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Date Posted: 12:48:18 01/22/23 Sun
Author: c
Subject: Supplementary Teachings 12/2022

Today in the Word


The Power of Prayer

by John Koessler


We sometimes say "I'll pray for you" when we don't know what else to say. But praying for someone or in the face of an impossible situation is always the right thing to do. As Jesus showed in Mark 9, prayer is powerful.

Faith is compatible with action, but action is not an adequate substitute for faith. Whatever it was that the disciples tried to do for the boy, they did in their own strength and failed miserably. Sometimes it is better to act than to pray (see Ex. 14:15). But in most cases, prayer should be our first, not last resort. We can pray as we act. Or, when we are unable to act, we can pray that God will act with a power we do not have. Prayer is the Christian's primary source of spiritual power. Everything is possible to him who believes, but some things are only possible through prayer.

Are you facing a problem that seems impossible to solve? Do you have trouble believing that God can work in your situation? Pray the father's prayer: "Lord Jesus, I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (v. 24).


Today in the Word


Christ's Prayer for us: Part 1

by John Koessler


After I became a follower of Jesus in my late teens, I wondered if someone had been praying for me to come to faith. Following Christ was not the obvious choice. Our family did not attend church. I thought about the people I knew and couldn't think of anyone. But today's passage reveals that at least one person prayed for me. It was Jesus Christ.

Jesus prayed on the night of His arrest. Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe how Jesus asked to be spared the cup of suffering if possible (Matthew 26:36 - 46; Mark 14:32 - 42; Luke 22:39 - 46). John's Gospel does not mention these things, perhaps because he was already aware they were written. Instead, John describes other elements of Jesus' prayer. He reveals that Jesus not only prayed for Himself but also for those who would believe in Him.

Jesus prayed for you! Let the message of this prayer sink deeply into your heart. Consider for whom you can pray today. Whom do you know who needs to come to the Savior?


Today in the Word


Praying in distress

by John Koessler


Are you facing a time of deep distress? The Lord takes note of your circumstances and despite the problem, He will accomplish His purpose in your life. Take your troubles to the Lord and ask Him to strengthen you and work through you.


Today in the Word


The God Who hears

by John Koessler


This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. - 1 John 5:14

Our anxieties about prayer usually spring from the same question. It is not a question of what God can do. It is a question of what God will do....

The key to whether or not God grants our requests does not lie in the form of words we use or even the degree of confidence we have that He can do what we ask. The determining factor has to do with God's own plan. The fundamental aim of prayer is not to get God to agree with us and follow our agenda. Instead, the goal of prayer is to subdue our hearts to the point where we agree with God. It is the spirit reflected in the words of Christ when He prayed, "yet not My will, but Yours be done" (Luke 22:42).

These words are easier to pray than to mean them. We will only be able to pray them genuinely when we believe the promise of 1 John 5:14 that God truly hears us. He knows what we need. We can trust His answer.


intouch.org Daily devotion December 12, 2022

The Lord of Our Life

Is it your heart's desire to please the One Who saved you?

Luke 6:46-49

The word Lord should not be used carelessly. It’s unacceptable to speak of Jesus as Lord in our conversations and prayers but then to contradict the claim by defying His will and His Word. A lot of believers probably think that statement doesn’t apply to them. But we should all realize resistance can be subtle—perhaps by qualifying our obedience with conditions like “I’ll follow the Lord if ...” or “I want to do what is right, but ...”

When Jesus is identified as Lord in the Scriptures, it signifies that He is the sovereign Ruler over life and all creation. When we assert that He’s our Lord, we’re claiming that He is our Savior and Master, which means we submit to Him in all things. If we attest to this verbally but don’t actually do what Jesus says, then are we really serving Him?

None of us can obey Christ perfectly, but once we’re born again, submitting to Him should be our heart’s desire and our practice. After all, He purchased us with His precious blood and now rules over us for our good. So, though we may struggle at times, our lives should be characterized by obedience to our Lord because we are His.


Messianic Bible 12/12/22 - You Can Receive God's Perfect Peace

There are many ways we can protect God's Word today, beginning with bringing our homes under the authority of God, teaching our children to delight in His Word, being an example of righteous living, and not allowing evil influences to invade our hearts and minds.

We can also protect God's Word in our communities by supporting those who are fighting the battle for righteousness in our fallen world. They need our prayers of protection and our actions to keep them in positions of authority.

And we can use our positions of influence in the world to affect change, even in an ungodly environment. No matter how small we think our influence may be, the effects could potentially be massive.

