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Date Posted: 13:22:32 06/03/24 Mon
Author: c
Subject: Helpful Reminders

Helpful Reminders

Here are some helpful reminders of things that can adjust perspective somewhat if these reminders are looked at in some way regularly each day.

1. Take the bitter with the sweet: all situations have good aspects and bad aspects. So don't expect situations to be without flaws, problems, negatives. Don't magnify the negatives of situations as evidence that you should see the situation as totally negative. Try to look at a larger picture with a more balanced viewpoint.

Another aspect of a balanced viewpoint is that a christian has to realize that overestimating the results of prayer, church attendance, Bible reading, worshiping, and witnessing, and sowing financial seeds can somewhat occur as well as underestimating the results of those activities. A christian shouldn't lean too far in one extreme of overestimating or underestimating the effectiveness of any spiritual activity, discipline or choice. Also, time has to factor in on how any spiritual activities ultimately bring forth fruit or results - and christians usually aren't good at evaluating how time will show the ultimate results of any activity.

Matthew 6:22-23 The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

2. Don't lean to your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

It's best to be low-key and low-pressure.

Don't try to figure things all out. Trying to figure things out puts too much pressure on yourself.

3. How will some choice I'm faced with affect the Kingdom work?

4. "If that's all it takes to undo....": This reminder might not be too effective for baby Christians. However, once a Christian starts to pray and apply principles like "lean not to your own understanding" and the results begin to unfold, then a Christian starts to have progress that should not be undervalued. (Or any status that you may have gained in anything: "if that's all it takes to undo what I've built at this job, well, then....hey")

So when a Christian has made some progress, then a Christian can start to evaluate whether some new situation as potent enough to push the progress aside. A Christian shouldn't trust in his or her own abilities or strength, but a Christian should be skeptical that just anything is able to disturb him or her. A Christian should always pray about situations, but this particular reminder is a suggestion to be skeptical that just any situation can push a Christian around. Again, this is not about too much confidence about handling situations - this is about having curiosity about whether a situation actually rises to the level of being able to upset a Christian: "is this REALLY able to undo....?" (some situations like job loss or family tragedies definitely can upset a Christian but, again, not just anything. Have some perspective).

A Christian also should, along this line of reasoning, mentally adjust to the framework that any attempts to undermine a Christian's victory, progress, or advantage in a situation are a sign that the adversary is trying to create a reality rather actually having the reality that adversary wants. So, then, in this regard, a Christian should walk and exist in the present reality or arrangement an adversary doesn't like in a way that shows amusement and celebration more than fretting and worrying about losing this progress/victory reality the Christian presently has. An enemy can do things that will warrant a Christian to counter with wise strategy, but the situation should never be viewed as completely unmanageable.

5. "I just keep showing up": There's something to be said about just showing up. This doesn't mean a Christian shouldn't pray before going into troublesome environments and situation or pretend to be brave using words and antics, but, once a Christian prays and asks for help from the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and undertakes whatever necessary precautions beforehand, there is a power to just facing a situation and letting that reality of being there say what it says (and realizing that it is saying something). When things seem troublesome, knowing you are going to keep facing them shouldn't be undervalued.

There are some situations that may have to be avoided, but when you are going to make a decision to avoid something or not go back to somewhere, be settled on that decision after you arrive at that decisive decision after prayerful consideration.

6. Don't overdo anything: Overdoing anything usually is very destructive - especially talking (Proverbs 10:19, 13:3, 21:23). Overthinking is not too good either. Overeating, playing around too much, worrying too much, complaining too much, criticizing too much, being sour and bitter too much, pining away for things and experiences that seem out of reach, trying to become friendly or romantic with individuals who seem not interested or standoffish, dwelling on dissatisfaction and weariness over feelings of lack, disappointment and regret. The list seems endless. Catch yourself when you are overdoing anything.

Along this line of thinking, a Christian should be very reluctant to add anything on to some provocation an adversary might confront a Christian with. Most attacks usually fall flat (especially once the immediate shock passes) and then the weakness of the attack gets clearer and clearer. By being very reluctant to add any words or responses to most attacks an adversary brings to a Christian, a Christian then gets a greater and greater perspective on how much attacks just pass away and seemingly have to come again because the previous ones didn't produce the desired results. So stay in the mode of being very reluctant to add anything to attacks in the mentality of expecting to see more and more attacks fall flat.

7. Can the Heavenly Father trust you with trouble?: Don't assume you can correctly evaluate why the Heavenly Father is bringing you through a situation. It probably is for your development.

