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Date Posted: 06:44:15 08/24/23 Thu
Author: c
Subject: Additional Teachings 7/2023 (updated)

Charles Stanley

...Now somebody may say: "Well, let me just tell you something now...I've been in this season a long time."

Now this is when you and I can know that we are fully committed to Him. When we can say to Him: "Father, keep me in this season until You have accomplished Your purpose and Your plan because I know that Your purpose and Your plan is the best. In my mind, God, I want to get on to the next season. But Lord, I know that in Your wisdom - Your plan is the best."

God knows exactly what He's doing. And here's what happens: you begin to relax - and you begin to experience the peace in your heart - and that very same season that brought you trouble and anxiety and fretting and  fuming and all the rest - and all of the sudden - your season hasn't changed but your attitude's changed. Your feelings have changed. Your trust in Almighty God has taken a skyrocket view. All of the sudden you see that God is up to something good in your life no matter what.


intouch.org Daily Devotion 8/1/23

The Blessings of Sacrifice

Romans 12:1-2

In the Old Testament, sacrifice was a means of atonement. When a person sinned, he or she brought an animal to the altar, and through its death, reconciliation was accomplished. What, then, does today's passage mean when Paul urges believers to "present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice" (v. 1)?

Thankfully, there is no need for our blood to be shed; Jesus took care of that when He died on the cross for our sins. Instead, what Paul means is that our lives should be surrendered to the Lord. A surrendered life involves commitment. It's a decision to defer to God's will and His Holy Spirit instead of following our own preferences. Every aspect of our being - body, soul, and spirit - is to be a living sacrifice.

Though this may sound dreary, true freedom and joy are found when we yield to Christ. The Lord promised His followers when we yield to Christ. The Lord promised His followers that abundant life comes from losing ourselves in Him (Matthew 16:25). Psalm 16:11 says it best: "In Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever."

Becoming a living sacrifice sounds like a tall order - and it is. But it's a call we face with Jesus by our side. Remember: He is our constant companion and wants to help us.


intouch.org Daily Devotion 8/2/23

A Fruitful Surrender

1 Corinthians 4:19 - 20

As we read yesterday, God wants us to surrender our life to Him - to become a living and holy sacrifice. This is no small task. All our plans and desires must be subject to His leadership and will. Have you ever wondered why God would make this big ask of us?

It turns out that surrender is in our best interest. Scripture promises again and again that following our Father leads to hope and an established future:

- David observed that goodness is abundant for anyone who defers to God (Psalm 31:19).

- To Jeremiah, the Lord promised that prosperity, hope, and a future are a byproduct of seeking Him wholeheartedly (Jeremiah 29:11 - 12).

- Solomon noticed our paths are straight when we trust the Lord completely (Proverbs 3:5 - 6).

So, while God demands our whole life, He promises the sacrifice will be worth it. What's more, He pledges to care for us, provide for us, and accompany us always.

Jesus' way is best, and it offers hope, joy, and peace. While we may not like everything He chooses, He promises to work all things for good. Do you want to try handing God this reins today? If you're not sure, take a moment to tell Him that now. He loves you unconditionally and will meet you where you are.


intouch.org Daily devotion 8/3/23

Blessing our enemies

Luke 6:27 - 28

In His famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus instructs us to love our adversaries and treat them well. Both Matthew and Luke's records indicate that when Jesus said this, He used a form of the Greek word agape, which refers to unconditional love. This love isn't a superficial affection or feeling of goodwill, and it's not based on the nature or appearance of the other person. Agape is the deepest kind of love we can display.

At first, using this Greek word in regard to enemies seems counterintuitive, but actually it is the perfect solution: agape forms through an act of our will. When we choose to love, our emotions follow the decision of our mind.

For example, when we pray for our enemies, it changes our heart - not all at once but over time. And when we ask God to help us express genuine Christlike love towards our enemies, those requests mold us too. That's the kind of prayer God is delighted to answer.

A bitter response toward an enemy will yield only negativity, but a gracious response can have profound results. God has a redemptive plan in mind for every person, and we have an opportunity to participate in that plan when we display agape, the unconditional love of the Lord.


intouch.org Daily devotion 8/6/23

Fuel for your fire

1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 24

If you've ever been camping, you knew a fire needs fuel to burn. Campers will use dry sticks and leaves to get the flames started, but when it is time to sleep, they will either starve the fire or put it out with water or dirt.

The Lord has lit a fire in every believer's heart, and Paul warns against quenching it (1 Thessalonians 5:19). According to him, we must tend the flame of faith with care.