But of course, achieving peace through obedience has its challenges.

It is sincere repentance that God desires so that we will experience peace with Him, and that is why Yeshua (Jesus) preached this throughout Israel:

"The Kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news." (Mark 1:15)


Turning Point devotional 12/19/22

Myrrh Than Wonderful

All Your garments are scented with myrrh and aloes and cassia, out of the ivory palaces.
Psalm 45:8

Our Lord had three encounters with bitter myrrh. In Matthew 2:11, the Wise Men bought it to honor His birth. On the cross, the soldiers offered Jesus wine mingled with myrrh (Mark 15:23). And at Christ’s tomb, Nicodemus brought a hundred pounds of myrrh to wrap into His burial clothes (John 19:39).

Recommended Reading:

John 19: 38 – 42

The gift of myrrh brought to baby Jesus points to our Lord’s suffering on the cross and to His death. For Him, it was a symbol of tragedy; for us, it is a reason for thanksgiving. Oh, how we should constantly remember to thank Christ for all He bore for us.

Our life is so complicated and needy that we’re prone to become self-focused. What would happen if we lived Christ-focused lives, remembering the totality of His redemption? Because He was born and died and rose again, our every need is met in Him. We can shift our focus from ourselves!

His present blessings to us are based on His past suffering. His myrrh brought us mercy! Take a moment of deepest gratitude for deepest grace!

Myrrh was the most unique gift the wise men presented to Christ. Today this gift would be something akin to bringing a coffin as a present for a baby shower.

Ace Collins


Our Daily Bread

February 2023

A Right-Side-Up Kingdom

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven - Matthew 5:3

by Bill Crowder


In the right-side-up Kingdom of Jesus Christ, our God and King assures us that His responses to whatever we encounter will always be more than adequate to carry us through. This is the kind of King we've been given - and He's exactly the kind of King we need most. When we see that our state of blessedness comes not from life's circumstances but rather by the faithfulness of the King Who cares for His people and supplies what they need, we can begin to live life right-side-up - even in the midst of this tragically upside-down world.


intouch.org Daily devotion


The Path of Life

The future is an untraveled trail with complex twists and turns. Appealing activities can be detours that lead away from the Lord, and engaging philosophies are paths that often end in a mire of muddled thinking. Even the best route isn't all sun-dappled meadows and quiet riverside lanes. At times we'll journey over rugged terrain or through dark valleys. the only way to be sure we're walking on the right path is to follow One Who knows the way.

God is your perfect Guide for life, Who lovingly and intentionally created you for this time and place. He watches over your steps and teaches you His paths as revealed in His Word. What's more, He is the Comforter, Who promises to walk by your side so you never face life's challenges alone.

The Lord knows the path before you, and if you'll humble yourself and reverence Him, He will give instructions about the way you should choose. Because He sees every discouraging obstacle and entrapping temptation, He wants to guard your steps so you won't stumble off course. Decide to trust Him and pursue His will rather than what might feel good or look right. Then you'll be on your way to the destination of blessing.


intouch.org Daily devotion



Idols in the Life of the Believer

Idolatry isn't limited to the past but is still prevalent today in various forms...But idolatry is actually a matter of the heart, so it is possible for believers to sin in this way. That's why John says, "Guard yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21).

If we treasure anything or anyone above the Lord, we're practicing idolatry to one degree or another. What we value most is often revealed by the amount of time we devote to it, the sacrifices we make for it, and the money we spend on it. Idols distract us from wholehearted devotion to God and deceive us into thinking satisfaction and fulfillment are found in them rather than in Him.

Ridding ourselves of idols of the heart will be futile until we learn to value the Lord more than anything or anyone else...The key to overcoming idolatry is learning to develop greater love and understanding of the one true God through His Word. When He is the ultimate desire of our soul, all other gods will be pushed out of our heart.


Intouch January 2023 devotion

Bible Study

Starting Over: What is God doing in your life right now?

p 17 - 18


Even after the deluge subsided, it took months for the mountaintops to become visible (v. 5). Changes in life can be abrupt, and trials often involve waiting and uncertainty. Imagine the situation aboard the ark. List some things that might have helped Noah avoid frustration. How's your patience today? What about trust, peace, and prayer?

To determine whether the land was again inhabitable, Noah first released a raven and later sent a dove out three times at seven-day intervals (vv. 6 - 12). How does his planning reflect the balance between God's omnipotence and our initiative in an obedient life?


