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Date Posted: 08:16:39 02/10/17 Fri
Author: c
Subject: Teachings 9

Teachings 9

intouch.org radio 7/24/15

"The Courage to Face Life's Trials - Part 2"


Four simple points from the passage of Scripture 2 Timothy 4:16 - 18 can help saints handle trials:

1. In trials, saints need to sense the presence of the Heavenly Father - that the Heavenly Father is with us during trials. Saints must claim what is ours.

2. In trials, saints need to draw from the Heavenly Father's strength - the power of the Holy Spirit in saints.

3. In trials, saints must be yielded to the Heavenly Father's purpose. Saint's must discover the purpose of hardship and pain in our lives. Saints must be committed to be witnesses for the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ during trials.

4. Saints must go to the Scriptures regularly during trials for encouragement.


intouch.org radio 6/23/15


When you get in the valley, when you and I begin to respond correctly, the healing process begins even in the most intense pain.

And so he says: "He anoints us with oil. Our cup runs over." He is providing every single thing that we need.

We discover something about ourselves. We discover how much real courage we have. We discover the degree of our faith. We discover the level of our faith. We discover if our self-image is based on Him or in somebody else or what other people think. We discover the true nature of our character. We discover whether we can really endure or not. We discover what the real character is really all about when we go through those things that cause us to be absolutely helpless and we can do nothing about and all we can do is depend upon God. We discover things about ourselves.

You see, here's the reason we make such tremendous discoveries in the deepest darkest valleys of pain- here's the reason: because God has a way of increasing the pain level to the point that it is so painful nothing else in life matters - nothing matters, absolutely nothing matters.

You see, God knows how to wrench from us everything we depend upon. And that's really what He's up to in the valley experience. Ultimately this is His purpose - His ultimate purpose is to do what? To wrench from us emotionally, or physically, or materially every single solitary thing so that Jesus Christ has no competition as Lord in our life. There are no challenges to His rule and to His reign in His Lordship in our life. And so what does He do? He throws us into the valley experience to wrench from us, tear from us every single solitary thing that challenges His place of preeminence in our lives.

And sometimes those are things that we wouldn't even think of being a challenge to God. But you see, and this is difficult for us to understand, He wants us to lean on nothing but Himself - no one but Himself. We are sons and daughters of God walking through valley experiences learning to rely upon Him and Him only. And so what does He do? He removes every single solitary thing but Himself. And while that is painful and difficult to us, it ends up being glorifying to God. Because it forces us to Himself and we learn things about ourselves we would not learn any other way.

And He brings us to a sense of dependence upon Him and that's why when we come through that painful period and we realize that He is It and He is only It, and there is no other It but Him, then what happens? Even in the valley, tranquility, calmness, quietness of spirit. So there are discoveries: discoveries about God, about ourselves and discoveries about God's purpose in our lives.


That it is not only a time of discovery, it is a time of preparation. Now He never allows us to go through the valley or never initiates the valley experience unless He has a purpose in mind. On the other side of that valley, God has a work, has a purpose, has a plan that's why the valley is never a destination. Not in the valley, not walking around it, but through the valley. "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil" - not "in it" but "through it." He has a purpose in mind. Now what is He doing in the valley? He's preparing us for the purpose - whatever it is.

He uses those tools that we don't like. Sometimes it is humiliation. Sometimes, as He says, it is refinement, cleansing, purifying, renewing. In the valley experience, all the pain and all the hurt we feel have an overwhelming, awesome, glorifying, divine purpose behind it all. That's why the next point is so very absolutely essential: because whatever His purpose is and whatever He's allowing to go on, what makes my valley experience profitable or a great time of painful loss is how I respond.