8. You can't discount reality - you have to go through stuff. Don't come up with a spiritual concept that you are immune to ups and downs.

9. "Once you are given warnings....": Even though people claim many things hit them unexpectedly, there are usually a LOT of warnings a person has received along the way (plus the usual awareness of weaknesses a person has - as Dr. Charles Stanley says a person should be aware of)

Some usual warnings a person probably knows of:

- watch your mouth and tongue

- hold back on accusing people. Making accusations usually leads to consequences that cannot be undone.

- make spiritual choices rather than fleshly choices

- save money for an emergency fund

- think of solutions and alternative plans. Try to have a sense of concerning developments that may arise up ahead.

Proverbs 27:12 A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

Ecclesiastes 11:2 Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.

Ecclesiastes 11:6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.

10. New mornings bring new mercies.

Lamentations 3:21 - 23 This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is His faithfulness.

11. A Christian's presence should say more than any words or antics a Christian might try to come up with

GRACE UNDER PRESSURE | Rev. Anton Elwood | GAC Allen Worship Experience


1:10: 21 (time elapsed on the video)

"You never have to open your mouth...your presence alone tells your testimony"

12. If you say something, then you have pressure to live up to it (you put yourself in that pressure scenario). If you don't say something, then you can keep the pressure as low as possible of whatever situation you go through (plus, you have made anyone who is scheming against you unaware of how you plan to deal with the situation). It is definitely better to go through situations with no pressure to "live up" to some claim you have spoken. So go very easy on the promises, boasts, claims, assertions, predictions, guesses, assumptions. Use a lot of humble qualifiers when necessary.

13. If you teach something, then you have to look for the test that will examine if what you taught is genuine.

14. Goliath, Jezebel, Sennacherib are examples of how the evil one tends to try to create intimidation. Avoid being deceived like Elijah fleeing from Jezebel's threats. Recognize that this seems to be a usual test for Christians (which is why David, Elijah, and Hezekiah went through these situations to show the pattern). Don't forget the sneaky Judas-type of evil attacks.

The Japanese concept of Wéijī: crisis/danger and opportunity applies here. Troubling situations can lead to bad outcomes (though perhaps temporary in duration) however there is a chance to put fervent and enthusiastic trust in the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in a crisis or troubling situation. More and more, these troubling situations can look like opportunities to confess faith in the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and then witness how faith works.

example: "They seemingly are trusting in their own power and the power of clever and evil schemes and tactics. I (on the other hand) am going to put my trust in the power and goodness of the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to prevail in this situation. Let's see how this turns out."

Psalms 119:71 It is good for me to have been through trouble; so that I might come to the knowledge of your rules.

In this realm of going through troubling situations, a saint has to balance understanding that being a "fighter" isn't pretty, meaning the ups and downs aren't always pleasant, however a saint must have a joyful comeback mentality and spirit signifying that a saint trusts that the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can win the battle (no matter if a temporary setback unfolds). These concepts have to be properly balanced so the fighter aspect doesn't lead to too much anger/bitterness/negativity - which is always possible.

Isaiah 12:3 You will joyfully draw water from the springs of salvation,

As Dr. Charles Stanley taught, having peace is usually not about having no troubles or trials. Rather, having peace is usually about having stability and strength to go through a situation - no matter how troubling a situation is. This requires a christian to avoid the path of wishing problems, trials and trouble didn't happen. So, as a christian goes through a situation with faith and a joyful comeback mentality and spirit, looking for the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to win the battle, just recognize an enemy will usually come to battle gambling with their notions of power, cleverness, etc. The usual arrangement is a christian's trust in the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is confronted by an enemy gambling on getting a victory through unjust ways and means. Faith has to always go up against those who choose to gamble for unjust results. Don't waste time wishing this conflict wasn't such a regular and usual thing.

15. The test seems to be whether a saint will have so much awareness and appreciation of grace and mercies personally received to the point of an increasingly diminishing focus on desiring others to pay for their errors and sins and transgression and flaws.

Matthew 7:1,2 Do not judge and criticize and condemn others unfairly with an attitude of self-righteous superiority as though assuming the office of a judge, so that you will not be judged unfairly. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.

16. "Welp, so much for that...": This is more of an internal (not spoken) self-talk, self-commentary about various failures - your own or those of people who attempt to bother you. This kind of mild sarcasm allows for laughing at various ways we and others fall short at some things we should and probably shouldn't be doing.