Nothing can completely extinguish the fire of salvation within believers - Jesus says, "No one will snatch them out of My hand"(John 10:18). However, it is possible for the flames to dim over time, especially when we repeatedly make choices that don't line up with God's Word. Sin tends to muffle the clarity of His voice in our life. It's as if we throw cold water on our heart's fire.

Thankfully, believers can simply fan their flame with spiritual "kindling." Any time you choose to pray, read Scripture, confess sin, speak a kind word, or serve someone, you are stoking the fire God set in your heart. No spiritual discipline is practices in vain.

What small step can you take today that would add dry leaves to your divine fire?


intouch.org Daily devotion 8/23/23

Fed with Spiritual Food

Jeremiah 15:16


...Just as we need physical food to stay alive, we need spiritual food to sustain us. And just as we need a variety of foods, we need to read and listen to the whole counsel of Scripture.

Some Bible verses, after all, sound sweet. Psalm 23 begins with "The LORD is my Shepherd, I will not be in need." But others, like "Happy is the person whom God disciplines" (Job 5:17), might be a little less appealing. And what about "If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me" (Luke 9:23)?

Do you eat only the sweet, simple parts of the Bible? Or do you seek spiritual nourishment in the complexity of the whole Word, so that you become strong in the faith?


intouch.org Daily devotion 8/24/23

The Seed that never dies

1 Peter 1:22 - 23


Preparing a garden - cultivating the soil, watering regularly, managing the weeds - takes time and effort. But a gardener spends the least amount of time doing what is perhaps the most important task: choosing and planting the right seeds. Today's passage applies that experience to cultivating Christian love.

In the upper room, Jesus gave His disciples a "new commandment, that you love one another." His people, He said, would be known by their love (John 13:34 - 35). This deep kind of love doesn't grow naturally from the human heart. If we are to see love grow in our life, we need better seed.

...Remind yourself today and every day of God's work in you, cultivating the fruit of love through a fresh meeting with Jesus and through reading the Bible.


intouch.org Daily devotion 8/29/23

God's Ways: Ordinary or Miraculous?

1 Kings 17:2 - 7

In Isaiah 55, God declares, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways" (v. 8). In fact, that's one of the biggest frustrations of the Christian life - a lack of understanding about God's ways. There are times when we could really use a miracle, and He doesn't come through for us, which can lead to confusion, disappointment, and anger. Why did God let me down?

God works in both supernatural and ordinary ways, and He determines the method. For example, in today's passage, Elijah ate food miraculously delivered by ravens, but his water supply from a brook was completely natural. When it dried up, the Lord could have made more water spring from the ground, but He didn't.

Sometimes God uses ordinary means to move us in a new direction. The curtailment of his water supply opened the door for Elijah's next assignment. When the Lord withholds miraculous intervention and lets your brook dry up, then He has something else planned for you.

The work of God in the commonplace aspects of life is just as miraculous as His supernatural intervention. Look for His "fingerprint" in the day's mundane activities. He is there, opening and closing doors, drying up one opportunity but initiating another.


PowerPoint Daily devotion with Pastor Jack Graham 8/10/23

How to enjoy enduring spiritual fruit

For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

--Hebrews 4:12

One thing I’ve come to realize over the years is many people are content to be under the Word of God without being in it. What I mean is that you can be faithful in coming to church or even have a degree in theology without actually spending dedicated time reading the Bible.

It’s a paradox, really. On the one hand, you’re learning quite a bit about the Bible. You know the order of the books, and even what the Bible may say on many issues. Yet, if you’re not spending time in the Word, the application to your life – that move from head to heart – never takes place.

Here’s one way I like to think about it: If I go to the store and buy you five apples, you’ll get to enjoy them as you eat them. Yet soon enough, they’ll either run out or will spoil. But if you plant an apple tree and care for it, you’ll never run out of apples!

Don’t be content with just hearing good teaching or preaching. Open the Bible yourself regularly. Ask God to take His Word and apply it to your life. Live in the Word and you’ll be rewarded with enduring spiritual fruit!



intouch.org Daily devotion 9/28/23

Wisdom for life's trials

At first glance, today's passage on wisdom doesn't seem related to trials, but James is actually continuing his thoughts from the previous three verses. We need wisdom to know how to respond to suffering. This means we should see trials from God's viewpoint and understand His purposes in allowing them in our life. If you want to profit from struggles, be sustained in them, and come through with joy, you must believe:

- The Lord is in control. Your trial won't go beyond the boundaries He has set.

- He has a specific purpose for your suffering.

- This hardship will prove to be profitable if you submit to God and trust Him through it.

- Trying situations are opportunities for faith to prove genuine and grow stronger.