Now listen, there are two ways to respond: negatively - we either get thrust in the valley or we get in there because of our own circumstances. We're in the valley, how do I respond? Rebel against God: "God, why did You allow this in my life?" Look for a way out. Try to find some little offshoot of the path up some creek and some little slight valley thinking "there may be a way out of the valley." So we rebel - we want to run away. We want to blame somebody else for being in the valley. Blaming others is always a sign of our spiritual immaturity....

Ultimately God allows us to be in the valley. And so we complain, we have pity parties, we moan and we groan, and we blame God, we blame other people. And my friend as long as you're doing that here's what's happening. You know what it's like? It's like God just stops with you in the valley. He's still got you by the hand. But He just stops. Or He slows down the pace, you know why? Because He's refining and purifying and cleansing and building character and changing and altering and doing what? Preparing us for what He has in mind.

What's the proper response? Here's the proper response......"Father, what is Your goal in my life in this experience?" Secondly, "Father, how do You want me to respond in this experience?" "Father, all that I am I lay down before You with no reservations, no restrictions. I am solely Your property." And fourthly "Father, all that I have is Yours. I open my hand - You can take any and all of it. It is all Yours."

My friend, when you and I get in the valley and that is our response, Almighty God, in all of His sovereign wisdom and love, will guide us every step of the way through that valley. And secondly, the pain may be almost unbearable, but the glory on the other side will make that pain disappear.


intouch.org radio 3/3/15


What are the purposes that God has in mind for allowing or sending these storms into our life? Now we said: it could be something God initiates. It could be something we are responsible for or it could be something that satan does directly or through someone else. But the real issue is: what is God's purpose? I'm going to give you five words. The first word is this - because this is one of God's primary purposes for sending/allowing the storm. Now remember what He said: "God causes all things to work together for good" (Romans 8:28). So it doesn't make any difference what the nature of the storm is, God's intention is that it turn out for our good. The first word is cleansing.

When God sends or allows the storm, He never sends them to sink us but to sanctify us. There is a cleansing process that goes on in sanctification whereby we are set apart by God for the purposes of God and fitted and suited for what God has called us or equipped us to do.

The second one I want you to jot down is companionship. If you and I could ask Him: "Lord, what do You want from me most of all?" What He would say to us is: "what I want most out of your life is I want an intimate relationship with you. I want you to understand how much I love you. I want you to experience My love. I want you to love Me in return."

And what is it that drives us to God? Most of the time it's not ease, comfort and pleasure. What drives us to God is hardship and difficulty and trial. When are the times that you and I learn the most about God? When do we experience His love? When do we joy in His forgiveness? Is it not in our failures and our frustrations and our anxieties? Is it not when we feel like: "God we have blown it for good. We've blown it for sure"? We've suffered this loss in our life....What is it that draws us to Him? What is it that drives us to Him? It is suffering and pain and hardship - the storms of life.

I'll tell you: God is coming and He is going to send whatever is necessary to get our attention to remind us what He wants is us. He wants our undivided loyalty, loving devotion because His goal for our life is companionship.

The third word is conformity......His goal is to conform us into the likeness of His Son - that is to build Christ-like character into our life....He send those storms into our life (initiates them or allows them) in order to accomplish what His goal is.

When you and I became a christian, we were like jewels in the rough - I mean really rough (some a little rougher than others), but we were in the rough. And so, from the moment we trusted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, we stepped into the circle, shall we say, of God predestined will. That predestined circle says: "you and I will be conformed to the likeness of Christ. We will be."

So from the moment you and I trust Him as Savior, God sets in motion those things that are necessary to conform us to the likeness of Christ....Are we talking about us getting better and better and better? No. Are we talking about us straightening up and so forth? No. We're talking about Jesus - the very life of Jesus within us. We're talking about that life being released through us. We're talking about the Spirit of God as we yield to Him. We're talking about these lives of ours that belong to God - created by Him. And for the very purpose of demonstrating and living this life of Christ....

