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Date Posted: 14:34:04 03/10/24 Sun
Author: c
Subject: Supplementary Teachings 1/2024 (updated)

From the Pastor's Heart

Charles Stanley

February 2024


Troubles are opportunities to learn contentment. After hearing God's reason for letting the "thorn in the flesh" remain, Paul responded, "Therefore, I delight (am content) in weaknesses, in insults, in distresses, in persecutions, in difficulties, in behalf of Christ, for when I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:10).

You're probably wondering how you could ever be content with these things. Well, you can't manufacture it with pep talks. It comes only through God's grace working in your life.

Paul had to learn contentment (Philippians 4:11). It had nothing to do with favorable circumstances, but with his focus. If we fixate on problems, they'll grow insurmountable in our eyes.But when our minds are centered on the Lord and the truths of His Word, we're able to accept every circumstance, knowing that He's sovereign, His grace is sufficient, and He walks with us through it.

Difficulties stimulate spiritual growth. How many spiritual lessons have you learned when life was easy? Probably not many. It's usually in the darkest periods of life that we grow the most because all the distractions are stripped away, and the Lord is the only One Who can help us. After passing through the valley with Him at our side, we come out with a more accurate understanding of the Lord and His ways and deeper trust in His sovereign choices for our lives.

Isn't it a great encouragement to know that you can walk through thorny experiences in a way that transforms your life and glorifies God? You have the promise of His sufficient grace and strength to handle whatever comes your way.So trust Him, and let each trial be an opportunity to experience the peace of Jesus Christ, learn contentment, and grow in spiritual maturity.


intouch.org Daily devotion 2/28/24

The Field Trip of Trials

Psalm 119:65 - 72


When we were still in school, most of us probably preferred the hands-on learning of field trips to classroom lectures. A lot of adults, however, no doubt wish they could absorb life lessons from a book instead of from their own painful mistakes. But the truth is, there are some things we learn best through experience.

Some trials are the result of sin and can play a big corrective role in our lives. God might use them to draw our attention to unhealthy habits, attitudes, or activities we have tolerated or overlooked. No matter how trivial we may think a sin is, it should have no place in a believer's life.

Or it could be that God is showing us something we need to release to Him - perhaps a relationship, goal, or ambition. And sometimes He calls us to exercise self-control so that we can pursue Him to a greater degree.

If we never had any troubles, we would continue in what's comfortable, easy, and enjoyable but might end up missing God's best for our life. That's why the Psalmist said, "It is good for me that I was afflicted, so that I may learn Your Statutes" (Psalm 119:71). Any hardship that drives us to God and His Word is good for us.....


Our Daily Bread


Doing Good for God


Though he didn't normally carry money with him, Patrick sensed God was leading him to tuck a five dollar bill in his pocket before leaving home. During the lunch hour at the school where he worked, he understood how God had prepared him to meet an urgent need. In the midst of the lunchroom buzz, he heard these words: "Scotty (a child in need) needs $5 to put on his account so he can eat lunch for the rest of the week." Imagine the emotions Patrick experienced as he gave his money to help Scotty!

In Titus, Paul reminded believers in Jesus that they weren't saved "because of righteous things [they] had done" (Titus 3:5), but they should "be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good" (v. 8; See v. 14). Life can be full, extremely busy, and hectic. Attending to our own well-being can be overwhelming. Yet, as believers in Jesus, we're to be "good-works ready."....

Arthur Jackson


Our Daily Bread


Happy trust


A woman rescued Rudy from the animal shelter days before he was to be euthanized, and the dog became her companion. For ten years, Rudy slept calmly beside Linda's bed, but then he abruptly began to jump next to her and lick her face. Linda scolded him, but every night, Rudy repeated the behavior. "Soon he was jumping on my lap to lick my face every time I sat down," Linda said.

As she was planning to take Rudy to obedience school, she began to consider how insistent Rudy was and how he always licked her in the same spot on her jaw. Sheepishly, Linda went to a doctor who found a microscopic tumor (bone cancer). The doctor told Linda that if she'd waited longer, it probably would've killed her. Linda had trusted Rudy's instincts, and she was happy she did.

The Scriptures tell us repeatedly that trusting God leads to life and joy. "Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD," the psalmist says (Psalm 40:4)....

