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Date Posted: 09:00:00 02/10/17 Fri
Author: c
Subject: The Cross and Jesus Christ's Holy Blood

The Cross and Jesus Christ's Holy Blood

intouch.org radio 3/21/15


It is by the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ that we experience spiritual liberty in our life...it's the heart of what we believe. It is the liberating power of our personal life....The problem man has to face is the problem of sin. And so, therefore since everybody has sinned against God, and since the penalty for sin is death, and since he says: "how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?" And the wrath and the condemnation and the judgment are before every single person who denies Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Man has an awesome/uncertain future. And it isn't because God is an unloving God. God is a very loving God and He says: "you know what? I have provision for your salvation. I have done the one thing that no one else could do for you - and that is I have come into this world in the Person of My Son to lay down My life in order that you might be forgiven of your sin."

This isn't some denominational doctrine. This is the heart and core of the Bible from cover to cover. And not only that, it is the key to our walking in liberty every day. Liberty from what? Liberty from the power and the penalty of sin in our life. And what's the penalty of sin? Eternal death - eternal separation from God. The penalty of sin is eternal separation from God....And the one thing that God says is human effort is absolutely of no value whatsoever. He said my very best works, my very best that I can do is like filthy rags in the light of a pure/Holy God (Isaiah 64:6). So we need to be delivered. We need to be liberated from what? From the penalty of sin in our life.


This is why Jesus said to Nicodemus: "except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." What was He saying? Unless a person has been transformed - and renewed - how does that happen? When you trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, your sins are forgiven. Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. You have absolute, eternal security forever and ever and ever. You are a child of God and the Apostle Paul says: "what can separate us from the love of God? Neither life nor death, principalities, powers," satan, the whole bit, he says: "nothing can separate us from the love of God." (Romans 8:38,39)

Why? Here is the power of the death of Jesus. That death was so awesomely powerful, that any person who accepts Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, they are immediately forgiven - past, present and future - of all sin....that's the kind of pardon that is absolutely - listen, it is eternal pardon. That is: once and for all eternally secure because the basis of our salvation/our forgiveness is not what we did but what He did at Calvary once and for all in one awesome, unforgettable event: the shedding of His Blood bought us our forgiveness.

And the only way you can have liberty from the penalty of sin - the only way you going to be delivered from the awesome penalty of sin which is separation from God is through the Blood of Jesus. What did he say in this passage in Romans? Justified by His Blood. Redeemed by His Blood. And over and over and over throughout the epistles....even forgiveness of our sins through the Blood of Jesus.

Now, delivered from the penalty of sin. How? Just one way: through the cross. It's the only way to be saved...and the reason it is the heart of what we believe is because it is the heart of God. Because it's His plan. It's His only plan....and remember this verse: "not by works of righteousness which we have done. But according to His mercy provided at the cross, He saves us." (Titus 3:5)


Sinful man and Holy God: what did God do because man was absolutely helpless? He bridged this awesome gap of eternal separation by the cross. And you and I through the cross of Jesus Christ can be made acceptable in the eyes of God.


What so many christians will live their entire life and never, never, never understand: that when we come to the cross and God forgives us of our sins and indwells us with the Holy Spirit, listen, the same Blood of Jesus that purchased your forgiveness and cleansing and eternal life is the same Blood of Jesus Christ that has made provision for us to walk in victory day after day after day.


It is by our relationship to Jesus Christ that you and I come to God in prayer. It is because our relationship to Jesus Christ we can expect Him to meet all of our needs. The truth is that every good thing that comes our way - some of them may be painful - many of them are not - every good thing that comes our way comes by the grace of God. What makes it possible for God to love and forgive and to cleanse us? The shedding of His Blood. He said: "the soul that sinneth, it shall die." (Ezekiel 18:4) God had to - not violate His own principle - but satisfy His own demand. And that's what Jesus Christ did: His death satisfied God's demand for the penalty of sin.


We ought to be able to have fun. Listen, becoming a christian doesn't make you a dud, when you understand what the cross is about, you're going to become a delight - not a dud....For the first time in your life you will blossom elegantly in the eyes of God because you will have begun to become the person God wants you to be in the very beginning.

Why do we say the cross is the heart of what we believe? Because it is. Listen, it is what has liberated us from the penalty of sin. Daily and continuously as we come to Him, and lay our life down before Him at the cross daily - surrendering our lives to Him, and what happens? We walk in victory. We walk fearlessly. We walk courageously. We walk in victory. That is the awesome power of the cross of Jesus Christ.


The cross is like a mirror. What does it mirror? The cross mirrors our unworthiness. The cross mirrors our sinfulness. What put Jesus Christ on the cross? Sin - that's the wickedness and the evil of sin - that it nailed to the cross the perfect Son of God. But it also mirrors God's what? God's love. God's goodness. God's mercy. God's kindness. God's forgiveness. It also magnifies and mirrors the attributes of God: His greatness and His power and all the other attributes of God....It talks about a God and His Son Who loves us enough to lay down His life in our behalf. ..It's the means of our salvation.


The cross is a symbol of God's love, His forgiveness of sin and His power in our life to liberate us and to free us to walk a godly life every single day.