He's going to send into our life whatever storms are necessary to do what? Sand and sift and sculpture and prune in order to do what? In order that the Christ-like Spirit within us may be more and more demonstrated over and over and over again. So where does it start? It starts at salvation. And where does it end? When you and I take our last breath....He loves you so much He's not going to leave you where you are. He's not going to leave any of us where we are spiritually.


Sometimes when the storm is extremely, extremely intense, when the pain is awesome, we think: "God, I can't handle anymore." We say to Him: "Lord, how long are You going to leave me in this?" You know what? He says: "that's not the right question." The right question is: what are you going to get out of this? That is God's question. Because you see what He wants out of every storm is godly character. What He wants is the very life of Jesus to be exhibited in and through our lives.


Remember what I said in the very beginning: the real key to it is: how do I respond in the storm? Everybody is going to respond to their storms in certain ways. We will respond in a fashion that develops us and equips us or we will respond in a fashion getting bitter and resentful and hostile and angry and what we do is we ultimately self-destruct and we put ourselves in a position where God cannot use us.

The fourth word is conviction. Every single one of us has a belief system....If your philosophy of life does not begin with Christ, my friend, the foundation is missing.


All these things that you and I believe about so much is the Scriptures, do you really believe that? "Yes I do." Well, why do you believe that? "Because the Word of God says so." Then, then what happens? I mean this storm begins to brew in your life...it's painful and horrendous...when everything breaks loose upon you, then what you believe about this God of love? What do you believe about Romans 8:28?....Is He the same God He is when everything is going my way? How does this belief system become so real in me, listen, that it begins to govern my responses to life? Only when I am tested and tried and proved by our experience these things are true.

Why does He send and why does He allow the storms?....In order to demonstrate His faithfulness to us. In order to show us how real and practical and personal He is. God allows these storms in our life that what we believe is not just something in our head and not just something in our heart - not just in our emotions but something in our very being, something in our very spirit that we can stand unquestionably, we can stand against all odds, and we can stand against all doubts and all fears and say: "This is Who God is. This is what He will do in your life. This is how He operates. This is not only what He says - this is what He will do."

God wants us in such a relationship with Him - so intimate with Him - that we always know He's there. And what do these storms do? These storms make our convictions absolutely a vital integral part is our life.


Storms reveal things about us that we wouldn't discover any other way.


You know when you and I can speak with conviction? When we have nothing left but God Himself. When there is absolutely nothing around us offering peace and we still have that awesome sense of peace...you cannot explain. How would you ever know that if you didn't get thrown in the storm? You would not.

The fifth word is comfort.... 2 Corinthians 1:3,4...The God of all comfort....God comforts you and me in our stormy times in order that we may do what to others? That we may comfort others.


And in comforting us, what does He do? He equips us. Listen, storms are God's tools, storms are God's training periods in our life. It's His training periods, it is His tools in our life. To do what? In order to equip us. It isn't enough for God just to comfort us and to strengthen us. But God also wants to use us. He wants to do something through us. And so, it is not enough that God would just allow these storms into our life in order to do something and build character in our life. But as you and I learn to hurt, learn to suffer, learn to experience pain. Listen, not always trying to escape it and run from it, but "God, You said You are causing all things to work together for good. So God You must be causing my storm to work for good in my life. And so, I want to thank You for that. Lord, what are You teaching me is this? And Father how can I now be a comfort to someone else?"


Why does God allow storms in our life? He allows these storms in our life because you and I, listen to this, are the living, walking expressions of Jesus on this earth. And so people see in us how we respond to storms. And secondly, when the storms hit them, they are going to find someone who knows enough about the storm that they are going through - they're going to find you and they're going to ask you how you survived it.

Storms were never sent to sink us. Storms are allowed in order to do what? To sanctify us. And to make us more capable and more equipped to be what? Valuable, strong servants of God. Doing what? Making a difference in the hearts and lives of people who hurt because every single child of God is to be a walking exhibition of the life of Christ...He was always reaching out to comfort and to strengthen. And so that is our responsibility.