When we trust God, the ultimate result is deep, genuine happiness. This trust may not come easily, and the results may not be everything we envision. But if we trust God, we'll be so happy we did.

Winn Collier


Today in the Word


The discipline of hardship


..."Consider Him Who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart" (Hebrews 12:3). Verse 4 provides a reality check for the Hebrew Christians who first received this letter. They had suffered the confiscation of their property (Hebrews 10:34). Still, none of them had lost their lives.

But the author of this book has a more encouraging message than simply saying, "Things could be worse." God has a plan in our suffering. Verse 7 urges us to "endure hardship" because "God is treating you as His children." We may think that this suffering is a penalty. But it is not punitive; rather, a matter of parental training....

Any athlete will tell you that training by its very nature is uncomfortable and even exhausting. Why do we submit to it? Because we know that it will produce results. Faith does not eliminate hardship from our lives. It may even lead to it. But through it all, know that you can trust the guiding hand of your Father.

John Koessler

Father, we want to open our whole lives to You - in moments of joy and in times of hardship and grief. You never promised easy lives to Your children, but we know we can trust Your guiding, protecting hand. Thank You!


Today in the Word


Questions & Answers

by Dr. Bill Thrasher, Professor of Applied Theology and Spiritual Formation, Moody Theological Seminary

Q: Even though I am a Christian, I struggle with a very persistent temptation. What advice can you give me?

A: I appreciate your honesty. Temptation is a common experience in the life of every believer. While we live on this earth, we will experience spiritual battle. However, it is important to remember that temptation itself is not sinful. Even our sinless and perfect Lord experienced temptation (Hebrews 4:15).

Temptation is a deceitful invitation to meet a legitimate need in an unrighteous and destructive way. My advice is to turn this temptation into a very honest prayer to the Lord....

When you bring your struggle into the light of God's presence, that is the starting point that will put you on the road to victory. This follows the command in Hebrews 4:16: "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

As a college professor, I will never forget the day a student shared this testimony. He had been asking God to deliver him from a very ungodly habit. He said a discerning man of God came up to him and lovingly shared, "Why are you asking God to deliver you? You love this ungodly habit. You really don't want God to answer your prayer." My student said this was exactly where his heart was. After he expressed this to the Lord with great humility and embarrassment, he began to see the breaking of this ungodly habit. The man's words had opened the reality of Hebrews 4:16. God has told us to approach His throne with confidence. The question is: How do we do this when we have a wrong attitude?

The key is found in the student's example. We must come before the throne of grace in humble honesty. God does not honor deceit; He does not want us to pretend. When this student came before God in complete honesty, he was met with merciful compassion and found grace. This speaks of God's motivation and His power that will help us overcome an ungodly habit.


intouch.org Daily devotion


Seeking Guidance


When you're facing a decision, no matter how big or small, it's important to wait on the Lord's direction and timing. And though it may sound paradoxical, here are three ways that we can take an active role in the waiting process:

1. We should examine our heart, asking the Holy Spirit to expose any wrongs. If He brings something to light, it's important to take care of that sin immediately - by confessing, repenting, and doing whatever is needed to correct the situation.

2. When seeking direction, we should listen patiently and attentively for the Lord. A neutral mindset can help us hear Him clearly, but waiting can be hard - especially when logic, emotions, or personal preference leads us to favor one option over all others.

3. The answer to our prayer at times requires our involvement. We have responsibility not only to present God with requests and seek His guidance but also to take part, when necessary, in carrying out His will.

Prayer is a beautiful privilege that the Heavenly Father gives to His children. He desires to lead us into a life of abundance, and we should participate by seeking His will and listening for His voice. As we follow the Holy Spirit's guidance, we will experience all that the Lord has for us.


Our Daily Bread


God knows our needs


Lando, a jeepney (a form of public transport in the Philippines) driver in Manila, gulped down coffee at a roadside stall...

He was about to start driving when he spotted Ronnie on a bench nearby. The street sweeper looked troubled, like he wanted to talk. But every minute counts, Lando thought. The more passengers, the more income. I can't linger. But he sensed that God wanted him to approach Ronnie, so he did.