Our Daily Bread

May 2024

May Topic: Spiritual Warfare

Victory in our spiritual battles

Here are five Scriptual guidelines to experience spiritual victory

1. Have confidence in God. We we acknowledge our sinfulness and accept God's free gift of salvation, we stand before Him clothed in Christ's righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21).

2. Submit to God and resist satan. Although Christ has given us authority over satan (1 John 4:4), we can exercise it only as we submit ourselves to God and resist the enemy.

3. Be aware of satan's strategies. satan can take advantage of us if we're "unaware of his schemes" (2 Corinthians 2:11).

4. Put on the armor of God. Using the metaphor of a well-equipped Roman soldier, we're to prepare for spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:11-18).

> The belt of truth: Our first line of defense is to be truthful. We must never misrepresent the truth.

> The breastplate of righteousness: Any sin in our life leaves us open to satan's attack. We've been given Christ's righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21), and - as one commentator put it - we practice "the sanctifying rlghteousness of Chist (1 Corinthians 1:30) " in our daily lives.

> The Shield of faith quenches the "flaming arrows" of temptation (Ephesians 6:16), as we believe what God has said about every area of our life.

> The helmet of salvation, or "hope of salvation" (1 Thessalonians 5:8), guards against satan's sword of discouragement and doubt.

> The Sword of the Spirit: Scripture is our best offensive weapon against the devil (Matthew 4:1-11).

5. Pray. Prayer expresses our dependence on God (Ephesians 6:18). In the power of Christ, with the armor of the Spirit, we can experience victory.


PowerPoint daily devotional Pastor Jack Graham 3/18/24

Be an active agent in God's Kingdom

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

--James 4:17

I heard about a man who was fired from his job. So he approached his boss and said, “How can I be fired?! I didn’t do anything!”

His boss quipped back and said, “That’s exactly the reason you’re fired!”

I meet many Christians today who say, “I don’t do this and I don’t do that.” They’re people who think that the Gospel is only for the murderer, the pervert, or the prisoner. “It’s for the people on the other side of the tracks,” they think, “but not us!”

But how many “Christians” today are good for nothing when it comes to Kingdom service? They break God's laws and commandments every day, failing to do what God has assigned them to do.

You and I are not here just to take up space and obey a few rules. We’re here to make a difference for Christ! God wants to strategically use us to expand His kingdom and make His name known to the ends of the earth.

Don’t think the focus of the Christian life is to simply obey the rules. God has called you to live as an active agent for His kingdom!



in touch.org Daily devotional 3/19/24

The Price of Prayerlessness

God invites you to bring your burdens to Him every day.

Isaiah 40:28-31

God wants us to talk with Him, and Matthew 7:7-8 is an invitation to speak with Him about anything. Jesus said if we have a need, we’re to ask; if we seek answers, we’ll find them; if we want opportunities to open up, He will respond when we knock. Even so, many of us don’t spend as much time in prayer as we should.

Forsaking prayer can be costly. If we don’t spend time with the Lord, we might find ourselves on a slippery slope, sliding through weariness, discouragement, and doubt. Today let’s look at the first of these. Tomorrow we can examine the other two.

Certain situations take an emotional, physical, and/or spiritual toll—we call these burdens. They can wear us out if we attempt to endure them alone. But God doesn’t intend for that weight to fall on our shoulders. In fact, the Bible tells us to cast those loads on the Lord, Who sustains us and “daily bears our burden” (Ps. 55:22; Ps. 68:19).

Hauling all our worries and cares around is exhausting because we are not built for such loads. In God’s design, His strength fills the believer to capacity. Picture Jesus’ shoulders just above your own—with Him bearing your problems. The burden may not disappear, but it feels blessedly lighter when you hand it over to the Lord.


in touch.org daily devotional 3/20/24

The Damage of Prayerlessness

Discouragement comes when we try to carry our load alone, but help is just a prayer away.

Colossians 4:2-6

Jesus often slipped away to spend quiet moments with His Father. If the Son of God needed prayer time, then we surely can’t live well without it. Yesterday we saw that those who “go it alone” become weary from bearing unnecessary burdens. Now let’s see the results of carrying that extra weight throughout life.

When we’re drained spiritually, emotionally, or physically, we become susceptible to discouragement. Loss of confidence is soon followed by doubt. A believer immersed in prayer and Scripture reading will find security in God’s power and presence. Joshua was exhorted to meditate on the Law, because his success was dependent on following God’s will (Josh. 1:8-9). Keeping the Lord at the center of our focus, coupled with regular Bible reading and prayer, builds confidence. But someone who questions His faithfulness will seek refuge everywhere except in those disciplines.

