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Date Posted: 07:21:47 05/31/23 Wed
Author: c
Subject: Supplementary Teachings 5/2023 (updated)

PowerPoint with Pastor Jack Graham daily devotion 5/16/23

Living on the offensive against satan

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

--Ephesians 6:12

I heard about a man who went up to his minister after the service and criticized him for using the word pants in his sermon. So the minister said, “Well, what word should I have used?”

He replied, “You should have used the word trousers.”

So the pastor stepped back for a moment. He said, “Well, sir, I’m actually glad that I said pants because if I hadn’t, you would’ve gotten nothing out of the sermon!”

Some people find so much to criticize today. And I believe at the core of that criticism is a reluctance to be a part of a church that’s committed to bringing people to Christ and doing battle with satan. There are men and women in the church today who want to focus more on the comforts of church on their own terms than actually being a church on the offensive against spiritual darkness.

The church is not a cruise ship; it’s a battleship! The church doesn’t exist for you to have all the programs, nice seats, and good music you want. It exists to be used by God to disarm the powers of darkness in this world.

So remember that you’re not part of the Body of Christ just so you can enjoy the ride and have everything your way. You’re there so you can be part of the fight!



intouch.org Dr. Charles Stanley

From the Pastor’s Heart

Take hold of the peace Jesus has given you.

May 2023

Editorial Note: This letter was written before the passing of Dr. Charles F. Stanley on April 18, 2023. We at In Touch Ministries are committed to the mission of leading people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and will continue to share Dr. Stanley’s teachings with you through these letters each month. Learn more about our plans for the future at intouch.org/next.

Have you ever had something stolen from you?

If so, you know the feeling of violation that follows. This happened to me once when someone broke into my car and stole my briefcase. The case itself wasn’t a great loss; it was old and worn. And I doubt the thief had any use at all for my Greek New Testament.

But there was something in that old briefcase that was very valuable to me.

It was the Bible my mother had given me. I’d been preaching from it for many years, and it was filled with marked passages and notes on how the Lord had spoken to me through His Word. I was grieved, and for months I felt like I’d lost my best friend.

Someone had intruded into my personal life and stolen the record of my history with the Lord.

There have been times in my life when I’ve suffered a different kind of loss, and that’s the loss of peace.

Sometimes I’ve been quick to blame the circumstances or other people, even though “assigning blame” was rarely helpful. And there are occasions when I’ve realized my peace wasn’t stolen—I gave it away by focusing on problems, or on people who weren’t peaceful themselves.

The truth is, every believer has been given peace with God. We’ve been reconciled to Him by grace through faith in the Lord’s death and resurrection.

And as those united with the Father, we’ve been given the incomparable peace of Jesus, Who said, “My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful” (John 14:27).

Knowing that you have Christ’s peace, perhaps you’re wondering why there are times when you don’t really feel it.

You might find yourself filled with anger, fear, or frustration instead. This side of Heaven we’ll never have perfect peace in every situation. Some events may cause immediate and justifiable alarm.

But we don’t have to let distressing emotions continually hold us in their grip. There is a way to regain our peace, and Paul wrote about it in Philippians 4:6-9.

The first step to regain Christ’s peace is to cry out to our Heavenly Father.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (v. 6). We’ve all prayed in ways that increase our anxiety by focusing on the situation instead of on the Lord.

Prayer that meditates on scriptural truths about His power and love is a far better approach. The fruit of such prayer will be “the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension” and guards our hearts and minds (v. 7). The ultimate outcome is an increase in spiritual maturity, because your trust in the Lord has been strengthened.

The second step is to control our thoughts.

This is very important because how we think determines how we feel and what we do. Paul tells us exactly what to focus our minds on—whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy (v. 8).

Now, if you look at that list, every one of these qualities describes God, His Word, and His ways.

When our minds are engaged in thoughts of the Lord, the dark situations that cause us anxiety are diminished.

And Christ’s peace fills us, no matter what the circumstances are.

But if we let our thoughts center on things that are not right or good, our trust in God is eroded, and emotions like anger, frustration, and anxiety will dominate us. We find ourselves tossed about like waves in a storm and begin to doubt that God loves us.

We may start to feel that He’s abandoned us—even though that’s impossible.

Then in desperation we may take matters into our own hands, trying to fix the circumstances to bring stability back into our lives. But God’s peace is a gift, not something we can manipulate. And the only way to receive it is to live in obedience to Him.

