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Date Posted: 09:04:34 07/05/22 Tue
Author: c
Subject: more teachings 7/2022


Dr. David R. Reid

Jonah 4:5 - 8


The Lord Uses Object Lessons to Teach Jonah

What is our response when God sends little worms or big winds our way? Do we really believe Romans 8:28? How do we react to circumstances changing in bothersome ways? Do we believe God is using circumstances to teach us valuable lessons?

All of life's circumstances are under God's control.

Are you an emotional yo-yo/rollercoaster?

Are your emotions guided by circumstances and not by faith?

Do the little worms of life make you yo-yo emotionally because you are not grounded in faith?

We need to grow in our faith and become strong and stable. We need to learn that God is in control of the little worms and big winds of various circumstances that we face.


Open Line with Dr. Mike Fabarez 6/18/22

Matthew 8:26

Mark 4:40

Luke 8:25

Jesus told His disciples that they would go over to the other side. Because of this information that Jesus Christ gave His disciples, the disciples deserved to be rebuked by Jesus Christ when they questioned whether Jesus Christ cared about the situation. (Mark 4:38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, don’t You care if we drown?”). Trust is shown by holding your tongue from negative statements that show worry or doubt. This may be more of an aspiration type thing than solid ground, but with more experience, become more solid with each victory.

Saints are priests:

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him Who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.

Priests must show controlled behavior for the office of being a priest. No matter what the disturbance like the disciples on the boat in the storm, saints are supposed to maintain a level of behavior that reflects trust in the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ power and goodness and lovingkindness.


Today in the Word


jezebel: Victory and defeat


Sometimes, even after we see God provide for us in miraculous ways, we settle back into our old pattern of worry and doubt. Consider Elijah's example, and how you can live by faith, and not fear.

Kelli Worrall


Today in the Word

June 2021


Questions & Answers


by Dr. Valencia Wiggins, Assistant Professor at Moody Theological Seminary, Field Chair of Counseling

Question: Why do mature Christians experience depression? Shouldn't we be able to pray it away?

Answer: If you experience depression, even as a Christian, you are not alone. Charles Spurgeon, a well-known preacher from the 19the century, struggled with depression for many years...Spurgeon's challenges help illustrate the depths and sometimes debilitating effects of this mental illness....

Question: As a Christian, how should I deal with depression?

Answer: Depression can manifest itself as general sadness and increase all the way to severe clinical depression. Someone experiencing severe depression may experience disruptions to their life and environment. In severe cases, it is always important to reach out to a licensed counselor or medical professional...The good news is that when this happens, you can receive help. You are not alone in this season.

If you are experiencing depression, here are a few suggestions to care for yourself: 1) Find a balance in your life between work, family, friends and church, and school; 2) Move your body (i.e. walking, exercise); 3) Connect with your family and friends and resist isolation. Getting together with others (especially in person, but even virtually) can help improve your mood; 5) Journal (expressing your feelings can give you an outlet and help you gain a better perspective); and 6) Tap into the power of prayer (Psalms 4:1; Psalm 17;6; Psalm 23)

Finally, while dealing with depression may seem hopeless, the Bible show us how to hope. In the Psalms, we read about the same struggle. The psalms often start with a question, and end with a hopeful outcome. For example, in Psalm 43: "Why, my soul are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God (Psalm 43:5).


Today in the Word


Darkness is my closest friend

Psalm 88


Even in extreme grief, the Psalmist clearly has not given up on God. He still prays, even if those prayers are full of questions and angst. It is appropriate for us to come to God honestly and ask probing questions during dark and difficult times. Even when we may not feel God's presence, He is with us.

Ryan J. Cook


Pastor Reginald Wayne Sharpe

Greater Allen Cathedral 8/9/15

Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.

Walking through the valley instead of running through the valley allows a saint see things that running would have cause him or her to miss.

- Lessons

- there's some treasure in your trials.

- there are some sapphires in your struggle.

Walking through the valley allows a saint to perceive that some of the trouble in the valley is more of a "shadow" than serious trouble.

- a saint should not get upset about "shadows".


Romans 8:28 and we know all things work together for good for those who love God and who are called according to His purpose

intouch.org TV broadcast 3/11/16 Thanksgiving in the midst of adversity


He'll turn the worst kind of things for good if I trust Him. And if I'm able to say: "well God, I don't understand it - I don't like it - It's painful - I feel the loss - this doesn't fit what I think about You - I'm going to trust You because You're a loving God and I'm going to thank You in spite of everything I feel."

You say: "aww...that's not real." You know when you'll find out it's real? When you do it. And sometimes we think: "well, because I don't feel it, it's not true." Listen, God is the same when things are good. He's the same when things are bad, He doesn't change. When He makes a promise, He keeps His promise.


The pain and hurt and suffering you may be going through may be so deep, so penetrating and so exhausting, that when you tell God you're grateful, you don't feel it. Well, how does God think about that? Here's how God thinks about it: "I understand how you feel. I know you're hurt. I know your pain. I know your suffering. I know when you tell Me that it's okay, that it's only words because that's all you're capable of saying right now."

The wonderful thing about a loving God is this: when I can't even express it, He hears it. When I feel so shut out, so rejected, so hurt, so full of pain - and maybe it's physical pain,... God hears me when no one else can... I can thank Him no matter what. I can thank Him with my lips - and that counts - until I can thank Him with my heart, my soul, my spirit, my very being - it all counts with Him, because He understands the depth of our hurt. The reason I know why is because He understood what Jesus was feeling when He was stretched out on a cross and crying out: "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"

When I think about that, I think about: He understands. Maybe when I don't feel it, and I'm not all that sincere about God helping me, He understands. He understood His Son, He'll understand you and me.


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