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Date Posted: 11:23:23 11/07/21 Sun
Author: c
Subject: Supplementary teachings 11/2021

Rabbi Kirt Schneider Message of the Month - October 2021

Discovering the Jewish Jesus

The Light of Thinking Supernaturally

(Summarized not exact quotes unless in quotation marks)

We have a choice: Are we going to learn to think supernaturally? To tune in to an invisible Spirit - are we going to get the mind of the Spirit? or are we going to continue to be locked in to the visible and logical and human intelligence and the culture around us?

One road leads to death and depression - another road leads to life and glory and continual increase. What type of intelligence will inform me of my decisions - what choices I make?

Am I going to take the risk of faith and believe God?

The experience of an internal supernatural - break that allegiance with the natural world and get locked in on God.

My endeavor is to come into a greater reality of being grounded in the reality that He is in you and in me.

"I felt that I'd hit a brick wall in my life. I had been believing God for things and seeking after things that I didn't feel that I had been experiencing the way that I'd wanted to: freedom, peace, joy - all the fruits of the Spirit that I was hungry for. And I came to a place where I felt like 'Lord, it's not working - I can't go on anymore - I've done everything for breakthrough...and I haven't entered in.'

And somehow, a shift took place - big shift - huge - I wasn't expecting it. And the Spirit made me understand: "what you're seeking for - it's already in you. You're searching for it on the outside."

Listen, we need to affirm what we already have. Walking in the supernatural involves affirming what we already possess. We don't operate out of a deficit trying to get what we don't have. Instead, we ascend in our experience by affirming what we've already got. We need to affirm and stand in what we have.

So I began to confess: "I have Your peace. Thank You Father I have Your peace. Your peace is within me. I have Your joy. I have Your Presence."

The Bible says: "we are complete in Christ." The Scripture says: "we've been raised with Him and are seated with Him in Heavenly places." The Word says: "we have peace that is not of this world" - that we have "joy unspeakable" and that we're "full of glory."

Our job walking in the supernatural is to transform our mind to come into agreement with what is. To transform our mind to recognize and to come into a conscious awareness and experience of what we've got.

So the question is: do we now need to climb a ladder to get there? Or does the Scripture say: you're already there and now what you need to do is you need to affirm it?

We have to believe in the goodness of God. We need a radical transformation of our mind if we are going to walk in the supernatural of the goodness of God....we believe and expect the goodness of HaShem - the goodness of God - to operate in, around and over our lives all the time.

The LORD says don't fear what the world fears...but you should fear Me alone...and I will become your Sanctuary.

Let me ask you a question: Are you expecting evil or are you expecting the goodness of God in your future and in your life?

We can't allow what our eyes see - remember the children of Israel went into the Promised Land but they saw the giants living there and they came back and ended up not being able to enter in...because of their unbelief - they didn't have eyes to see beyond the natural.

So if we are going to enter into the supernatural - to walk in the supernatural - we're going to have to train ourselves in warfare, and encourage ourselves in the Word and in the Truth - believing in the goodness of God, to reject a reality that is dictated by what we see with our eyes or with what simply makes sense on a sheet of paper. And we're going to have to trust in the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The Holy Spirit will always lead us out of being able to depend on the natural world so that we don't have any crutch but Him if we're ready to move into a supernatural dimension.

Learn to let go of what we see with our eyes, what seems logical in the natural - believe in the goodness of God so we don't believe the logical, we don't believe in the natural - instead we learn to trust an invisible God and His goodness and let go of the rest and we move out to follow what we perceive in our inner man to be the individual leading of the Holy Spirit for each one of our lives.

If you're expecting, you're going to experience Him. Yeshua said: "he who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying." Faith propels us into an atmosphere where we can begin to experience the supernatural. Faith is the doorway to victory. Faith is the pathway to victory.

We need to stop running from pain, the pain in our soul, instead of running from the pain in our soul, we should stop and say: "Father, I don't know why I'm hurting so much. Why am I so sad. Help me, Father. Heal me, bring me into Your wholeness, Lord." Don't run, face the pain and move through it in the Lord. His truth will set you free. We need to stop running from our pain and instead be still and open up and talk to God about it and invite Him in.

The second thing we need to do we need to stop being deceived by running to pleasure...The Bible says the wages of sin are pleasurable for a season but the end result is death. (Romans 6:23, Hebrews 11:25) ...You can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you. (Philippians 4:13) You can break that death grip but it's not just pornography - it could be anything.

The enemy is always putting images in our mind of something that will give us pleasure - and all of the sudden we leave that place of just abiding in God, being still, to continue to open up that door so He can come in and heal us - that takes discipline, that takes time, that takes perseverance, that takes pain - and all of the sudden the enemy comes over here and he puts a picture in our mind that if we go have an ice cream bar, we're going to feel good.