That brings us to the next step, which is both incredibly simple and a tremendous challenge: Do what God says.

“As for the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you” (v. 9). The word practice refers to continuous work.

Each time we read the Bible or hear a biblical sermon, we’re responsible for putting the principles we learn into practice. There is no way for a Christian to live in rebellion to God and still have His peace. Sin always brings turmoil.

If you’re waiting for the Lord to give you peace by fixing everything in your life that’s troublesome, you’ll never have it, because His peace has nothing to do with our circumstances.

When Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians, he was unjustly confined in a Roman prison. Yet there is not one word of anger, bitterness, fear, or anxiety in the letter. Instead, he spoke of joy or rejoicing 16 times. What incredible faith!

What’s truly remarkable is that the same peace Paul had that surpasses human comprehension is available to you if you’re willing to take the steps he’s given in his letter. And that is my prayer for you.

Christ has given you His peace. Will you take hold of it today?


Growing Christians e devotions 5/17/23

But you're already so good!!!

It’s an odd phenomenon.  When you achieve a certain level of success in any area, people will begin to say you no longer need to work as hard.  Have you ever experienced this?  A few examples:

You’re focusing on staying fit.  You order a healthy option from the menu and your friends say, “What?  You’re in great shape. You don’t need to diet!”

You’re a musician.  You tell someone you need to stay home to practice and they say, “Why?  You play your instrument so beautifully already!”

You love gardening.  You mention that you spent the whole day working on the yard, and they say, “Really?  Your yard already looks amazing!”

These well-meaning onlookers fail to see the irony in their statements.  The reason for your success is the very thing they’re suggesting you no longer need:  to stay active and dedicated in your pursuits.  

This idea is also relevant in the spiritual realm.  Taking a relaxed attitude that we’re no longer obligated to work hard in our spiritual lives is a dangerous mindset.  Why?  Because spiritual battles never stop.  The apostle Paul reminded us to be extra careful when we think we’ve got it all together (1 Corinthians 10:12).  He also told us to be strong and continually work enthusiastically for the Lord (1 Cor 15:58)!

A great example to follow in this area comes from the book of Nehemiah.  You probably remember Nehemiah for his leadership in reconstructing the wall around Jerusalem.  The whole first half of his book is about the physical rebuilding of the wall.  However, Nehemiah was more than just a good foreman.  The second half of the book is about the spiritual rebuilding of the people.  

An amazing spiritual revival began as the Israelites were immersed in the excitement of the construction project.  But Nehemiah knew this spiritual mountaintop would be short-lived if there wasn't continued emphasis on activity for God.  

In Nehemiah 7:1, we see three distinct areas of activity that he introduced:  gatekeepers, singers, and Levites.  While this may seem like a random Old Testament commissioning that doesn’t apply to modern times, each of these groups suggests an area of spiritual involvement that’s just as important today as it was back then.


Nehemiah’s appointment of gatekeepers emphasizes the activity of watching for our weaknesses.  The job of the gatekeepers was obvious:  they guarded the gates.  Ancient walled cities were generally most vulnerable to attack or infiltration around the entrances, so protecting the gates was crucial.  

This responsibility has a spiritual counterpart in the Christian life.  Every Christian has "gates," or weaknesses.  We need to actively monitor the areas in our lives where we know we’re most vulnerable.  We should continually defend against desensitization, and blockade the “sins that so easily trip us up” (Hebrews 12:1).  We’re all aware of instances where power, success, money, sex and other unchecked desires have infiltrated the gates and broken down strong walls of Christian testimony.  

Nehemiah wisely commanded that the gates at Jerusalem should only be opened during broad daylight (7:3).  At all other times they were to be bolted shut.  This is a good practice in our spiritual lives as well.  Our “gates” should be operated only under proper, well-monitored conditions.  In the realm of entertainment, for example… TV, movies, the internet… these are areas where most Christians probably need to “close the gate” more often than we do!  All believers have different gates and vulnerabilities, so sensitivity is essential in our relationships and activities with others.


Nehemiah’s appointment of singers emphasizes the activity of worship.  This wasn’t a new or novel idea.  It was a pattern that the Lord gave King David for the Temple and its functions (1 Chronicles 25 and 28).  Singing praise to God would naturally resonate in the hearts of the people and fill them with joy.  It kept the Lord in the forefront of their minds and on their lips.  