Jesus understood how difficult it is not to worry (Matthew 6:25 - 27), so He assures us that our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need (v. 32). We're reminded not to be anxious, but to trust Him and devote ourselves to doing what He wants us to do (vv. 31 - 33). As we embrace and obey His purposes, we can have confidence that our Father Who "clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire" will provide for us according to His will - just as He provides for all creation (v. 30).

Because of Lando's conversation with Ronnie, the street sweeper eventually prayed to become a believer in Christ. "And God still provided enough passengers that day," Lando shared. "He reminded me my needs were His concern, mine was simply to follow Him."

Karen Huang


Beside the Still Waters

March/April 2024

From the Editor:

Life's Weather


...I wondered if there is any place on earth where the weather is perfectly comfortable every day of the year. Probably not. But how I feel about the weather has more to do with my attitude than the actual weather conditions. And that's how all of life is.

Life has its wintry days and even wintry seasons. The place where God calls us to responsibility is not always the most comfortable spot. So then we can chafe and grouch and wish to be somewhere else. Or we can place our hand in God's hand and allow Him to lead us beside the still waters.

Henry Yoder


Beside the Still waters


Doing the Don'ts


Ecclesiastes 8:11 says, "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."...

However, God in mercy often delays consequences and penalties so that offenders have opportunity to recognize their error and repent. Yet judgment truly is coming! So presuming on God's mercy is very foolish.

....Let's purpose by God's grace to not do the don't in His Word.

Dennis Martin

Deliberately doing God's don't is dangerous disobedience.


Beside the Still waters


A single eye


Many folks think sheep are dumb, but they never refuse clean water and nourishing food. However, people often reject God's fountain of living waters and bread of life in favor of pursuing "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" (1 John 2:16). This decision is far more foolish than the actions of supposedly dumb sheep. May we all keep our eyes on our loving Master and faithfully do His bidding.

Pete Lewis

Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. - Psalm 73:24


Beside the Still waters


Restoration and Peace


One day in 1964 while driving through the beautiful mountains of West Virginia, I came upon a slow-moving tractor-trailer. I put on my turn signal and pulled alongside to pass just as the truck made a sudden left turn without signaling. No one was hurt, but my car was significantly damaged. A pleasant state trooper arrived at the scene, and after investigating the accident he cited me for failure to blow my horn when passing - a regulation I had never heard of. I decided not to mail in the $25 fine, because it seemed very unreasonable. But fifteen years later the Lord brought that totally forgotten incident to my mind and convicted me of a long-overdue debt that I needed to pay.

...Even though I was convinced that the fine was unfair, our Lord reminded me that this was not my decision to make. I had withheld payment that needed to be made to a civil agency.

...Someone has said that the call to return dishonestly acquired goods is often the greatest hindrance to genuine repentance. The accompanying humiliation and embarrassment are simply too much. Yet Zacchaeus never hesitated. Jesus response, "This day is salvation come to this house" (Luke 19:9), must have blessed this prominent man.

I finally mailed in my fifteen-year-overdue fine, and a few weeks later I received a very kind letter from the clerk at the county courthouse. The peace I experienced was probably akin to that of Zacchaeus.

Pete Lewis

Wrongdoing is costly. Peace is priceless.


Turning Points daily Devotion 3/1/24

Sacrifice of Praise

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Psalm 34:1

In Romans 12:1, the apostle Paul exhorted his readers to present themselves as “a living sacrifice” to God. But someone has observed that living sacrifices keep trying to crawl off the altar! At no time is that more likely to happen than during times of trouble when we are tempted to resent our circumstances.

Recommended Reading:
Psalm 34:1-3

But David, the psalmist, wrote that God’s praise “shall continually be in my mouth”—words he wrote during a time of trouble. And the writer to the Hebrews combined the ideas of sacrifice and continual praise: “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His Name” (Hebrews 13:15). Why is praise considered a sacrifice, especially in times of trouble? First, sacrifice involves giving up something. Second, the sacrifice of praise in times of trouble means giving up fear, resentment, anger, and self-centeredness (“Why me, Lord?”). To praise God means to trust His plans and provision and protection at all times—“continually.”

If you are in a challenging season of life, purposefully choose to praise God sacrificially for what He is doing in your life.


PowerPoint with Pastor Jack Graham 2/22/24

How to deal with doubt in your life

Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.