Whatever storms you've been through in your life - if you analyze what happened and ask yourself the question: what did I learn? What is God in the process of teaching me? And then to remember, you don't keep that to yourself, God used that as a training time, He uses it as a tool in order to equip you to be a servant to someone else.


intouch.org radio 3/4/15


Somebody has said: "everybody is either in a storm, just getting out of a storm or headed toward a storm." And if that be true, then you and I need to know how to respond to the storms in our life.


The most important thing God could provide for you and me in the midst of a storm is, first of all, the awareness of His presence...Nothing, nowhere under any condition could be as important when you and I are going through a storm as the awareness of the presence of God.


The awareness of His presence in the storm gives us, first of all, a sense of comfort: here is Jesus. A sense of courage: we can face it. And a sense of confidence: God will see us through the storm.

Because you see, the truth is: there is no storm that can drive away the presence of Jesus Christ in your life and my life.


Jesus Christ is living on the inside of every single believer. We are never under any condition detached from the presence of Almighty God Who is indwelling us in the presence of the Holy Spirit. So when you and I find ourselves in the of a storm, we don't have to ask for Jesus to show up.....Now, the awareness of the presence in our life may be like He just showed up, but He's been there all along....And because He's there, He is there for eternity. He says: "I will never leave you or forsake you." "The Holy Spirit will come and be in you, with you and upon you."

Now, the problem is you and I don't always recognize Him when He shows up. And sometimes, when you and I are going through a storm, you may have this tendency to say: "God, where are You? Lord, where are You? Do You see the storm? Do You understand where I am, God?" And the answer of course is always: "not only do I see it - I'm in the middle of it with you." That is, you and I never go through a storm in which He is not in the middle.


And sometimes He has got to get our focus in such a fashion that you and I can recognize that it is Christ, that it is God working in our life and that He is there in the midst of this storm and that He desires that you and I would be aware of that. You see, He's going to show up. It's not that He's not there - He's always there - He's going to show up. That is, we're going to see Him if we have eyes that can see, and ears that can hear and faith that can believe. Jesus Christ is always there. He says: "I will never leave you or forsake you."


The second thing I believe He provides for us is a pathway through that storm....


If He is the Sovereign of the seas and the Sovereign of our life, there is no time when He's not in absolute control. And being in absolute control of our life, there is no time when He is not guiding those storms. He will make the storm take us exactly where He wants to go because you see He is in Sovereign control and He is our presence. That is wherever we are, the Lord Jesus Christ is there.


All we have to remember is this: He holds the future. And He Who holds the future holds us. And if He Who holds the future holds us and He Who holds the future and holds us is living on the inside of us, we can trust the future to Him no matter what. We can trust Him because He's that kind of a Sovereign God. He's that kind of Sovereign Leader. He's that kind of Sovereign Captain of our soul.


There is a third word I want you to jot down that is His protection....Protection doesn't mean the immediate cessation of the storm....because He has divine purposes in every single storm He allows in our life.


You and I never have to look for the hand of Jesus....The moment you trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ got an eternal grip on you and it doesn't make any difference what goes on in your life, you'll never be out of the eternal loving grip of Christ Jesus the Lord.




The fourth word is something you would expect naturally and that is His peace....Our peace is not dependent upon the removal of the storm. Our peace isn't dependent on the quieting of the storm. Our peace is based on something that has nothing to do with external circumstances. That's why He says: "don't look about you." He says: "I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10) Now if our peace was dependent upon the absence of storms in our life - remember what we said in the very beginning that for most people we're either in one, just came out of one or going into one - then, if that's true, then we'd have no peace.

And the word peace means to bind together. And that is: you and I are bound together with the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and He Who is the great peace Maker, and He Who is peace Himself - the very Prince of Peace. He's the one Who is indwelling us - living on the inside of us. It was the presence of Jesus, the peace Maker, the One Who made peace in the sea, peace in their heart that brought them to a place of calmness and quietness in their heart that day.