Believers today need to stay active and dedicated in this area — even if we’ve been Christians for many years (and maybe especially if we’ve been Christians for many years!).  It’s so easy these days to become critical of song choices, changing musical styles, lighting, etc… all while missing the whole essence of worship.  Remember, worshiping the Lord in song is a characteristic of being filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18-19)!


Nehemiah’s appointment of the Levites emphasizes the activity of working or service.  The Levites assisted the priests and did most of the heavy lifting in maintaining operations at the Temple.  For believers today, this teaches us that staying active and involved in Christian service is vitally important.  Too often the ones who complain about their local church are the ones who aren’t doing much to help!

Serving the Lord doesn't require giving up hours every week doing things we don’t enjoy.  There are plenty of jobs and activities that can fit our schedules, lifestyles, and interests.  Perhaps you could even take the lead on starting a new outreach at your church!

Not only is our service valuable for others and to God, but it naturally helps us guard our own gates.  Staying busy in Christian service is a great way to become less involved with time-consuming worldly diversions.  

So the next time you see someone who excels at any particular pursuit, remember that they’ve reached that level by staying actively involved and working hard.  Let it be a reminder that spiritual revival stops when spiritual activity stops.  Let's keep active in watching the gate in our weak areas, worshiping our Lord, and working for Him and His people with gladness.  

- Ron Reid


Turning Points Devotional 6/2023

A Distinct Path

by Dr. David Jeremiah

p 15


It's possible to follow God's distinct path for us without becoming distracted or messing it all up. The same grace that brings us salvation also serves as our teacher. It teaches us to resist temptation, to refuse ungodliness and worldly passions. the grace of our God teaches us how to live with self-control in this present evil age.

The most important discipline is daily Bible study and prayer, not as a mere routine but as a vital daily connection with the Lord....We don't fail and fall all at once. Before it happens quickly, it happens slowly. That's why we should never miss our quiet time with the Lord.

Second, we need to ask for Spirit introspection. David suggested this prayer as a lesson to others: "Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23 - 24). The Lord can spot dangers before we can, and He can help us make midcourse corrections that will keep us safe.

Third, be in church. Without the fellowship of our brothers and sisters, we're far more exposed to danger. Seeing souls baptized, observing the Lord's supper, singing with others, sitting under the preaching of the Word, and being in a small group - these are safeguards for the soul.

We need to remain close to God and on high alert at all times.

Speaking of safeguards, cultivate joy. Philippians 3:1 says, "Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you" (NIV). Rejoicing in the Lord is a safeguard for the soul. The devil has an easy time getting a wedge into a defeated, depressed, weary child of God. But he doesn't know how to cope with one possessing the joy of the Lord!

God has a distinct and fascinating path for you with all your days planned, all your tasks assigned. We live with a sense of purpose and with the joy of His abundance. He wants us to sing songs, slay giants, and conquer kingdoms. So beware the distracted gaze. Keep His clear and perfect call at the forefront of your daily agenda. Focus your faith so God can speak to you and direct you to a clear path full of purpose and fulfillment.

As He directs your path, He will safeguard your way.


Turning Points Devotional 6/2023

A Clear Reward

by Dr. David Jeremiah

p 18 - 19


...There's something clarifying and rewarding about being focused. We find ourselves accomplishing things we never imagined.

Four blessings of focus come to mind.

Clear Understanding....One thing allows the opportunity to stay focused during the day.

Focus creates understanding by answering this question: What should I do with my time/resources/life? Distractions and delays are easier to discard when you are focused on God.

Clear Joy. ...Once we "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8), everything else in life tastes bland, if not sour or bitter. Focusing on the sweetness of knowing Christ is the only thing that maintains joy in life.

Clear Fulfillment. Nothing satisfies like achieving a goal: yearly Bible reading, weight loss, saving money, an anniversary....

But how do we get to the end of our life with a clear focus? By getting to the end of every day having kept our focus on Christ. A focused life is the result of focused days.

Clear Rewards. Races have rewards, and Paul knew what his reward would be for having lived a faith-focused life: "Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing" (2 Timothy 4:8). The "all" to whom Paul referred includes you and me if we are living a life focused on Christ and "His appearing."

Like the Israeli military did in 1967, consider an Operation Focus for your own life: renewing your commitment to Christ as your priority, your objective, your focus and concentration - then ranking everything else in life according to its contribution to your focus. In doing so, you'll gain understanding, joy, fulfillment, and rewards. I know of no other way.