--Hebrews 10:35-36

Having faith can be difficult, can’t it? If you ask yourself if you genuinely believe what you say you do, it can sometimes create tension inside you. The reason for that is the world today says that you should live your life for the here and now and certainly not for something you can’t physically see.

I think there’s a misperception in the church today that having a solid faith means that there’s never a sliver of doubt that comes. But true biblical faith perseveres even when doubt does arise.

The difference between belief and trust is that trust requires a risk. But it’s only when you risk something that you can see God come through!

We need men and women of such faith today that they persevere in trusting even when their faith is challenged. We need people who keep obeying even through the doubt! Endurance is more than just believing more. It’s persistence in trusting and obeying when you don’t see the outcome ahead.

Though it may sound contradictory, it’s essential to have faith in God even amidst doubt. So when disbelief rears its ugly head, kill it by trusting God and obeying His call on your life!



Turning Points Daily devotion 2/22/24

Thursday, February 22

Brotherly Love

Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.

Romans 12:10


“Brotherly love” is an important subject in the New Testament epistles (Romans 12:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:9; Hebrews 13:1; 2 Peter 1:7). A hallmark of brotherly (and sisterly) love is the choice to put the interests of others ahead of one’s own—to “honor” others by giving preference to them. Paul writes that we should imitate Christ in this regard, doing nothing out of selfish ambition but considering others’ needs ahead of our own (Philippians 2:1-5). We should settle grievances quickly, not letting them carry over to tomorrow (Ephesians 4:26-27).

Look for ways today to express brotherly love to someone by putting their needs and interests ahead of your own.

Brotherly love is the badge of Christ’s disciples.

Matthew Henry


intouch.org Daily devotion February 20, 2024

How Comforters Are Created

God never wastes anything—He often calls us to use our pain to minister to others.

2 Corinthians 1:1-7

Job asked a challenging question during his time of suffering: “Shall we actually accept good from God but not accept adversity?” (Job 2:10). Even hardship has a place in the Lord’s plan.

We can find great solace in Paul’s words about our loving God, who “comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction” (2 Cor. 1:4). Think about the kind of people you seek out when you feel hurt. You want someone who has felt your pain, right? A person who’s walked the path we find ourselves on can understand our suffering and provide wise counsel. According to the apostle, passing through a “valley experience” prepares us to be a blessing and encouragement to those who must go through something similar later. What’s required is that we accept the adversity He has placed in our way and choose to learn from the situation.

God is the Lord of our life, and He has the right to use us as comforters and encouragers to those in our sphere of influence. As His servants, we must be willing to receive whatever training is necessary to complete His will, including times when it hurts. Even in suffering, we can trust that He loves us and has a plan and purpose for our life.


Turning Points Daily devotion

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Gospel Conversations

This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses.
Acts 2:32

As we grow in Christ, we learn to engage in Gospel conversations with people. Norman Geisler wrote, “If we have God’s heart, we will do whatever we can to advance His Kingdom purposes in every conversation we have with our nonbelieving friends…. Once our heart is right with God, we can begin to talk to people in a more effective way so that many may believe.”1

Recommended Reading:
Acts 5:29-32

It's important to bring our Christian maturity into every relationship. People must see us as different—and different in ways they want to emulate. Then we look for opportunities to say a word, even if it’s as simple as: “I’ll pray about that for you.” The time will come when we can say: “Let me tell you about a verse I found today in the Bible,” or, “We’re having a concert at my church this weekend. Would you be able to come?”

As we try to live a godly life, we must remember we are God’s platform. Thank God for the opportunities that come your way and ask Him to keep you sharp enough to see them.

Evangelism is every day and in every way helping your nonbelieving friends to take one step closer to Jesus Christ.

Norman Geisler


Turning Points Daily devotion

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Living in the Gap

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Romans 5:3-4

There is no word more central to biblical teaching than faith. For instance, 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “We walk by faith, not by sight.” (See also Romans 1:17.) But what is faith? Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (NIV1984). Faith is not just hoping for something we cannot at present see. It is being “sure” and “certain” that we will in time see it. But what are we authorized to be certain of? Whatever God has promised in His Word. John 3:16 promises eternal life to all who believe in Jesus. Therefore, we can be certain, by faith, that we have eternal life.

Recommended Reading:
Hebrews 11:1-3

This raises the question: How do we live in the gap between not seeing and seeing? What do we do while we wait for God to fulfill His promise? We persevere. Echoing Hebrews 11:1, Romans 8:25 says, “But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.”

