with His intervention-that's why obstacles are substantial. Exodus 14:14-18

Beside the still waters: Singing in hard times is an expression of faith.

Singing shows we are happy with the Heavenly Father even if circumstances are not well. Wise singing invites the power of the Heavenly Father into our difficult situations. We can sing even if we don't feel like singing. This is not hypocritical. Singing keeps our attitude correct in that we recognize the Heavenly Father is good and He will bring good out of this situation. (Romans 8:28)

The Heavenly Father is magnified when christians sing in good times and in bad times. Praying and singing are powerful weapons for christians. Acts 16 - Paul and Silas sang in prison.


A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson
p. 194-195

Feelings don’t run the show

We are invited to bless the Lord; we are commanded to bless the Lord. And then someone says, “but I don’t feel like it. And I won’t be a hypocrite. I can’t bless God if I don’t feel like blessing God. It wouldn’t be honest.”

The Biblical response to that is “lift up your praising hands to the Holy Place, and bless God!”

Many think that the only way to change your behavior is to first change your feelings…..But there is an older wisdom that puts it differently: by changing our behavior we can change our feelings.


TD Jakes: John 10:10 says the thief is coming, so prepare for that by praising the Heavenly Father and Jesus often.


Christians should mainly witness with our characters so people come to us and want to be like us. Christians should just preach the Word and let the Word work in people's hearts and minds. If people say they don't believe the Holy Word of Truth when we witness to them, just keep telling them more of the Holy Word of Truth. Using the Holy Word of Truth is more effective than our own logic and reasoning and persuading (Hebrews 4:12).


The true christian has the best job, a job called life. It is the most satisfying job. Psalms 112:5-8, Psalms 42:11, John 10:10


How we react to stress is evidence of our spiritual growth.


Jeremiah 12:1-6 christians have expectations for how the Heavenly Father should handle situations - esp. expectations about the time-frame. Ecclesiastes 8:11, Psalms 73


Charles Stanley: You can never praise the Heavenly Father enough, pray enough, witness enough, or read the Bible enough - grace keeps the believer.


intouch.org Radio 11/14/13, Charles Stanley: see conflict as coming from the Heavenly Father as a message so you don't get all resentful at the person who is being abrasive towards you. Spirit of quietness. Conflict is inevitable, esp. if you live a principled life. We must be careful on our response to conflict so we can mature correctly. Ask the Heavenly Father where conflict is coming from.

intouch.org daily devotion

We’re called to demonstrate patience in times of conflict. As believers, we have an obligation to exhibit this quality because God knows there is great power in showing restraint. Our natural tendency is to shout back when we are wrongly accused, but to reflect Christ, we must choose a different path. We should:

- Stay quiet when verbally attacked. A person’s anger can feed our own and lead to a shouting match. Instead, we should allow him to have his say.

- Listen without responding. In our silence, it may be easy to mentally shut out the verbal assault, but we should listen to the other person’s concerns.

- Pray for whoever is attacking. We probably do not feel like praying, but feelings often get in the way of what God would have us do.

- Control our thoughts. It can be tempting to dwell on the injustice of a situation instead of focusing on God and what He thinks of us.

- Control our emotions. We’re to rely on the Holy Spirit to give right responses.

- Be ready to forgive.We are to be patient when wronged and willing to release our hurt (2 Tim. 2:24).

- Speak encouraging words. It’s good to express appreciation when someone brings a concern to our attention—and to ask forgiveness if we’ve made a mistake.

To our human flesh, these practices may seem foolish and ineffective, but in fact, the opposite is true. There’s great power in patience because so few practice it well. Responding rightly makes an impression on non-believers, who’ll notice something in you that they also want


A good rule before we embark on an action is to consider how our actions will look after time has passed - in light of eternity.


Creflo Dollar

The Holy blood of Jesus is what makes us christians powerful and bold

-the Holy blood of Jesus is the only reason we christians can have boldness.
-the Holy blood of Jesus is the only righteousness we christians have.

People who think it is their own righteousness helping them start ministries focused on their efforts.

Christians who lack boldness believe the evil one's accusations more than they believe in the power of Jesus' Holy blood.

Revelation 12:11 we overcome by testifying about the overcoming power of Jesus' Holy blood.

Plead the Holy blood of Jesus over situations.