I'm endeavoring to wake myself up by using words like: "oh God, You just called me 'son' - that's astonishing!!!" Or when I see the Lord give me a prophetic Word and I release it and see that it was right on, comes to pass, I say: "that was amazing!!!" We need to start using a language that speaks of the glory of God: "Lord, I'm awed by that!!!" "You're amazing!!!" You're astonishing!!!" "Father, You did that so suddenly!!!" We need to start speaking glory terms.,.words that propel me into experiencing the supernatural and the glory of God.

To walk with Jesus in such a way that the One Who is unchanging is the same to me all the time. I mean He's always doing new things - it's a journey, it's a wonder, but I'm grounded...We have a supernatural glory inside us and we're aware that God is holding us in the palm of His hand, that He's our Daddy, He rules over everything that's been made, and we expect to see His goodness in our life - not doom not disaster what satan projects in our mind... I reject you, satan, you're a liar!!! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life....

That doesn't mean God won't allow us to wrestle, but that it's a good thing - whatever God's doing, it's for a promotion, it's an opportunity to see His glory and to grow....Let's renew our mind to living in a glory zone.


Daily Words to Sustain your Faith

Rivers of Divine Truth

by Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider

p 92

Day 45

(edited message)

Be a warrior

The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is His Name.

Some people are born with more of a warrior spirit than others. Some people are more outgoing and some are more gentle...Regardless of our natural bent, we have to be able to take out of the reservoir of the Lord within us that which is necessary for every situation. And sometimes it is necessary to be a warrior - to make decisions and act in a way that might be very hard in the natural.

p 93

Now consider this: There may be certain things in your life that you've been tolerating, and God doesn't want you to tolerate them any longer....If you have been passive in your spirit, I want to remind you today that one of your attributes of your Father is that He is a warrior,and as His child, the same warrior strength has been imparted to you.

So I say to you today in the Name of Jesus: Rise up and be the warrior that Father has called you to be. Make the decisions Yeshua is asking you to make. Take those actions in your life HaShem is asking you to take. You have the Spirit of God living in you That means you have a warrior spirit.

p 106 - 107

Day 52

(edited message)

You are a victor in Yeshua

Now, you may feel like you're failing. You might think "I'm clinging to God and I'm praying, but my attitude still stinks. There are still words coming out of my mouth that I know are not in alignment with love and truth." But I believe that if you will keep hanging on to God, if you will keep praying for the situation, He will strengthen you through the process, and you will overcome.

At the end of the day, God is going to perfect you and complete the work He started in you. Whatever temptation you're dealing with, you will overcome it because God will make a way out. It may not always happen immediately.There may be a process involved. But the Father will complete the work He began in us. He will cause us to overcome. You and I are victors in Yeshua.

And when we have sinned, we may think that God is angry with us and wants nothing more to do with us. But the Bible says that "if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous" (1 John 2:1).

Day 65

Drink of Eternal Life

(edited message)

p 132 - 133

What happens when we make the Lord first in our lives, when we make seeking His truth and His presence our number one objective? (Matthew 6:33)

Yeshua will forgive us and renew us. And we will continually bear fruit in every season of our lives. We'll be changed from glory to glory, grace to grace, and strength to strength. Even though our outer man may be decaying as we age, our inner man will be renewed day by day. We'll keep getting younger and younger in the spirit. Our lives will have an effervescent youthfulness to them even when we're old. Why? Because we're drinking of eternal life.

So let me ask you a question today. What source are you drinking from? Are you drinking from the world?...Or are you drinking from the wellspring of God's Word, Spirit, and the fellowship of believers in His Son? The choice is before us. The Lord says, "I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Beloved, we can't have it both ways. I challenge us today to discipline ourselves and choose life so we can live abundantly in Yeshua.

Day 89

p 180 - 181

Choose love

Love is the greatest power of all. It is not first a feeling; it is a choice.

Walking in love takes effort, that's for sure. It's like swimming upstream. But hear this: to really know Messiah Jesus, we must daily choose love. Like Yeshua Who so loved you and me that He gave His life for us, we must recognize that love involves putting others first and sacrificing for them. So whether it's through our thoughts, our actions, or our words, if we choose to walk in love each day, we'll know our Creator in a deeper way and come more fully into His light.


Today in the Word

A ministry of the Moody Bible Institute


Russell L. Meek

Walking Faithfully

Some people view the Christian life like climbing up a hill, they think the only way it will go is straight up (and smoothly). But, if we are honest, a more realistic picture of our faith journey is a bumpy progression of ups and downs. How can we continue climbing, even when the going gets tough?

...Paul knew that struggles can accompany the Christian walk (for the apostle it even meant imprisonment!). But regardless of the suffering he personally experienced, Paul was determined to "press on" (Philippians 3:14).