Biblical faith is characterized by perseverance. If you are in the gap, wait faithfully on God by persevering.

We persevere through faith and never apart from it.

Sinclair Ferguson


intouch.org Daily devotion February 10, 2024

Why God Closes Doors

We may not always understand what God allows, but we can always trust Who He is.

Jeremiah 10:23-24

Yesterday we discussed closed doors. Now let’s look at some reasons why God might block our way. Closed doors ...

Prevent mistakes. Just because a path is clear doesn’t mean it’s the one God wants us to follow. Sometimes we won’t have the information we need to make a wise decision, so He bars the way either spiritually or physically. The Holy Spirit can see the whole road map for our life, which is why we are to follow His guidance.

Redirect our walk. Sometimes God has a different opportunity in mind—one that will yield bigger fruit, more contentment, and greater impact for the Kingdom.

Test faith and build perseverance. Waiting for the Lord to speak or act is hard. But we’ll learn wisdom, patience, and trust by pausing prayerfully until He reveals His will.

Buy us time. God may temporarily hold shut an opportunity for service until a believer is properly equipped for Kingdom work.

Despite the repeated references to “closed doors” in this devotion, the real message is that God opens doors. He has created a perfect pathway for us to follow. Keep your feet on it, and you will walk over thresholds leading to service, satisfaction, and glory for the Lord.


intouch.org Daily devotion 2/3/24

A God of Unwavering Love

We are precious in the sight of our Heavenly Father.

Zephaniah 3:16-17

Today’s passage gives us a beautiful promise: “The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will rejoice over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy” (v. 17). This verse paints a picture of God not only as a powerful Warrior but also as a tender and loving Father who delights in His children.

When we face trials, we can find comfort in knowing that God stands by us as a victorious Warrior. He fights on our behalf, triumphing over adversity and defeating the forces that seek to harm us. In His strength, we discover resilience, courage, and hope.

At the same time, God reveals His gentler side. He exults over us with joy, taking delight in our growth and successes. Even in our imperfections, we are tenderly embraced by His unconditional acceptance and reminded that we’re cherished with immeasurable love.

When we feel alone or unheard, God’s love is there. He loves us, not from a distance but intimately—as a compassionate Father Who knows our heart’s deepest longings and whispers words of comfort to our soul.


PowerPoint with Pastor Jack Graham 2/1/24

How to steer clear of spiritual traps

He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?

--Micah 6:8

Benjamin Disraeli, who long ago served as Prime Minister of Great Britain, once said, “The secret of success is constancy of purpose.” Now what does that mean? Well, all too often, people today flex and change in their life’s purpose. They act on impulse, not thinking about how their actions will ultimately impact their lives.

Think about it… there may have been a time when things were tight financially, but you were lured into spending money on something you really didn’t need. Or, maybe you were having a great day of walking in obedience when that old temptation hit and you, once again, fell into its trap. Those things happen when, for a moment, we take our eyes off what really matters.

Yet, constancy of purpose in the Christian life means staying focused when the world, the enemy, and the flesh try to take your focus off what’s important and tempt you with the lure of immediate gratification. But the truth is that those things which seem to fulfill that impulse will never truly give you joy. Sticking to your purpose in Christ, however, will.

So whenever you’re tempted to follow an impulse that’s not of God, remember your ultimate purpose: to do what’s right, to be kind, and to walk humbly with your God!



Turning Points Daily devotion 1/31/24

We Have an Anchor

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil.
Hebrews 6:19

Have we forgotten Jesus is our anchor? In the early eras, the anchor was a primary symbol of Christianity. You’ll see it in catacombs and as epitaphs on believers’ tombs dating back to the first century. In more recent days, our classic hymnists have written songs like: “We have an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure when the billows roll,” and “In times like these you need an anchor; be very sure, be very sure, your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.”

Recommended Reading:
Hebrews 6:13-20

Let’s get back to the imagery of Hebrews 6:19!

The hope of Jesus is our anchor, and we swing it upward to the throne where our Lord is firmly seated, risen and reigning. Our hope in Him grips the rock and steadies our soul. Having the sure hope of eternity through Jesus Christ allows us to weather the daily storms of life. Fixing our anchor in eternity allows us more stability for life each day. Be very sure your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

Troubles almost ’whelm the soul; griefs like billows o’er me roll…but in Christ I can be bold, I’ve an Anchor that shall hold.