Turning Points Daily devotion 6/24 - 25/23

Big Steps


O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.

2 Chronicles 20:12


The need for courage almost always comes from expectations and apprehensions about the future. That was certainly true for king Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. Armies from three nations had surrounded Jerusalem, and the future looked grim. But rather than look at the armies bent on Judah's destruction, Jehoshaphat turned his eyes elsewhere: "We have no power against this great multitude...but our eyes are upon You."

If you are surrounded by forces too strong for you, take a giant leap of courage: Turn your eyes upon God and away from what you fear.


Our Daily Bread



What's my purpose?

"I felt so useless,' Harold said. "Widowed and retired, kids busy with their own families, spending quiet afternoons watching shadows on the wall." He'd often tell his daughter, "I'm old and have lived a full life. I have no purpose anymore. God can take me any time."

One afternoon, however,  a conversation changed Harold's mind. "My neighbor had some problems with his kids, so I prayed for him," Harold said. "Later, I shared the Gospel with him. That's how I realized I still have a purpose! As long as there are people who haven't heard of Jesus, I must tell them about the Savior."

When Harold responded to an everyday, ordinary encounter by sharing his faith, his neighbor's life was changed....
No matter what our age, background, or circumstances, we have a purpose - to tell others about Jesus.

Karen Huang


Our Daily Bread



Staying on track with God

Years ago, a train carrying 218 people derailed in northern Spain, killing 79 people and hospitalizing 66 more....the driver had for whatever reason ignored the speed boundary and many people lost their lives.

In Deuteronomy 5, Moses reviewed God's original covenant boundaries for His people...God had made a way for His people so they wouldn't wreck their lives or the lives of others. If they ignored His wisdom, they would do so at  their own peril.

Today, as God leads us, let's make all of Scripture our delight, counselor, and the guardrail for our lives. And as the Spirit guides us, we can keep on track within His wise protection and devote our lives wholeheartedly to Him.

Marvin Williams


Bold Steps - Pastor Mark Jobe 5/30/23

Real Peace - Part 2

(summarized points of a teaching broadcast)

Luke 10:38 - 42

But one thing is needful: and Mary has chosen that good part... (Luke 10:42)

One thing is needed to balance your life.

One thing is needed to put things in order.

One thing is needed to get perspective.

One thing is needed to diffuse your stress.

One thing is needed to start valuing the important things and not just the urgent immediate things that demand attention.

Unless you get this one thing right, everything else will be out of perspective.

We all need a quiet center to balance us, to get us in perspective, to recalibrate our direction, to shut out pressures and noise and rest and hear the voice of the Heavenly Father speaking to our hearts words that put things in perspective.

The Heavenly Father speaks to us through the Word.

We need to be quiet enough to hear. We need to stop, pause and say "Heavenly Father, speak to me today to give me perspective" to gain perspective on life.

It is good to read the Psalms and ask for this help from the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to gain perspective. Be willing to listen and seek the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father will usually require us to change things in our lives to become closer to Him and Jesus Christ.

We will start to release things we don't have control over and start to cast our care on the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We will admit that we can't control things. The Heavenly Father holds us accountable for our attitudes and our hearts and our words and actions - not other people's attitudes and actions, etc. We have to focus on making our attitudes and heart acceptable to the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care on Him; for He careth for us.

We will start to put things in perspective and not get upset over the little things and recognize and  value the important things in the correct way.

We will say no to things that are not the best for us. We will put the Kingdom first.

Matthew 6:33 Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.


davidjeremiah.org Radio 5/31/23

When changing your mind could change your life - Part 2

Dr. David Jeremiah

(summarized portions of a teaching broadcast)

Romans 12:1,2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Discipline is involved in a Christian becoming transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Take out the old stuff and replace with new stuff - Mental renovation.

Fill our minds with the Word of God to fill our minds with what is in line with the plan of God for our lives.

Discipline is doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, doing the best way it can be done, and doing it that way every time it needs to be done.

Discipline is reading the Bible when it needs to be read, how the Bible needs to be read, reading the Bible the best way it can be read, and reading the Bible that way every time the Bible is read.

Start tomorrow with one verse and ask the Heavenly Father to "let this verse work through me to weed out things that shouldn't be in my life." That will start the renewing and transforming work in our minds and hearts.

This is a daily walk. Christianity is an everyday journey.

This will help us know the will of the Heavenly Father for our lives. Then we will start to live the will of the Heavenly Father.

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