- When you endure suffering with unexplainable peace and joy, God will demonstrate His sustaining power to others.

- The Father uses trials to produce Christlike character.

- God will walk with you through all difficulties.

If you believe these principles, they will shape how you respond to painful challenges. This perspective eliminates the negative reactions normally elicited by trials and makes supernatural responses possible. Instead of feeling miserable and hopeless, you'll experience amazing peace and joy.


Our Daily Bread

October 2023

October Topic / Wisdom

Wisdom to live beautifully

We all experience days when we wish we were wiser. How do I  handle that tricky email at work? What should I do when my child keeps misbehaving? Whether it's making decisions at work or dealing with personal trials, time and time again, we experience the pressing need for wisdom.

So we read books, consult others, or take classes, hoping to gain some useful advice on how to manage our lives and relationships better. But while the acquired knowledge is helpful, often we still find something lacking. We need more than the wisdom the world offers; we need the wisdom only God provides.

Where can we find this wisdom? Scripture tells us that it begins with the "fear of the LORD" (Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 1:7). To fear God is to revere and honor Him for His majesty and holiness.We can understand why acquiring wisdom begins here when we discover what wisdom looks like.

James 3:17 lists seven marks of the wisdom God provides: It's pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. The wisdom that all believers in Jesus should seek is connected to a Christlike character - a Christlike nature. It's the fruit of someone who walks with God, choosing to live in an upright, obedient way. In short, it's the result of someone who fears God.

Do you want to navigate through life making decisions that will bring honor to God and benefit others? James says, "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking" (James 1:5 NLT). Our generous God will help you fear Him so you may gain wisdom to live wisely for Him.

Poh Fang Chia, Our Daily Bread author


Beside the Still Waters


God is calling


One dark, icy winter night, a youth was biking home along a busy highway. He was filled with fear as he realized that a vehicle could lose control and hit him. The young man knew that if God called him out of this world that night, he would not be ready to meet his Maker. Yet satan had a strong hold on his life, and the youth was not ready to take a stand against the evils and the so-called fun that caused him so much fear and guilt. He was willing to disregard his godly parents' teaching and to risk losing his soul for the fleeting pleasures of this world.

Praise the Lord, that young man was spared through those years of living in sin, and with time answered God's call to repentance and a changed life.....

....May we take heed when God calls us to repentance....If there is sin in any area of our life, we need to confess and forsake it now. We know not if we will live to see another day.

Colin Martin


Beside the Still Waters


Our response to God's Word


How we respond to what the Bible tells us is serious because it affects our walk with God and our eternal destiny....

We need to respond to God's Word with a ready, receptive mind and a willing, surrendered heart. Then we will experience the transforming power and abiding presence of God, and it will be evident in what we say, where we look - yes, every choice we make....If we hear God's Word in a careless manner and neglect to do what it says, we are deceived.

We must be doers of the Word by applying it to our lives personally and responding in prompt obedience....

By daily reading and meditating on God's Word, we will grow spiritually and be blessed.

Mark Kropf

Blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep It - Luke 11:28


Beside the Still Waters




...Whenever an ungodly temptation presents itself, I consistently have my guard in place. I do not follow the tempter down the path he suggests. If I keep my heart jealously like this, the enemy of my soul can never touch me in a harmful way.

Lukewarm Christian do not live this way. They do not keep themselves, because their love is not fully set upon God. They allow the flirtations of the world to start winning their heart. As a result, they become susceptible to ungodly influences. They do not consider that they are placing themselves where the wicked one can touch them....Proverbs 4:23 has these timeless words: "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."

Marvin Joel Eicher


Beside the Still Waters


How should a Christian live?


...A true Christian looks beyond the temporary, perishing things of earth and lives in the light of eternal realities. He reflects the love and beauty of Christ's indwelling presence by kindness in speech and actions. Instead of complaining about adversaries, he praises God with "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." He remembers the trials of the present are but for a moment and that they work for him "a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory" (2 Corinthians 4:17).

A genuine Christian does not live to please himself or to pursue his own agenda. He loves the Lord and seeks to please Him in all things....We are to exercise temperance, self-denial, and upright conduct.

Mark Kropf


Beside the Still Waters


God is a Refiner


...Losing something does not mean the end. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

In 1 Peter 1:7 we read of "the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire." Our human nature is such that we appreciate the blessings but not the refiner's fire. Yet the hard things can benefit us. "Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby" (Hebrews 12:11).

To receive God's blessings, we must accept His refining fire as a token of His love. Sometimes these blessings come amid the pain that results from total surrender to God's will.

Denver Yoder


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