He modeled sacrificial love: the love of Almighty God for sinful man. And you remember what He said: "by this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, that you have love one toward another." (John 13:35)....Jesus is the Son of God - the Lamb of God Who came and Who was slain before the foundation of the World and it became a reality 2,000 years ago to in order that your sin and my sin may be forgiven because He was the Substitute for us and bore the penalty Himself. That's Who He is.

Here's the big question: have you ever at any given time in your life ever applied the message of the cross to your personal life?


Here's the crucial/critical issue: have you ever applied the message of the cross - God's forgiveness through the shedding of the Blood of Jesus - have you ever applied that to your heart by accepting it by faith personally as a part of your experience?

(also explored in intouch.org radio 4/2/15)


The Death and Resurrection of the Self—A Prayer

Read | Matthew 16:24-25

Lord, You said, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whosoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”

These words of Yours, these very hard-to-understand words, are even harder to live. Yet I want to live them. I just don’t know how. Part of the problem is that I don’t know what You are asking of me. Part of the problem is that I do.

Help me to realize what You are doing in my life, Lord, and how You are doing it. You are changing me into Your likeness—and You are doing it day by day, decision by decision. Thank You for this incremental wonder. And help me, incrementally, to work with You in bringing it about.
And so I ask . . .

May I feel the weight of that cross on each thought I think, so my thoughts could die and Yours be given life.

May I feel the hardness of its wood over every word I speak so my words could be silenced and Yours be heard.

May I feel the roughness of its surface against all I do, so that what I do is what You would do if You were here. Because that is how You are here. Through me.

When I am tempted to think more highly of myself than I should, bring to mind that though You existed in the form of God, You did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Yourself—taking the form of a bondservant, and being made in the likeness of men. And being found in the appearance as a man, You humbled Yourself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross (Phil 2:6-8).

When I am tempted to respond to harsh words by returning the harshness, help me to realize the example You set for me on the cross, that while You were reviled, You did not revile in return; while suffering, You uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Yourself to Him Who judges righteously.

When I am tempted to act selfishly, draw me once again to Your cross, where You gave so freely and so fully. To Your executioners, You gave forgiveness. To a thief, paradise. To Your mother, a son.

May I never grow weary of living like that, Lord, seeking rest from the responsibility of that cross, understanding that this dying to self is not a one-time crucifixion but a way of life.

—Ken Gire


TD Jakes - The Potter's Touch 2/28/16

"The Ultimate Gift"


When Luke, who wrote the book of Acts, refers to the cross as His passion - "after His passion, He showed Himself alive with many infallible proofs" - suddenly I realized that I never understood the cross. Because when I saw the cross, I saw pain. But when He saw the cross, He saw passion.

Suddenly I began to understand that His misery was His ministry. And that His pain was an expression of His passion. And that the ultimate gift was Calvary - that when He gave His Son, He was giving His body to His bride - this might be too heavy for Sunday morning.

It was the ultimate gift. It is the ultimate gift because I'm still opening it. I'm still unraveling it. After 35 years, I'm still opening it and finding little nuances that I didn't understand. It's still usable. It's still relative. It's still functional. It's still life-changing. It's still thirst-quenching. It's still mind-renewing. It's still heart-fixing. After all of these years of being saved, I'm still exploring new facets of His glory and His grace.


intouch.org Daily devotion 3/5/16

The Precious Blood of Jesus

1 Peter 1:17-21

Many churches today have erased all mention of the Blood of Jesus Christ from their worship services. But the shedding of blood is essential to the Christian faith—without a sacrifice, no one can have a relationship with the Heavenly Father. For that reason, the Lord wove the story of death, renewal, and reconciliation like a red thread through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

What do you have if you remove the blood from a body? You’re left with a lifeless corpse, right? The same is true of the Bible. Scripture would be no more than historical literature if we edited all the “unpleasant” parts regarding animal sacrifice, Jesus dying on the cross, or the power of His Blood.

God designed the redemption system in such a way that anyone could understand the connection between shed blood and freedom from sin. The Lord gave detailed instructions for offering a perfect animal sacrifice so that His holiness would be satisfied. God also wanted His followers to understand that sin brought terrible consequences and resulted in death. The first fatality in Scripture was the animal whose skin was used to cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness (Gen. 3:21). Every time an Israelite brought a lamb or a pair of doves to the priest, he recognized that “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23).

God chose a graphic solution to the world’s sin problem. Therefore, believers cannot be squeamish about explaining what truly happened at Golgotha. The words that we choose influence listeners. “Jesus shed His Blood for you” is a powerful statement, which is also the message God repeats throughout His Word.


intouch.org radio 8/12/13


That everything about your relationship with God is wrapped up in the Blood of Jesus Christ.


Every single person needs the Blood of Jesus Christ in their life or they are eternally lost.


We say It's precious because of Whose Blood It is: sinless, perfect, atoning, sacrificial Blood.