William C. Martin


Today in the Word, April 2024

Practical Theology

Love and Fear

by Dr. John Koessler

The Bible's repeated emphasis on the fear of the Lord may seem inconsistent with its teaching about the love of God. After all, we don't typically want those we love to be terrified of us! Love's characteristic is to draw near rather than shrink back. "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love" (1 John 4:18).

John describes the characteristic of a "perfect" or mature love, a love that grows. That this love is "made complete" implies progress or development (v. 17). Second, this love does not originate with us but is a response to God's love for us. Verse 19 explains, "we love because He first loved us." Third, it is a love that is not only directed toward God but also toward those whom God loves. In this way, God causes our love for Him to mature: "...if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us" (v. 12). However, when John observes that there is no fear in love, he cannot mean that those who love God never experience fear in His presence. There are too many examples to the contrary in both Old and New Testaments.

John's assertion that perfect love "drives out" fear is an implicit acknowledgment that fear is a common reaction for those who experience the presence of God. Such fear springs from our awareness of guilt and the knowledge that we deserve punishment (v. 12). But Jesus has transformed this natural fear into something else by taking our punishment upon Himself. It is what Psalm 19:9 describes as a "pure" or "clean" fear. Only those who know Christ by faith can fear God in this biblical sense. It is a holy reverence that is grounded in faith. They can pray that God's Name will be hallowed (Matthew 6:9). By the power of Christ at work in them, they strive to be holy (Hebrew 12:14). God is their Father. Jesus is their Friend. The Spirit is their Helper (John 14:16, 26). Anyone who trusts in Christ's righteousness can fear God without being terrified.


Today in the Word


A Fearful Conclusion

Ecclesiastes 12:9-14

Fear God and keep His Commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind - Ecclesiastes 12:13


....King Solomon had experimented with "life under the sun" - the meaning and purpose of human life on its own, without God - and he was now ready to present the "conclusion of the matter" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). He'd already called everything "meaningless, a chasing after the wind" (Eccl. 1:14). Is there any hope?

Yes. "Fear God and keep His Commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind" (v. 13). Earthly wisdom is not sufficient to be its own end. Only godly wisdom, which begins with the fear of the Lord, gives meaning and purpose to life. Loving worship of the one true God is the foundation of all true wisdom. Without God, human endeavors are empty and end in death. But with God, in the context of a right relationship with Him, human endeavors can take on meaning for His glory.

Why? Because the bottom line of everything is God (v. 14). At times we act as as if it's all about us - our beliefs, our choices, our actions. But it is God Who will one day 'bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil" (see Roman 2:16. To His verdicts there will be no appeal.

The teacher (Solomon) communicated his conclusion in "just the right words" (v. 10). But the right words can be irritating, "like goads" (v. 11). These are sticks with embedded nails used for prodding straying animals back to right path. May God's wisdom have that effect in our lives!

Bradley Baurain

Pray with us

Lord, enable us to live in the light of Your future coming, when everything will come under Your judgment. As we look forward to the Second Coming, teach us to live by the guidance of Your Spirit, with hope, love, joy, and peace.


Cleansing and Preparation



The Lord Washes the Feet of the Disciples

John 13:1-11

(summarized portions of a teaching lesson - not exact quotes)


The foot-washing event pictures our cleansing from sin.


The Lord is saying there is one washing that we need only once in order to be clean from sin and have salvation.

But then there is another washing that we need more frequently to be clean from sin.

The Bath of salvation is one type and the daily foot-washing-cleansing from defiling sin is a different type.

Titus 3:5 He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His Own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,

That is the bath of salvation - relationship - done once and for all.

However, now that we are saved - as we walk in this sinful world - we need daily cleansing from the defiling effects of sin for continual fellowship with the Heavenly Father - the relationship is already established.

John 13:8 “No,” said Peter, “You shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with Me.”

"with Me" in John 13:8 signifies fellowship with Jesus Christ. This is different from the designation of being "in Christ"

The fellowship with Christ requires daily foot-washing type of cleansing.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 139:23 - 24 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

1 John 1:9 and Psalms 139:23-24 is a way to daily submit to daily foot-washing type cleansing of the Holy Spirit.

It is also wise to say in some form in your morning prayers:

Psalms 51:2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!