Ephesians 3:17 rooted and grounded in love - ask yourself if words/actions are coming from love before you say/do them. Examine yourself. Philippians 2:3 lowliness - esteem others better than yourself (don't be full of yourself - Andy Stanley, February 13,14 2012).


The evil one doesn’t think christians can endure or overcome, go far or have breakthrough – the evil one thinks christians are easily tripped up by his usual tactics.


Christians have to confess that our anointing will help us achieve good things. Preparation for achievement is still needed. The Heavenly Father is aware of all the Scriptures that talk of diligence, walking wisely and steadfastness. The Heavenly Father can still require us to be wise, diligent and steadfast even though the anointing and favor should ultimately help us.

The evil one wants christians to feel that we saints can't progress even with the anointing we have from Jesus.


Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in Jesus always, I say again rejoice.

the life of a christian shows the world the Heavenly Father gives true joy.

Robert Cook: we christians should enjoy our relationship with Jesus--whatever we truly enjoy controls us


A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson
p. 198

God is personal reality to be enjoyed. We are so created and so redeemed that we are capable of enjoying Him. All the movements of discipleship arrive at a place where joy is experienced.

Every step of ascent toward God develops the capacity to enjoy. Not only is there, increasingly, more to be enjoyed, there is steadily the acquired ability to enjoy it.

Best of all, we don’t have to wait until we get to the end of the road before we enjoy what is at the end of the road. So “Come, bless God….God bless you!”


A day hemmed in by prayer is hard to come unraveled


Spiritual advancement probably brings on more challenges, not more comfort.


The Heavenly Father is truly always good all the time

Isaiah 40:31, Psalms 84:11, Romans 8:28, Galatians 5:24


Speak words that overcome unwise thought patterns (2 Corinthians 10:5, Isaiah 40:31)

Creflo Dollar “Contend for your mind” part 2 (youtube)

Speak words - especially Scripture - to defeat wrong thoughts. A christian needs to know enough of the Holy Scriptures to cast down wrong thoughts by using the appropriate Bible verses.

Watch what you allow to enter into your mindset – be a custodian over what you let enter into your mindset.


Pray family members/people will have the victory in Jesus over all areas of life. Pray that the evil one will be defeated in every area of your life and the lives of your family and friends.


Pray for favor in the sight of those who can help you progress/prosper.

Trust that the Heavenly Father is speaking to people who can truly bless you at the right time.


Have childlike trust, faith, rest in Jesus. Fervent praise and prayer and speaking life/humility must be main thing. Embrace the realness of situations yet always confess The Heavenly Father and Jesus are always good all the time.


Definite push/pull of Matthew 6:25-34, Mark 11:22-26, Luke 12:22-34, Luke 11:1-14 and Habakkuk 3:17,18 and Daniel 3:16 -18.


All good things are possible with The Heavenly Father.


intouch.org radio 7/22/15 “The Good Side of Inadequacy”

Charles Stanley: Many people feel adequate and secure due to some valuable skill they have. It is good for a christian to feel inadequate because that feeling of inadequacy keeps a christian focused on the Heavenly Father and Jesus and trusting in the Heavenly Father and Jesus.


Psalms 107:22, 116:17, 54:6, Hebrews 13:15

Proverbs 21:27, 28:9


Woodcutters wisdom: we only know a fragment of meaning of situation so be slow to pass judgment/be slow about drawing conclusions/reserve judgment on life storms until we know the whole story.


Charles Stanley: The key to the christian life is: Christ in me - Jesus does the work.


Gospel song I heard in 2005 often: "I turned it over to the Lord and He worked it out. Jesus will work it out if you let Him."

While you're trying to figure it out, Jesus has already worked it out.


Young at heart - freshness: a bored christian is a terrible testimony. Zeal is good.


Bishop John Bryant. A.M.E.: Jesus multiplies by subtracting so we're are not tragic victims when wrong happens but are actually being set-up for a good blessing when wrong happens against us.