And you see, nobody else can give us peace. Our peace is the result of a relationship. And if our peace is the result of relationship, what we major on is not fixing the storm, what we major on is keeping the relationship right. And that relationship is one of intimacy, and dependence, and trust, and recognition of our absolute total dependence on Him in every single situation and circumstance of life.

The fifth word is this: one of the things He provides in the storms of our life is the potential to grow strong in our christian life. Storms are God's exercises in your life and mine to strengthen the vital part about us, that is: not the soul but the spirit of a man, the spirit of a woman.


Now, when you look at these men and look at this passage of Scripture, and think about their potential to grow, I think one of the things that He saw was an opportunity for them to understand more fully Who He is....The Lord Jesus had to demonstrate to them - that is, this was an opportunity for them to take a tremendous leap forward in their understanding and recognition of Who Jesus was.


The second thing was that they understood more about His ways....sometimes He will ask us to take awesome challenges to our faith. To say "yes" to Him when there's no way to see ourselves clear - it looks dangerous or whatever and deep. And yet, they began to learn - they learned an awesome amount.


But you know something else they learned that day: they learned the awesome love of Jesus for them. He loved them so much....He came upon the scene in time to rescue them, to save them, to comfort them, to increase their confidence and their assurance, and to bolster them up, and remind them that they have a loving Heavenly Father Who can see right through the darkest of all storms and see exactly where we are and always be there right on perfect time.


When you and I go through storms, what do we learn? It's always an opportunity to grow. We will grow if we respond properly. We will fail the wonderful opportunity of taking leaps forward in our spiritual growth if we don't respond correctly. And what is that right response? Trusting - fully trusting, fully dependent, fully surrendered, fully focused on Him - we will learn what God wants us to learn in the process. We will grow in our experience with Him. We'll grow in our understanding of Who He is.

Because you see so many times people read the Bible and say: "yeah...I believe all of that." But, you see, how much do we know about Him until we experience some things? When do you and I learn the most about Who Jesus Christ is? When we get in a storm and we feel what they felt: helpless and hopeless: "God, if You do not rescue me, there will be no rescue."

We have the same opportunity they had. The same opportunity to learn. The same opportunity to grow. He is the Son of God. He is omnipotent. He is exactly Who He says He is. They learned that. And to see the demonstrations of His awesome power in your life. All of us can look back in times in our lives when we've been in those situations and we have seen God show up, so to speak, end quote. He showed up. And He did something that was so miraculous you and I would never have been able to figure out how or what He would do. But He always shows up. He always reveals Himself.

Because He's always there working in our life. Doing what? Making us aware of His ways. Making us aware of His presence. Making us aware of His power. Making us aware that He loves us absolutely unconditionally. He's always there because He wants us to grow: grow in our faith in Him, grow in our dependence upon Him, grow in our absolute total recognition of His Lordship and mastery over our life. That we are absolutely and totally surrendered to Him. That's what He's looking for.

And so, when we come to those stormy times in our life, then He uses the storm as a tool to grow us up, and to deepen us and to strengthen us. It is His exercise in our life to make us to become the persons He wants us to be. Never even crosses His mind to sink us but always to buoy us up and to get us to the port He has in mind.


Psalms 31:7 I will be glad and rejoice in Thy mercy: for Thou hast considered my trouble; Thou hast known my soul in adversities;

Psalms 119:67 Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept Thy Word.

Psalms 119:71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes.

Psalms 119:75 I know, O LORD, that Thy judgments are right, and that Thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.

Psalms 119:50 This is my comfort in my affliction: for Thy Word hath quickened me.

Psalms 118:18 The LORD hath chastened me sore: but He hath not given me over unto death.

Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.


intouch.org Radio 2/5/14 (summary - not direct quotes)

To deal with feelings of rejection, a christian must allow the truth to overcome feelings - the truth that a christian belongs to the Heavenly Father, and that a christian is loved by the Heavenly Father to the degree that Jesus endured the cross to save us, and that the Heavenly Father sent the Holy Spirit to help a christian be able to thrive. This truth gives a christian the emotional strength to overcome negative feelings about himself or herself.


intouch.org Radio 1/14/14 (summary - not direct quotes)

A christian must understand that admitting weakness (2 Corinthians 12:10) can help a christian receive needed power from the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This is a process that has to be experienced through actual situations and tests because just reading about confessing weakness to receive strength form Jesus and the Holy Spirit and believing that teaching is accurate usually won’t be enough to truly learn the truth of this teaching.


intouch.org Daily Devotion 1/26/14

The right steps to overcoming fear

If you are going to overcome fear, the first step is to acknowledge and admit your anxiety. Confess, “Lord, I feel fearful, and I don’t know what to do. Please show me how to go forward from this point.” Next, ask God to enable you to conquer your fear. The more you understand your relationship with God, the more intimately you will relate to Him. Your level of trust will increase, and you will begin to notice the many ways He is at work in your life and circumstances.

Shortly before his death, Paul wrote an interesting word of instruction to Timothy. He reminded his young protégé, “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power and love and discipline” (2 Tim. 1:7). Fear doesn’t fit who we are as believers. It usually surfaces when we have the wrong response to disappointment and trial. God wants you to be victorious, not harassed or tormented by anxiety.

Let God remove fear from your life. He may choose to do this by placing you in a frightening situation where you feel out of control. But you do not have to worry, because the One who has promised never to let you go is holding your life in His omnipotent hand.

After you have given your worries to the Lord, meditate on His Word. David understood the power that was available to him through God’s personal promises. He wrote, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread? . . . My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. Though a host encamp against me, my heart will not fear” (Ps. 27:1-3).

If you want to keep your confidence strong, study the Bible, apply God’s principles to your life, and walk with Him each day by faith. When you hide His Word in your heart, you will have the light of His truth to guide you—not only for your present circumstances, but also for eternity.


intouch.org radio 1/29/14 13:22 minutes in. Summarized – not direct quotes

People ask Charles Stanley: "why don't you preach more against sin?"

Charles Stanley says focusing on sin elevates sin in people's minds and lives - makes sin major - makes sin stronger/larger - discourages people.

When teachers and christians start focusing on Jesus, that allows the Heavenly Father to free and empower christians to overcome sin.

Similarly, Creflo Dollar "January 1: New focus, new life" youtube.com. Summarized - not direct quotes.

The law convicts sinners (even today)

Christians, however, are supposed to believe in Jesus Christ and rejoice in grace and trust grace handles mistakes and sins and errors: John 13:34, 1 John 3:23, John 6:29


Adult Bible Class

December 2014, January, February 2015

Union Gospel Press Publication - Christian Life Series

Lesson 6, January 11, 2015

p 32

Golden Text Illuminated by Kimberly Rae

(edited portion of a message)

"By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another" (John 13:35). Our relationships with fellow believers are important to our Savior. In His last recorded prayer with His disciples (nearly all of John 17). He prayed that His followers would be unified in love. The reason is listed twice: that the world would know that Jesus was from God.

A song from 1968 declared, "And they'll know we are Christians by our love" (Schottes). Many like to conclude that the world will know that Jesus was sent from God because of our love for the lost. But according to Jesus, it is our love for each other that proves to the world that He is Who He said He is.

The conclusion must be that if our world does not believe that Jesus was sent from God, it is our fault. Many believe Christ was merely a good man or a good teacher. We know that is not enough. However, according to this passage, what will convince people is not a great evangelistic crusade, a fool-proof argumentation, or even showing compassion toward the lost. It is our love for one another as Christians that will convince others.

....if we want to be like Jesus, we must make love a priority

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