The Lord will redeem

Russell L. Meek

I've often heard people say that the Lord will never give you anything more than you can handle. While that may be well-intentioned, it is not true. This idea seems to come from Paul's statement about temptation: God "will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13). But this passage doesn't apply to all situations  - only temptations to sin. In fact, I think God does give us more than we can handle so that our only option is to look to Him.

Today in the Word

November 2021

Questions & Answers

by Dr. Michael Rydelnik

Question: If God has the authority to make some for glory and others for destruction (Romans 9:22), how can John 3:16 say He desires to save the whole world?


A mistaken premise can lead to confusing conclusions. Let's rethink this question. First, Romans 9:2 - 23 teaches that God has "mercy on whom He wants to have mercy" (v. 18, the predestination of believers). However, when speaking of "objects of wrath - prepared for destruction" (v. 22) the text never says who prepared them. the verb "prepared" may mean that the vessels were prepared for destruction by someone else. Or it may mean that the vessels of wrath prepared themselves for destruction. Either way, God is not the One Who prepared them.

Second, John 3:16 says God loved the world not that He desires to save the whole world. In 2 Peter 3:9 it says that God is patient, "not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." It is God's desire that we repent and receive mercy but not His decree. He longs for us to be saved but He has not predestined all for universal salvation.


Our Daily Bread


Authentic Christianity

I applied for a position in a Christian organization years ago and was presented with a list of legalistic rules having to do with the use of alcohol, tobacco, and certain forms of entertainment...I, for reasons mostly unrelated to my faith, didn't do those things. But my argumentative side thought, Why don't they have a list about not being arrogant, insensitive, harsh, spiritually indifferent, and critical? None of those things were addressed.

Following Jesus can't be defined by a list of rules. It's a subtle quality of life that's difficult to quantify but can be described as "beautiful."

The Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3 - 10 sum up that beauty: Those who are indwelt by and dependent on the Spirit of Jesus are humble and self-effacing. They're deeply touched by the suffering of others. They're gentle and kind. They long for goodness in themselves and in others. They're merciful to those who struggle and fail. They're single-minded in their love for Jesus. They're peaceful and leave behind a legacy of peace. They're kind to those who misuse them, returning good for evil. And they're blessed, a word that means "happy" in the deepest sense.

This kind of life attracts the attention of others and belongs to those who come to Jesus and ask HIm for it.

David H, Roper


Beside the Still Waters


The Lord Cometh

If our Lord's return were ever before us, we would live every day as if it were our last. We would do our best to please our Savior and plead His forgiveness whenever we fail. We would seize every opportunity to hear God's Word and to be exhorted by it.

If our Lord's return were ever before us, we would lose our fascination with fashions, popularity, beauty, wealth, and possessions. We would realize that all these things will be destroyed and that they distract us from the Lord. We would put them far from us.

If our Lord's return were ever before us, we would "let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away" from us (Ephesians 4:31),. We would see the futility of holding our brother guilty while claiming forgiveness from God.

If our Lord's return were ever before us, our spirit would grieve with the Holy Spirit over the many souls who are wandering in darkness, fear, and pride. We would respond with Isaiah, "Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8).

To sinners, the coming of the Lord will be a sudden calamity, bringing distress, torment, and anguish forever. To saints, His coming will be a joyful release from their perplexities, their final salvation from sin and the Adamic nature, and the beginning of their reward of eternal rest and bliss.

We must be constantly be looking for the coming of our Lord. This will comfort us in sorrow and trials, warn us in error, calm us in tempests, guard us in temptations, keep us inspired in easy times, and strengthen us in all our labors.

Frederich Knepp


Beside the Still Waters


Put up your sword

When a "multitude" came to arrest Jesus that dark night in Gethsemane, Peter the zealous disciple tried to single-handedly take on the whole armed mob. This seems preposterous to us. What was he thinking? Jesus the all-powerful One was there!...What was Peter's flimsy sword beside Jesus' tremendous power, or even beside the strength of numerous soldiers?

We can easily see Peter's shortcomings and lack of logical thought, but are we any different? How often do we face a decision and then rush ahead of God and make a mess of things? Often we quickly assess the situation, form our own conclusions, and then tackle them with our own "sword." Have we forgotten that Jesus the all-powerful One is with us? Don't we hear His gentle voice? "Put up your sword and let Me handle this." What is my reasoning and my strength beside that of the all-powerful, all-knowing God?

Did Peter have reason to fear? From a human standpoint, he certainly did! Armed soldiers were coming! But wait, Peter forgot the power of the Man beside him. Often we look at our circumstances and become fearful, forgetting the One Who controls the circumstances. Out of fear we act like Peter, whipping out our puny sword and swinging it wildly. Once again we hear Jesus softly saying, "Put up your sword and let me handle this."

So we really are no better than Peter. The situation may be different, but too often the approach is the same. Oh, that our eyes were opened to see the legions of angels ready to help us!

Lyndon Garber

Fear begins where faith ends.

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