Intouch January 2023 devotion

Consider This

p 41

Part of flourishing in Christ involves learning to look for, and delight in, the daily gifts He gives us - especially during hard seasons.

Psalm 37:4 - 5 says.

Delight yourself in the LORD:

And He will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD;

Trust also in Him and He will do it.

What does delighting in the Lord look like in your daily life?

What choice can you make today that would expand your delight in Him?


intouch.org Daily devotion


Spiritual Discouragement

For the believer, discouragement can come in many forms, but satan is usually the instigator. he wants to keep our focus on negative things instead of on God.

One form of spiritual discouragement is subtle - the idea that we cannot please the Lord....You might assume you should read the Bible more, pray more, give more, witness more....What pleases the Lord is our obedience, not our adherence to a long checklist of duties.

Another source is unanswered prayer. God does not necessarily answer in the manner we want or with the timing we would prefer. When that happens, we might want to give up on prayer or even on the Lord Himself.

Next time you're feeling disheartened, turn your focus to God and pray three things aloud: Thank Him for being with you through the discouragement, admit He's in control of your life, and acknowledge that He loves you and is working circumstances for good.


Turning Points Devotion January 2023

Guard your heart to be on your best behavior

By Dr. David Jeremiah


p 12

First, we need to guard the streams flowing into our heart and mind. Today's entertainment and social media platforms can become extremely toxic....Ephesians 5:26 talks about the water of the Word of God, which is always pure and invigorating. We guard our heart by minding what comes into our mind.

Second, we must honestly look at our inner self and God to show our inner self and ask God to show us the work that needs to be done. The psalmist prayed, "Search me, O God, and know my heart" (Psalm 139:23). This involves confession and repentance. Pride and egotism, for example, are hard to detect, but the Holy Spirit can point out times when we enjoy being served rather than serving....As we see the toxicity in the springhouse of our souls, we can confess it.

Third, we need to daily flush out our heart with the living waters of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water" (John 7:37 - 38). He was referring to the Holy Spirit, His living water flushes our minds like fresh water flushes out a radiator.

The brilliant Puritan, John Flavel, wrote, "The keeping and right management of the heart in every condition is the great business of the Christian's life."

Growing Your Habits

By guarding our heart we'll be growing our habits, which also requires the Holy Spirit. He is the Agent Who takes possession of our personalities and replicates within them the likeness of Christ.


Turning Points Devotional

1/7 - 8/23


Still Waters


There's no better way to start the morning than by spending time in the pasturage of God's Word, feeding our souls and gaining His perspective. Some people have only five minutes; others can spend an hour. But we shouldn't skip our spiritual disciplines at the start of the day. And in the evening before retiring, we can enjoy the still waters of God's peace as we contemplate His faithfulness through the day.

Turning Point

His Spirit attends us in various ways like "waters" - in the plural number, you will notice - to cleanse, refresh, and to strengthen. But He cannot be appreciated or appropriated in his transforming power until we have learned the lesson of waiting before Him in perfect quietness.

J. Wilbur Chapman


Adult Bible Class - Union Gospel Press

Winter Quarter December 2022, January, February 2023


Lesson 5

Blessing of Reconciliation


p 26 - 27

A new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The expression "in Christ" denotes our union with Christ and our incorporation into His spiritual body (1 Corinthians 12:13). To be in Christ is to be a Christian; it is to be changed by His power into a completely new person. so great is the change that Christ makes that Paul could describe it as becoming a new creation.

This new birth affects not only the inner person but also all things related to that person. "Adam was the head of the old creation, and Christ is the Head of the new creation. the old creation was plunged into sin and condemnation because of the disobedience of Adam. The new creation means righteousness and salvation because of the obedience of (Christ. in Him) everything becomes new" (Wiersbe).

Being new creatures in Christ, however, does not mean that we will no longer struggle with sin. But if we yield to the power of the Spirit, we can find victory over evil (Romans 7:24 - 25).

- John A. Owston


Beside the Still Waters


Was Blind, but now I see


Allen has severe disabilities, including cortical visual impairment, the leading cause of blindness among children in the United States today. His parents reported that he sometimes seemed to see. But typically, he did not focus on items at all. Allen was assessed by a teacher of students with visual impairments....

The teacher seated Allen in his classroom so that he faced a solid black wall....Allen began to interact visually. He reached accurately for objects. Suddenly Allen could see! As time went on, he could see items of other colors without so many of the accommodations originally needed. He had "learned" to see.