Psalms 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Person to Person: The Gospel of Mark

by Paul V. Vickers

(summarized points of the text)

p 227

We must choose to make ourselves ready for the Heavenly Father to feed us with new life.

p 235

We need to watch and pray for truly virtuous spiritual motives all the while diligently

intouch.org Daily devotion 1/8/17

The Place of Fasting in Prayer

Matthew 6:16-21

Jesus’ words about fasting represent His invitation to a deeper experience with God. As we place our physical desires under the Spirit’s control, we let go of our grip on the material in order to embrace the spiritual. Reasons for fasting include:

Cleansing from sin. When we let our spiritual guard down, we start thinking as the world does—protecting our rights instead of dying to self, or seeking to accumulate rather than sacrificing. Through these lapses, ungodly attitudes and habits can quietly take up residence in us, and we hardly notice. But God sees. They hinder our fellowship with Him, limit the effectiveness of our service, and erode our joy. Prayer combined with fasting will help us give God our undivided attention as He addresses our areas of sin. We, in turn, will find them grievous and be eager to let them go.

Guidance. God is willing to give us clear direction, but for some things, prayer in conjunction with fasting is more effective. That is how we gain the cleansed mind needed to hear what He is saying and a submitted spirit ready to accept His instructions.

Protection. Through fasting, we gain insight into God’s ways and receive help in identifying unhealthy or dangerous situations. As we submit to His authority and confess our need for protection, the Holy Spirit will give us discernment to make wiser decisions and avoid unnecessary pitfalls.

Fasting coupled with prayer can also bring heightened spiritual awareness and more intimate communion with the Lord. Aren’t these the deepest desires of our heart?

intouch.org radio 3/28/16


This is one of the wisest things you can do to keep from drifting. When you wake up in the morning, before you get out of bed, you say to Him: "Father today" or "Lord Jesus today here and now I surrender my entire life to You for this day." Then when something comes along, the Spirit of God is going to remind you "(no, no) that's not surrender - you're having your way now."

When you make a genuine commitment - "I surrender my entire life to You today" - it's amazing the impact. You know what it's like? It's like God gave you this radar system and it reaches way out there, you can see it coming down the track. And God reminds you: "remember, you laid all that down and you surrendered everything to Me today."

Now we have to stay on guard - you have to be on guard.

The Book of Revelation Decoded

Your Guide to understanding the End Times through the eyes of the Hebrew Prophets

by Rabbi K.A. Schneider

p 57

(summarized statement - not a direct quote)

People should wake up in the morning asking the Heavenly Father to cleanse them.

p 96

(summarized statement - not a direct quote)

Having a good understanding of Scripture is good; however what we do in response to our understanding of Scripture is the important thing.

p 112

(summarized statements - not direct quotes)

To our own judgment, we may think things are okay with our condition but the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ usually want to go much deeper than just modest corrections, adjustments and improvements.

p 113

Someday soon we will all meet God. We need to be like the five wise virgins - prepared and ready. That means we must cooperate with the Holy Spirit and His process of sanctifying us. He wants us to think more as He thinks, to act more as He acts, and to have more of His heart. To continue growing, we must be open to the Holy Spirit and yield to His work in our lives.

p 133

...Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" because giving produces love (Acts 20:35). The more we give ourselves to Him, the more our love for Him grows. And as we prepare ourselves for meeting Jesus through the sacrifice of our obedience to Him, we can truly become those who have washed our garments and made ourselves ready for Him (See Ephesians 5:26 - 27; Revelation 19:7-8.)

p 167

...The Lord desires to position us for eternal glory and blessings that last forever. But the degree to which we will enjoy future rewards with Him rests upon our ability to delay gratification now. Can we say no to the things of this world grabbing for our affections, our attention, and our very life? Can we crucify our flesh "with its passions and lusts," as Paul described (Galatians 5:24)? Can we endure momentary suffering while keeping our eyes fixed on the bigger prize of eternity with Jesus?

p 169

...Are we storing things in God's Kingdom of light by what we do publicly and privately, in a Kingdom of vibrant colors and life abundant, where things last forever?

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