“God Can: Sermons of Encouragement from the life of Elijah” p 49

Faith in God has multiplication power. When it looks as if you are falling, in God you are rising. When it appears you are losing, in God you are winning. Even when it seems you are dying, in God you are living, not just for now but for eternity. Believe Jesus Who declared, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.” (John 11:25,26)

My brothers and sisters, if you are a believer, someone will lie on you – that’s subtraction. Someone may cheat you - that’s subtraction. Someone may unjustly take your job from you – that’s subtraction. But just remember, those who take from you are helping God to bless you, for behind all the subtraction, there is God’s multiplication.

In Christ Jesus, you will be able to sing.
"This joy I have, the world didn't give it to me:
the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away."


That should shape our mentality. No such thing as "happenstance" in the life of a christian.


intouch.org radio 3/4/14 summarized – not direct quotes, 16:04 minutes in

Charles Stanley was not paid back by a friend who borrowed some money from him. Charles Stanley forgave that friend and within six months, Charles Stanley received 5 times the amount the friend received from him.

intouch.org Radio 9/28/13 responding the right way to offenses helps us sow good seed that will eventually give us a good blessing (even from somewhere we aren't aware that the blessing will come from).


TD Jakes - A servant lays aside his or her garments (agenda) and serves


Heavenly Father given goals should give us much enthusiasm - not lukewarm feelings.

intouch.org Radio 9/7/13 summarized not direct quote. We need a sense of fervency to be steadfast about goals. A ho-hum attitude about our goals will likely cause us to eventually abandon those goals.

intouch.org Radio 1/9/14 summarized – not direct quote

We must bring our strong desires to a point of "submissive neutrality" where we say: "I want this but I want the Heavenly Father's will for me more than what I want". Attain neutrality in our thoughts and feelings.


Be Defined by Godly, Loving Commitments by Rick Warren

Your commitments can develop you, or they can destroy you, but either way, they will define you. Tell me what you’re committed to, and I’ll tell you what you’ll be in twenty years. It is at this very point of commitment that most people miss God’s purpose for their lives. Many are afraid to commit to anything, so they just drift through life. Others make half-hearted commitments to competing values, and that leads to frustration and mediocrity. Others make a full commitment to worldly goals, such as becoming wealthy or famous, and they end up disappointed and bitter.

Every choice we make has eternal consequences, so we need to choose wisely: “Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives you should be living!” (2 Peter 3:11 LB). As believers, we should be defined by godly, loving commitments. If we want to become more like Jesus, then we need to commit to the same things He did.Talk about it.

What do your commitments say about you? What commitments do you need to let go of? Where do you need to make or renew commitments?


The question you must answer is: “Twenty-five years from now, what will I wish I had done today?” That’s the cost of a God-given dream.


You will discover that successful people like Peter and John are always creatures of habit. “Peter and John went…to the temple at the hour of prayer” (Ac 3:1 NKJV). And this day God used them to bring healing to a man who’d been crippled from birth. As a result, three thousand people were won to Christ and joined the church. But it all began with - a daily habit. Your habits determine your future. Psychologists estimate that 90 percent of your behavior is habitual - 90 percent!

Habits can help you do things more quickly and remove mental clutter so that you can think about more important things. But they can also be detrimental and lead you in a direction that is out of line with your dream. Think about the person who dreams of winning an Olympic gold medal in the marathon, but smokes two packs of cigarettes a day. Or the person who dreams of being a fashion model, but eats six thousand calories a day without exercising. Or the business person who dreams of leading a winning team, but habitually insults and belittles employees.

Habits have a cumulative effect - and often the results don’t show up until much later in life. If your habits are bad, by the time the damage is evident it’s too late to alter your results. That’s why you need to take control of your habits - now. Unless you are willing to confront the habits you need to change, and institute new ones, you can stand on 101 different Scriptures, claiming God’s promises, but you’ll get nowhere.

“Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.” Jer 13:23 NIV

The Importance of Habit (2)

The founder of one of the world’s most successful companies said, “The individual who wants to reach the top must appreciate the might and force of habit. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him - and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires.” This is true in all of life.

A dream becomes a reality as the result of your actions, and your actions are controlled mainly by your habits...... "That’s why practicing successful habits, day in and day out, is the most certain way to win over the long term.” You have to take a realistic look at yourself to know where your habits are taking you. If your habits don’t line up with your dream, then you need to either change your habits or change your dream. If you want to hold on to your dream, then be prepared to change your habits, because a bad habit never goes away by itself


Every 3 months do an evaluation on how you are functioning in important areas.

