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Date Posted: 08:53:07 08/25/22 Thu
Author: c
Subject: subsequent teachings 8/2022 (updated)

Beside the still waters


As a little child


I as an individual am called only to have childlike faith. Thus I am strengthened to move forward in uncharted territory, and I need not fear....

Perhaps I sense that my wisdom is inadequate for today. Like the lad in John 6:9, I have just a little lunch to offer Jesus. But that's no problem; God delights in feeding big crowds with little lunches....

Sometimes my heart falls short of its holy resolves, and I must make amends. But I remember the example of the little child in today's Bible reading. We are to be converted and humble ourselves as this little child (Matthew 18:1,2) Then we can rest in the care of our Heavenly Father.

Daniel Diller


Beside the still waters


God's refinery


God is continually refining us so that we will be acceptable to Him. We may wonder why He allows us to suffer adversity. Let us reflect a moment on the process of refining gold. The hardships we endure in this life are like the fire used when gold is purified. Our Heavenly Father knows what we are made of and how much "heat" we can stand. He will not test us more severely than He will help us to bear. When we truly put all our trust in God through His beloved Son Jesus, we can have confidence in faithfully enduring all our fiery trials.

....No matter how hot the fire may burn, His love for us is great enough to overcome any anguish He lets us endure. There may be tears in our eyes and pain in our hearts, but let's remember that we will never suffer as much as Christ suffered on the cross for our sins. And He was totally innocent.

"But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold" (Job 23:10). When we stop and consider how much Job withstood, our own trials seem much smaller. Let us be inspired by what others before us have victoriously withstood, and rely on our Savior for grace to bear our own "refiner's fire."

Fred Beachy

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown - Revelation 3:11


Beside the still waters


Pursue happiness


...If we want to pursue true happiness, we need to start with pursuing God. This includes giving up our own self-will, studying the Bible to find God's will, and following Jesus' teaching. Then we will have a lasting happiness and peace that we did not experience before. Walking in a close relationship with God produces more than happiness; it brings "joy unspeakable and full of glory" (1 Peter 1:8). Only a Christian can experience this blessing.

We may still go through hard times that take away our smiles. But God is right there by our side through the good times and the bad. Even in sorrow, our hearts will have joy that cannot be taken away as long as we continue giving our all to God and daily seeking His guidance.

Colin Martin

If you want happiness, read the Bible and follow Jesus' example.


Beside the still waters


Keeping Jesus first


...The transforming power of the Gospel is evident in putting off self, sin, and satan, and in making Jesus first in all areas of life. This has a drawing effect on some people we meet, though others may have only a mild interest and still others may mock and ridicule.

Keeping Jesus first motivates us to strive for personal victory over sin and to maintain righteousness by faith instead of by our own efforts. It will help to keep our relationships with others current, and will keep our appreciation for our brethren and sisters real and alive. Loving Jesus first makes the church strong, pure, and able to discern current issues from a spiritual perspective.

Daniel Stauffer

And now, little children, abide in Him; that, when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming - 1 John 2:28


Beside the still waters


Abundant living


;..."He that hath the Son hath life" (1 John 5:12). That is living of the highest quality!...

An abundant heart is a quiet and confident heart. "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength" (Isaiah 30:15). A heart that is in tune with Christ is peaceful and quiet....

An abundant heart is a testifying heart. The psalmist wrote, "Let the redeemed of the LORD say so" (Psalm 107:2). Let's freely share our testimony of what Christ has done for us. Jesus said, "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (Matthew 12:34).

Marvin Rohrer

The only life worth living is a life that is constantly possessing and dispensing the rich abundance of Christ.


Beside the still waters


Conditions of discipleship


The first condition for being Jesus' disciple is right relationships.. The children's song J-O-Y illustrates this point: Jesus first, Yourself last, and Others in between. We need to have good relationships with others. Jesus said that we are even to love our enemies. Yet if anything interferes with our commitment to give Jesus first place, including how we think of ourselves, it must be changed if we want to be His disciple.

The second condition is cross bearing. Galatians 5:24 says, "They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts."

The acronym for F-A-I-T-H explains the third condition well: Forsaking All I Trust Him....Surrendering our right to do our own will, and seeking to do the Lord's will alone, is a key to being His disciple.

Mark Webb


Beside the still waters


Maintaining the house


Our spiritual life is much like an old house. If someone were to observe my life, would he find it well-maintained, better than when it was first built, or would he find it in disrepair?....