Forsaking prayer causes a downward slide—but the direction can be reversed at any time. It’s simple: Confess your prayerlessness, and then make a priority of regular quiet time with God. In those moments of communion, He will make burdens light, offer encouragement, and fill you with confidence.


Messianic Bible 3/20/24

Are you a peacemaker? If so, you are blessed!

How do we be at peace with those who persecute us? "Bless and do not curse," Paul says.

How do we bless an enemy? If he is in need, we can help him.

Paul says, "If your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink. ... Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:18-21)

We can also greet him with a smile and a "hello" instead of crossing the street to avoid him. This is loving our neighbor.

If our enemy refuses our kindness and good deeds toward them, we are not to take revenge or repay evil with evil. God says, "Vengeance is Mine; I will repay." (Deuteronomy 32:35; Romans 12:19)

What a relief to know that God has our back!

Even so, sometimes Godly peacemaking does require engaging in war.

Godly Peacemakers Sometimes Go to War

God understands that war is sometimes obligatory to defend a city or a country from attack.

So, the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 20 includes several laws relating to "how and when" to make war.

Trying to make peace with neighboring peoples is one of those laws.

When warring with cities outside the Promised Land, God ordered Israel to first make a mandatory offer of peace.

"When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace." (Deuteronomy 20:10)


in touch.org Daily devotion 3/21/24

Willing to Wait for God’s Way

Trust the Lord to bring you His best at the right time.

Lamentations 3:24-26

Many of us struggle when it comes to disciplining ourselves in the area of instant gratification. There are so many things we want now. And to make matters worse, we usually have the ability to follow through on our desires. That’s what the credit card industry is all about: Have it now; pay later. But finances aren’t the only area where we get into trouble. Being in a hurry to get married can lead to an unwise choice of a spouse. Or being in a rush for career success might tempt us not to consider whether our pursuit aligns with God’s plans.

Why do you think the Lord wants us to wait? One reason is to protect us from our own self-destructive ways. Those who can’t say no to their own desires end up enslaved to them. God wants us to be mature believers who have the character and self-restraint to wait for Him to provide in His perfect time. Because the Heavenly Father is omniscient, He alone knows what’s best. You can trust that if He asks you to wait, He has something more wonderful in mind than you could ever provide for yourself.

Does anything seem to have power over you? If so, it may be an area that requires the practice of self-restraint. Yield to the Lord and submit your desires to Him. Then, begin saying no to temptations as you wait for God to reveal His perfect plan.


PowerPoint daily devotion Pastor Jack Graham 3/26/24

What is a holy life?

Though you have not seen Him, you love Him. Though you do not now see Him, you believe in Him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.

--1 Peter 1:8

What’s your definition of a holy life? You might be surprised to find out that God is not only holy; God is happy!

And when we talk about living a holy life, we are talking about living a life full of energy, life, power, and joy.

As our verse for today says, we have “joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory”! That’s a joy that’s so incredible you can’t even express it! It is because of salvation through Christ.

So when I talk about holiness, I’m not talking about being pious or religious. Rather, pure holiness is a beautiful expression of the very character of God. We are separated unto God that we might live positive, joyful, exuberant lives… as well as disciplined and dedicated lives.

The upward call of every Christian is to live with a purity of heart and a purity of life that comes from the soul and is unpolluted because the presence of God is there.

You and I have been called to live a godly life… no exceptions. And it all begins with our minds. According to Proverbs 23:7, “As [a man] calculates in his soul, so is he.” Have you ever thought about how so many of our spiritual struggles begin when we allow our minds to wander aimlessly?

Today, I want to encourage you to make sure your thinking is controlled by the grace of God. Exercise self-discipline. Second, eliminate anything that weakens your mind or distorts your thinking or your judgment. Third, stay focused on the purposes and plan of God. And fourth, continually put your future hope in God.



Power Point daily devotion Pastor Jack Graham 4/3/24

Prepare for battle!

“The LORD Who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.”

--1 Samuel 17:37

When you and I think about heroes of the Bible, such as David, we might be tempted to think they were born with the ability to jump into the work of the Lord. But that’s not true!

Throughout Scripture you and I can clearly see the principle of preparation at work in the lives of God’s people. Look at the life of David. Before he battled Goliath, David had fought many smaller battles as a shepherd on the humble hillsides of Bethlehem.