- Discipline
- Thinking patterns
- Controlling tongue
- Speaking wisely
- Enthusiasm
- Kindness, thoughtfulness
- Wise behavior patterns
- Prayer life
- Goal developing and diligence on working on goals step by step
- Making good commitments
- Time usage
- Etc.


The battle is in the mind - develop mental discipline

Charles Stanley - 2 Corinthians 10:5, Philippians 4:8 if we entertain unwise imaginations, the battle might already be lost and we might still think that we're okay.

Charles Stanley and TD Jakes: move on quickly from unwise thoughts - they are not fitting for christians - disciplined and mature tactics.


Charles Stanley: The Heavenly Father gives many chances.


Proverbs 28:19 he who tills his own land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows frivolity will have poverty enough.


1 Timothy 4:7 ...train up yourself unto piety.


intouch.org radio 10/27/14 Charles Stanley: our best days might not be the days when everything goes smoothly and agreeably. Our best days may be when some sort of difficulty arises to test our character and values. (dealing with a tough situation the correct way - apologizing, etc. - may lead to a breakthrough/blessing in an unexpected way).


We hurt the evil one by praising the Holy Heavenly Father when troubles arise and things don't go our way.


TD Jakes: A christian has to be wise in the valley and realize/recognize that one situation could lead/open the door to another situation, esp. if we are being humble and going along with going through something. 1 Samuel 17:17, 18, 31. A challenge could be an opportunity. Do the wise things in the valley experiences. The Heavenly Father is probably setting us up for something good. Romans 8:28. In our opposition, an opportunity may be hidden.


TD Jakes: When looking for a way to thrive and prosper, a christian has to see himself or herself as a solution and not a "need". Work to the utmost with the gifts you’ve been given.


Christian Radio: A preacher known for being thankful was even thankful on a very stormy Sunday morning; as evidenced when the preacher thanked the Heavenly Father "that it is not always like this" weather-wise. Christians should be thankful that we don't always have to deal with certain types of people when we have to deal with difficult people.

Remember long-suffering attitude might have to be developed as well - Creflo Dollar said to "trouble-trouble" by looking at troubling situations as situations for developing - working out our spirituality.
Ask the Pastor minister said suffering builds our faith like lifting weights builds up a muscle.


TD Jakes: If all that you have is a piece of something (2 Kings 4:1-7, Acts 27:44), work with that to the uttermost.


TD Jakes sermon 7/13/14

The Heavenly Father gives us saints a little bit and then makes it stretch so even though it may not overflow, it won't run out (1 Kings 17:8-16). Abraham only had a little bit of strength at 99 years old, yet the Heavenly Father worked with 99 year old Abraham's little strength to help Isaac be conceived (Genesis 17:17 - 21, 18:14, 21:1 - 8, Hebrews 11:12).

- Saints have to be wise and realize the Heavenly Father can help us stretch with the little bit we have until we eventually get into a prosperous state/season (famine/drought ends)

- Saints should not curse the little bit we have with thoughts and attitudes that aren't thankful/appreciative of the little bit we have

- The Heavenly Father is not going to do everything for us. We still have to work with the little bit we have like the widow had to mix and bake the meal and oil to make the cakes for Elijah and herself and her son.

- A saint has to prioritize and give the Heavenly Father the first portion


Be thankful about what you have - that is the way to get the increase/get the most out of it (Matthew 14:16-20). Being thankful makes the thankful person peaceful when something that has been the cause of thankfulness is later lost, damaged, stolen or compromised in some way.


Charles Stanley: When praying our trust has to be in the Heavenly Father and Jesus, not about how good we are praying (the words we use, the logic we use, the Scriptures we use, length of prayers, the fact we pray often and not just when we're in desperate situations, that fact we pray for others and not just for ourselves, the fact we pray for specific situations for others and not shallow "bless everybody" requests, Psalms 122:6 prayers, etc. - Pharisees fulfilled Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 15:7-9 prophecy of worshipping the Heavenly Father as outward show of following rules). Charles Stanley had to say this (even though Charles Stanley has spoken about how to pray better) because people - like the Pharisees - can begin to make too much of their own wisdom and right actions and not really focus on the majesty and power and goodness of the Heavenly Father and Jesus.