Just as a house can be slowly worn by the elements it is exposed to, so we too can be slowly destroyed by the elements of this world. We must diligently keep our spiritual life in good repair...Regular maintenance is needed and includes daily Bible reading and prayer. This is especially important considering Who lives in our spiritual house. "The Spirit of God dwelleth in you." Let's make our house a place of welcome and keep it in good shape for its rightful Inhabitant.

Jonathan Proffitt


Beside the still waters


Just feelings?

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness - 1 John 1:9


....After I apologized, it was right to feel at peace because I had listened to the Holy Spirit. But what if I later felt guilty again because I doubted that the Lord had really forgiven me? Would those feelings be valid? No, because today's key verse says that if we confess our sins, God will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)

God gave us feelings for a reason. However, we are human and prone to error. Often our feelings are right, but sometimes they are wrong and deceiving. Let us in all things measure ourselves by the Word of God.

Emery Hershberger

A free conscience is well worth the effort involved.


Turning Points Devotional September 2022

The Smallest details: Taking a cue from birds and flowers

by Dr. David Jeremiah


p 19

We can't avoid giving attention to details in life. The question is, will we wonder or will we worry? If we continue to saturate our heart and mind with the Word of God - its promises and examples of provision - we will replace worry with wonder. If we walk by faith instead of by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), we will not doubt that God's answers and provisions will come. Jesus said God knows about every need and detail of our life (Matthew 6:32). If you seek Him and His Kingdom first, "all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).

Never forget: God is in the details of His creation which includes your life! Therefore, "Do not worry" (Matthew 6:31).


Turning Points devotional September 2022

A short verse with big impact: not too much to ask

by Dr. David Jeremiah

p 21


In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul gives us a three-step program on how to treat others. His plan is based on the one God uses for us, as displayed through the grace of Christ. You'll find it in Ephesians 4:32, one of the greatest verses in the Bible on interpersonal relationships.

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Let's start with the word "be." Paul used a Greek word that can mean "become."...As we become increasingly like Christ, we'll become more and more kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving. It's a process that God works in our hearts by His Holy Spirit as we choose to live by the attitudes of Christ.

...That's the whole meaning of the Gospel - God was in Christ being kind to us, tenderhearted, and forgiving.

Step One: Be Kind to one another

First, be kind to one another.

Ask yourself: Have I been kind today?..Kindness takes time and effort - sometimes a little bit and sometimes a lot. But it reflects the grace we've received from God in Christ.

p 22

Step Two: Be tenderhearted

The second step is to be tenderhearted. The idea behind tenderhearted is being soft or delicate....

We're to have tender souls that easily feel the needs of others. That's compassion, which is the word used in newer translations of Ephesians 4:32. The quickest way to change your attitude towards another person is to change your eyeglasses from the judgmental setting to the one labeled compassion. This doesn't mean we don't recognize sin or condemn evil. It means we see the person behind the sin and the human behind the need.

This takes practice, but now is a good time to start. Do you know anyone toward whom you need a better attitude? Start hearing their heart. Let's have tender souls and look on others with compassion.

p 23

Step Three: Forgiving one another

The third way to have a big impact on our world is by learning to forgive. Remember the word "be" means "become," so this is an admonition to become more forgiving. Some people grow increasingly cranky and irritable as they go through life, but the Christ follower should become more patient and forgiving.

Remember, forgiveness is God's idea!

That's why the Bible says, "Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult" (Proverbs 12:16, NIV).

All of this is not too much to ask. Remember, it's what God has done for you. As you abide in Christ and the Holy Spirit flows through you, you'll be empowered to grow in these areas, to take longer strides in these steps, and to walk with greater strength so you don't topple over as much.

Determine to put these steps into practice.


Turning Point daily devotion 9/24 - 24/22


Learning to share our faith in a natural way is a big step. It can be frightening, but much of the fear evaporates when we make it natural. When we learn to converse, listen, care, and pray, the Lord opens the door for our witness. Often, our words will be like seeds planted in the heart, but sometimes we'll rejoice at seeing others profess faith in Christ in the moment. We can say, "That's the Holy Spirit!"

Today find a way to take a small step toward a big moment. Find a way to share Christ simply, naturally, and lovingly.

Turning Point

You don't have to use fancy methods for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Just stick with the basics, and proclaim the Good News with simplicity!

Luis Palau


Our Daily Bread


Grieving and Grateful


....While Job would struggle mightily later through his grieving and God's rebuilding of his life, in this moment (Job 1:21) he accepted and even rejoiced in His authority over the good and bad situations.

God understands the many ways we process and struggle with emotions. He invites us to grieve with honesty and vulnerability. Even when sorrow seems endless and unbearable, God affirms that He hasn't and won't change. With this promise, He comforts us and empowers us to be grateful for His presence.

Xochitl Dixon


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