In a spiritual sense, we are like Allen. We grope in darkness until someone shows us light from God. Suddenly we can see! But we need to apply the teachings of the Word to our lives so that we develop increasingly clearer vision. While we are young Christians, our parents and the church give us guidelines that can help us mature. We may not always understand these requirements, but if we abide by them, our spiritual vision will gradually improve. Eventually we may by prayer warriors, Sunday school teachers, or even ministers.

But if we refuse to walk by the light we can see, we will return to darkness. By God's grace, let's walk in the light so that we may continue to grow in our spiritual life.

Anthony Blades


Beside the Still Waters


Inward Modesty


Modesty on the outside must start with modesty on the inside. What is our spirit like?

Sobriety also relates to inward modesty. It indicates soundness of mind and suggests self-control.....

Yesterday we read about "the hidden man of the heart" and about "the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." The word hidden means concealed and private. If something is hidden in our heart, it will become a part of us. This ornament makes us beautiful as we allow the Spirit of God to govern what we say and do. God Himself puts a great price on this ornament. He values it highly because it honors Him and it enhances the beauty of the Gospel.

Joseph Sharp


Beside the Still Waters


The Way of Peace


My son and I were assembling bins in our shop. I worked on the outside, positioning parts and inserting bolts; and he worked on the inside; tightening the bolts. This worked well, and we had each fine-tuned our sphere. One day my son wanted to have a turn on the outside, so we traded places. But it wasn't long till I felt my frustration mounting. "Doesn't he know it has to be done this way?...Why is he so slow?"...My frustration spilled over several times.

After a bit, though, I tried to relax and thank God for this experience....As we continued working, it became obvious that I was the slower one and that I too wasn't doing everything the "right way." And truthfully, there wasn't just one right way of doing this job....The frustration faded, I apologized to my son, and peace was restored....

It's amazing how easily our focus becomes distorted as we look outward, always assuming that our own viewpoint is right. Relationships at home, in the church, or on the job can easily be strained and broken by an improper focus. Frustrations, criticism, and suspicions quickly follow, blinding us to reality. May we be filled with God's love and grace so we can daily walk in the way of peace.

Kenneth Kropf

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace - Romans 14:19


Beside the Still Waters


Olivet and Galilee


Jesus is our faithful example for our own Olivet experiences. We too have times of testing and struggle when we need to come before our Heavenly Father for strength to overcome in a spiritual battle. We may also need to face our severe struggles and agony alone with God. Will our faith in God stand firm? "If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small" (Proverbs 24:10). In our Olivet, Jesus would encourage us "always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1).

Daniel Miller


Beside the Still Waters

Inherent Blessings in Trials



"Dear Lord, my life is pleasant and comfortable. Please send me trials so that I can be drawn closer to Thee." Is this a prayer that any rational person would pray?...

Amy Carmichael spent forty years as a missionary to India. She suffered opposition, rejection, persecution, and finally a serious physical injury that left her bedfast for twenty years. Her response, however, was that every trial is an opportunity to die to self....

....With our Lord's help, can we possibly see our trials as intended blessings and as opportunities to die to self and draw closer to Him? It's our choice.

Pete Lewis


Beside the Still Waters




The word paradox comes from a Greek word that means "contrary to expectations."...Paradoxes may be strange or marvelous.

The Bible describes some paradoxes that are marvelous indeed! One of these relates to following Jesus. "he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me is not worthy of Me. he that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for My sake shall find it" (Matthew 10:38, 39). A beautiful paradox!

The apostle Paul had a struggle with what he called a "thorn in the flesh," possibly a physical problem. He prayed three times that God would remove it, but the Lord said, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). This is another paradox. With God's help we can be strong even when we suffer weakness.

Roger Berry


Beside the Still Waters


"Who touched my clothes?"


....Jesus wanted more than that - He wanted the woman to declare her faith, since a silent faith is not God's plan. God would receive much glory by the testimony of her healing. In fear and trembling she fell down and declared the whole truth. Now Jesus rewarded her with the added blessing of spiritual peace.

Is our faith a halfhearted commitment - satisfied only to enjoy health, prosperity, religious freedom, and physical benefits? Do we try to live in quiet contentment and selfishness, without being distinguished from the thronging multitude? Jesus is saying, "Who touched My clothes?" In spite of our fear and trembling, He wants an open expression of our faith. He wants us to confess our need, to identify with Him, and to tell the truth to Him and to others. Jesus wants to give us spiritual peace.