Alone with God in obscure, isolated places, David honed his battle skills, killing the creatures that threatened his sheep. And these times of preparation were essential to becoming a giant slayer.

How about you? Are you prepared for the giants that are coming your way? Please don’t shirk the need to prepare. The reason many people feel overcome by towering challenges is because we have failed to prepare in the smaller places—the secret places.

Become consistent in the routine smaller battles that come your way. Your confidence in God will grow, and you will become increasingly adept at waging spiritual warfare.

Start today! Prepare for great victories by faithfully fighting the smaller battles of life! And when it’s time to face the giants, you will be ready to win!



Beside the Still Waters


Surge Protection


A surge protector is a device that gives protection against strong surges of electricity which could "fry" sensitive components in electronic equipment. I personally need a spiritual surge protector. I need protection against the surge of feelings that come when I read scary world news, hear gossip about myself, or see someone cutting in front of me on the road. Such protection is available because 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "God is faithful, Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

How can we have protection against surges of strong feelings? One way is by heeding Philippians 4:8 and thinking on noble things. A habit of well-controlled thinking enables us to look at situations realistically and respond properly instead of reacting wildly. Another way is by ""giving all diligence" to add godly qualities to our life (2 Peter 1:5-8). If we do this, we will be fruitful, flourishing Christians that the surges of life cannot harm.

In today's Bible reading we see two men who were affected by strong surges. Nabal was overcome by a surge of resentment and quickly condemned David as an undeserving man (verses 1 Samuel 25:10-11). David felt a surge of anger that almost caused him to shed innocent blood (verses 21-22). But Abigail had "surge protection" and responded with wisdom, calmness, and discretion (verses 25-28).

People may experience such a surge of anger that they commit hasty and violent acts, sometimes followed by a vain longing to undo the damage. But praise God - we have a way to prevent such damage before it occurs! It is by allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to control us. This is real surge protection.

Jonathan Hershberger

Though the angry surges roll, the power of God can calm my soul.


intouch.org Daily Devotion 5/1/24

Gifts From God

In times of hardship, take a moment to marvel at the evidence of God's love and care all around you.

May 1, 2024

James 1:12-18

In today’s passage, James writes, “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation or shifting shadow” (v. 17).

Have you ever taken a moment to marvel at the abundance of blessings in your life? The air you breathe, the sun that warms your face, and the love of family and friends are all tremendous gifts. Everything we enjoy has been freely bestowed on us by a loving Creator Who doesn’t ever change—Who never gives us cause for doubt or uncertainty.

Our lives, on the other hand, are constantly shifting, and we will find pleasant times interspersed with periods of hardship and sadness. Thankfully, we can always rely upon our God, Whose good gifts are meant to remind us of His unchanging nature. Even when we face pain and adversity, we can look for the Father’s love and mercy in our life, recognizing each breath we take, each relationship we enjoy, and each sunrise we witness as evidence of His presence.

God’s gifts are perfect and precisely designed to sustain us in a way that fills our soul. Let’s receive them with a heart full of gratitude and speak of them as a way of testifying to His love.


intouch.org Daily Devotion 5/3/24

Lamenting What Is Lost

Offering our tears to God requires faith that He is able and willing.

May 3, 2024

Nehemiah 1:3-11

Is it possible for grieving to be an act of worship? Consider today’s passage about Nehemiah, an Israelite who served as cupbearer to the king of Babylon. Nehemiah sat down and wept for days when he learned Jerusalem’s walls had been destroyed, leaving his people defenseless. Yet his tears weren’t just a simple outpouring of strong emotion. Through weeping, fasting, and prayer, Nehemiah allowed his distress to lead him into deeper communion with God.

Shedding tears over what was lost—giving full expression to his pain—was an essential component of Nehemiah’s prayerful turning toward God. His bold display of sorrow was an affirmation of his belief that God alone was capable of restoring Jerusalem and her people to their former glory. As he prayed, Nehemiah reminded God of His promise to gather the exiles and dwell permanently among His people (vv. 8-9).

As Christians, we can sometimes interpret another person’s outward display of grief as a lack of faith. Why are they crying, we may wonder, if they truly trust God? But Nehemiah’s example shows us that taking time to lament what we have lost can be an act of worship. When we are in pain, God invites us to cling to His promises and offer our tears to Him as devotion—even if they are all we have to give.


intouch.org Daily devotion 5/4/24

Assessing What Is Left

There is always hope when we look to the Lord for our next step.