Jesus Christ came into the world for the purpose of laying down His life as a Substitute - that's the key word - as a Substitute for you and me. So that you and I would not have to die in our sins, so that you and I would not have to live in bondage and enslavement to sin. He paid our price when He went to the cross and shed His Blood. God the Father accepted this Lamb of God as a vicarious and Substitute for all of us. So that now when you and I ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins and to save us and receive Him as our Savior, what happens? We are liberated - we are free from the bondage of sin and the power of God inhabits our life. Redemption, that's what it's all about. It's the fact that He bought us out. We have been redeemed. He purchased us by satisfying the awesome, righteous Law of God that the soul that sinneth it shall die. (Ezekiel 18:4) We don't have to die. We don't have to be lost because He paid our price.


Therefore, it doesn't make any difference where you've been, what you've done, how long, how old, how young - your forgiveness does not come through you and what you're going to do but only because He shed His Blood and you accepted that as true in your life.


When you trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, justification not only takes care of your sin debt but the Bible says God makes you a righteous person. You say: "well, I don't act like it sometime." Well, that's true - I understand that. But our position is that you and I are righteous in His eyes. Why? Because our sin debt has already been paid for. Declared no longer guilty.


And if one thing that should motivate us to want to live a godly life is the fact that He's given us the gift of righteousness - that is, that's who you are. Listen, a child of God, born of the Spirit of God. Washed in the Blood of God. Listen, gifted with the righteousness of God is there any wonder that we should live a godly, holy, righteous life? We can do that through the power of the Holy Spirit Who lives within us.


intouch.org radio 8/13/13


So sanctification is a part and if you will notice he says it is a result of the Blood of Jesus Christ working in our hearts. So when somebody says: "well, at what point do I get sanctified?" Well, the truth is: you already are sanctified and the process is not going to cease.... He's not going to leave you where you are in your spiritual walk. It's always going to be there.


Here's what God says: "you can only approach Me by the sacrificial Blood of My Son Jesus Christ."


And so how do we deal with sin every day? We genuinely ask Him out of a conviction in our heart - knowing that we've done something wrong. You say: "but suppose I keep on doing the same thing wrong will He keep on forgiving me?" If it is genuine, if you mean it - and probably all of us have confessed some things over and over and over again and promised Him: "well I promise You, God if You'll just forgive me this time, I promise You I won't do it again." You know what? He doesn't pay any attention to that - He knows you're going to. Listen, that's what grace is all about. Grace is all about God's awesome forgiveness.

Now if I'm just playing around and not meaning what I say, then you can look for the hand of discipline to come down. But He says: "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) Why? Because His righteousness is what He wants to shine forth in our life.


And not only do we have access, but we have this cleansing power that goes on all the time in our life.


intouch.org radio 12/23/13


The Word of God says that you and I have been justified and declared not guilty by His Blood. Whatever declares me "not guilty" and brings the peace of God in my heart isn't just something that I lay aside, it must be central and focus to every single thing I believe in the Word of God.

Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. (Hebrews 9:22) If there is no forgiveness of sin, there is still conflict and estrangement. There is no peace as long as sin rules and reigns in the heart of a human being.


Therefore he says that you and I have been reconciled to Him and we have made peace through the Blood of His cross. All genuine true peace will find its origin in the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ - that is in His crucifixion. It is in the cross that God paid the penalty for your sins and my sins....


intouch.org radio 4/16/14


In 1 John 1:7 It is by the Blood of Jesus Christ that you and I can live our lives day by day and be continually be cleansed. Look at this - he says in verse 7: "but if we walk in the light, as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the Blood of Jesus His Son is (present tense) is cleansing us from all sin." Now, all of us come to those in our life where we have those periods of revival. Times when we recognize sin in our life that we'd not recognized.

When God surfaces things and attitudes in our life that we were not aware of. Well, let me ask you a question: what was going on all the time that we were not aware of it? The Blood of Jesus Christ was cleansing us from all sin. It is the Blood that takes care of my cleansing. It is my confession and repentance that takes care of my fellowship with Him.

Since you have been saved by the grace of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His substitutionary/atoning/sacrificial death, your sins have been atoned for past, present and future. There is not a single thing you could possibly do that could make you die and to hell....There isn't any such thing as an unpardonable sin today other than dying without Christ. As long as you live, you can be saved....any sin you and I commit can be forgiven. In Matthew chapter 12 when He talks about the unpardonable sin, that was something that happened in those days - Jesus Christ was there. They were looking at Him. They were watching Him do what He was doing. But that situation can no longer exist.


There is no other basis of salvation but Christ and His shed Blood.


intouch.org radio 4/17/14


They just knew that God had made a promise. And that promise of forgiveness was based on the shedding of the blood of those lambs. And so when Jesus Christ came, He came to fulfill what they had been foreshadowing and what they had been practicing all those years. But those people were saved the same way we are: by the shedding of blood and faith in God.

Now, in the Old Testament - in the New Testament today it is the same message. The message of the Blood is this: that God is holy. And there is absolutely no access to Him apart from the shedding of Blood. That's why Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth and the life - no man, no woman, no one under any condition comes to the Father except by Me." (John 14:6) Why? Well, simply because it was Jesus Who was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world that God predestined and chose to execute in order to atone for your sin and for mine.

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