Daniel Miller


Today in the Word

February 2023

p 3

Practical Theology

Stages of Growth


by Dr. John Koessler

"Growth is the normal experience in the Christian life, and Scripture is God's primary tool for causing that growth."

Spiritual infancy begins with faith in Jesus Christ, as our sins are forgiven "on account of His Name" (1 John 2:12). Peter describes this spiritual childhood where he urges believers to "crave pure spiritual milk" so they may "grow up" in their salvation (1 Peter 2:2). Growth is the normal experience in the Christian life, and Scripture is God's tool for causing that growth.

The second growth stage John describes is youth. Here we experience spiritual vitality as we discover the power of new life in Christ. We learn to be victorious over sin and "overcome the evil one" (1 John 2:13). Our power comes through the Word of God (v. 14). The more familiar we become with Scripture the better we are able to claim Its promises. Not only do we learn that we have been forgiven through Christ, but we discover the power of cross to defeat sin (see Romans 6:1 - 14).

The third growth stage is spiritual maturity. Those in this stage of spiritual development "know Him Who is from the beginning" (v. 14). This is a reference to Christ, "the Word of life" (1 John 1:1). The knowledge of Christ is always the basis of our relationship with God. In the earliest stages of our spiritual growth, we primarily know what Christ has done for us. But, as we mature, we come to know more about Christ Himself. John's description of spiritual development emphasizes knowledge of the Father, the forgiveness and victory over sin that comes to us through Christ, and the experience of knowing Christ.

Spiritual growth is a natural outcome of our relationship with Christ. But this does not necessarily mean it's automatic. Grace and knowledge join with Spirit-empowered effort as we "make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with Him" (2 Peter 3:14).


Today in the Word


Anointing and abiding

by Bradley Baurain

1 John 2:24 - 29


So what did John mean in today's reading by the phrase "the anointing you received" (vv. 26 - 27)? This anointing is a picture of salvation. God chose us, gave us new life, and is transforming us into the image of His Son! Because of this anointing, the believers at that time could resist the antichrists" and Gnostic teachers trying to lead them astray.

The anointing is God's choice, not ours. But remaining or abiding in Him in our choice (vv. 24 - 25). These choices are not equal. Our choice is made in response to His and only could be made because of His. Because of this anointing, we bear a responsibility to obey His commands, an effort that is guaranteed to succeed because of His help (2 Corinthians 1:21 - 22). To stay faithful to the truth of the Gospel is to abide with God and to walk in the light.


Today in the Word


Questions & Answers

by Dr. Rosalie de Rosset, Professor of Literature, Moody Bible Institute


p 20 - 21

Q: I've heard it said that God sometimes speaks to us. How do I know if God is speaking to me?

We know that God speaks to us through His Word, the Bible. As 2 Timothy 3:16 -17 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." That is why it is so important to read the Word regularly, to know it better and better through the years.

Second, God speaks through faithful teachers and preachers who know the Word, who live as the Scriptures command, and who teach with humility. God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit Who "will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you" (John 14:26).

You will know if God is speaking to you if what you hear from Him is confirmed by Scripture. God will never contradict His own Word. Beyond that, there are times you may receive impressions or promptings about things to do, people you should help or call....

Finally, God speaks to us through circumstances, difficulties, and sometimes suffering, to change us, to get our attention, to help us depend on Him.


From the Pastor's Heart

Dr. Charles Stanley

June 2021


....We don't have to live the rest of our lives with a distorted view of ourselves, living in bondage to a low or high self-image. The Lord wants us to have a balanced perception based on Scripture. Ephesians 1:3 - 14 tells us how God sees us. We are His chosen, beloved children who are redeemed, forgiven, and lavished with grace.

The purpose of a balanced self-image is not just so we can feel good about ourselves and relate well to others, but so God can use us as He desires. He's transforming us into His Son's image (Romans 8:29) and accomplishing His will as He empowers our love, service, and obedience.

Many things distort self-perception - guilt from past sin, criticism, failures, and comparison to others are just a few. But these are not true markers of who you are. In Christ, you are a new creation and have been given a new self, made in the likeness of God. That is who you truly are.

The way to develop a balanced self-image is to saturate yourself with God's Word. Learn what He says about you. Then begin living in those truths by faith, knowing that God is the One transforming you into Christ's image. He's working in and through you so you can serve Him effectively, interact with others in an open, godly manner, and see yourself as He does. If you'll take hold of His truths and let them shape your emotions and behavior, you'll discover the true you.


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