TD Jakes: The Heavenly Father works through expectation.


TD Jakes: Gospel of John Chapter 2: The servants had to keep drawing water over and over again to fill up the large waterpots. The water only turned into wine when the waterpots were drawn out to the governor of the wedding. A christian has to keep working on a development plan/goal even when it looks ineffectual until Jesus turns our endeavors into a good achievement. Zechariah 4:10 who has despised the day of small things? Blueletter bible David Giuzik commentary.


intouch.org radio 11/14/14
4:22 minutes in
A wife prayed for 38 years for her husband to be saved and eventually her husband received salvation. Patience and remembering this particular example is needed.


Saints should be happy about expected results from prayer (or expected results from multiplication by subtraction comments) more than gamblers are excited about actual gambling winnings.


intouch.org radio. Stages of faith Part 2, January 13, 2012. Summarized not direct quotes (8:10 - 9:30) Charles Stanley says when a christian prays for something, sometimes the Holy Heavenly Father will clearly tell a christian that "it's already done". (peaceful feeling). That is when Charles Stanley say a christian should stop asking for that particular blessing and just thank the Holy Heavenly Father in advance while whatever amount of time has to pass before the blessing comes (expectation time).

-Charles Stanley said a person just can't "conjure up" that "already done"/"peaceful feeling". The Holy Heavenly Father has to send that message. Charles Stanley says when that happens, a christian will know it (peaceful feeling).

---This sort of clears up all the preaching some do where they tell christians to always celebrate like the blessing is coming then they do sermons advising christians to explore and "go deeper" about why things aren't working out. From Charles Stanley's teaching, a christian will KNOW when the "already done" message has been given by the Holy Heavenly Father and THEN start expecting, rejoicing and celebrating.


George Muller stopped the ship's Captain (Holy Joe) from praying for the fog to lift because George Muller already received an answer "already done" message from the Holy Heavenly Father after George Muller finished praying about the weather lifting.


Charles Stanley has said that he has had moments where Charles felt that the Holy Heavenly Father and Jesus are far away and, instead of "HalleluYah anyhow", Charles Stanley in those moments cried out to the Holy Heavenly Father and Jesus asking "where are you?" Even though I believe praise is valuable even in times of worry, since Charles Stanley acknowledged feeling a lack of the Presence, I have to recognize that Charles Stanley felt he had to acknowledge those sort of feelings instead of blast through them with praise and affirmations. (February 10, 2012 devotional Rick Warren speaks of Psalms 10:1 "dry spells"). I do believe saying Psalms 42:11 and Psalms 119:75 and 2 Samuel 16:12 is valuable. Psalms 94:19 is valuable as well.


If a person looks around, that person will be distressed. When a person wisely looks to Faithful and True Jesus Christ, that wise person will be at rest.


Some emphasize a christian's works can only be as good as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6) yet Jesus says a christian's alms-giving, praying and fasting can be done in a way that brings rewards (Matthew 6:1-8,16-18). Correct actions are noticed by the Holy Heavenly Father (Acts 10:1-4, Proverbs 11:18,27) and we should always be diligent to look for a way to get blessed (Luke 16:1-8). So the balancing of these aspects seems to be that a christian shouldn't think his or her works are so amazing that he or she has really "over-achieved" (Luke 18:10-14) yet our wise actions and habits can be effective in important ways so it is wise to do correct things with the right attitude so we can yield good fruit eventually (Galatians 6:9).


intouch.org Radio April 2,3 2013 - Walking in the Spirit – summarized – not direct quotes (also "Walking in the Spirit" part 2, 9/26/15 15:10 min in)

When a distinct feeling of “static” develops in our connection to the Holy Spirit due to unwise errors, attitudes, thoughts and behavior, confess and repent and get right back to developing a stronger and harmonious connection to the Holy Spirit – don’t fret, mope or wallow in guilt or allow the evil one to make you feel like you didn’t have the infilling of the Holy Spirit in the first place.

intouch.org radio 10/31/13 summarized - not direct quotes. The Holy Spirit corrects a saint with clear messages of error that should be understood and dealt with through prayer and repentance. The evil one, conversely, attacks a saint with harsh condemning thoughts to cause weariness and misery. Learn to recognize the Holy Spirit's messages and reject the evil one’s attacks.

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