May 4, 2024

Nehemiah 2:11-18

Navigating loss is a complex process; there is no straightforward path through grief. Yet Nehemiah’s journey from lamenting the broken walls of Jerusalem to rebuilding them offers us insight as we partner with God to put life’s shattered places back together.

After grieving the destruction of Jerusalem’s fortifications, Nehemiah asked King Artaxerxes for permission to return to that city and rebuild its protective wall. Taking stock of what remains after loss is an important step as we move from grieving to rebuilding. It can be difficult to find glimmers of hope while surveying the ruins of broken lives, dreams, or relationships, but we are never without the one thing that matters most—God’s presence. Nehemiah knew this to be true, which is why he toured Jerusalem to inspect its walls and learn what was needed to repair the damage. In doing so, he oriented himself towards hope—that is, he looked for what could be accomplished with God’s help.

As the Lord did with Nehemiah, He also invites us to view rubble in our life with eyes of faith. So let’s dare to look beyond our present circumstances toward the joy of future restoration.


intouch.org Daily devotion 5/17/24

Making Changes to Fulfill God's plan

Matthew 16:24-27


As God's adopted children, we have been given the purpose of glorifying Him through righteous living....this means making certain modifications in our life....

1. One adjustment has to do with our belief system - A Christian's thinking ought to match Jesus'. For example, students of Scripture will learn the following: The Lord is the One Who deserves our praise (Psalm 96:4); the last shall be first (Mark 9:35); and Christians are to be generous people (1 Timothy 6:18). Our actions need to match what the Bible teaches.

2. We may also have to redefine our commitments. God is to be our highest priority, and His desires for us should take precedence over personal preferences and what others ask us to do. We must evaluate our choices in light of His plan for us. This may mean letting go of a favorite activity, taking on a new responsibility, or staying where we are despite longing to leave. Our Father wants and deserves His children's full devotion (Matthew 22:37).

These changes do not all happen instantly at salvation; they take place over a lifetime. And we should be encouraged, because such adjustments are accompanied by the confidence of knowing that God will use us to fulfill His plan.


Turning Points Devotional May 2024

From Fascination to Faith

by Dr. David Jeremiah

p 6 - 7


Why did the early disciples attract so many people to Christ? Because their fascination with Him pervaded their personalities. The Gospel of Mark constantly tells us how they were amazed at Jesus and wanted to follow Him....

The disciples' wonderment never left them, and their Christ-touched personalities were supercharged with a magnetism that drew others to themselves and to their Lord....

We should ask ourselves if we too, are so enamored with Christ that we become magnetic in drawing others to Him. Do people marvel at us and recognize that we, too, have been with Jesus?....

It's time to regain the wonder of it all and to rekindle our fascination with Christ, which in truth blesses the hearts of others....


Turning Points Devotional May 2024

Happiness: What are you so happy about?

by Dr. David Jeremiah


p 10

Regardless of your personality or temperament - even despite your circumstances - you can discover God's secrets to a joyful attitude in His Word. Our God is a joyful God. He wants His creatures to be joyful. For those who believe the Bible, there is no debate, no doubt about this. Almighty God wants His joy to be our joy.....

The Practice of Joy

As you discover what God has to say about the joyful life, you will realize it's a quality that requires tending. Just as farmers tend their crops. Joy is a plant that grows in the middle of our personalities, and we have to work on it....

We cannot create joy inside of us, but we can do our part in working on its cultivation. Paul said about the growth of the Gospel, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase" (1 Corinthians 3:6). The same is true about joy. We have to train ourselves to be joyful. We must remind ourselves of the "joy" verses God gives us. We must preach them to ourselves, pray them into our lives, and choose to be joyful even if our emotions don't feel that way and even if our circumstances don't seem very positive at the moment.

p 11

...Let the Lord's presence show up on your face, find the joy of the Lord as your strength, and let your happiness become a means of fascinating others and sharing with them the joyful sound of the Gospel.


Turning Points devotional May 2024

Caring: Why do you care so much about me?

by Dr. David Jeremiah


p 15

When you care about those with any need at all and demonstrate it in action, you'll fascinate others because you'll be demonstrating a love greater than most. The needs are endless, so we can be creative and ask God to show us exactly how and when and where we can find a care calling for ourselves.

Someone needs you in your family, neighborhood, school, place of employment, or world. When you care, others will see Jesus in your actions, and they will be fascinated, asking, "Why do you care so much about me?" And we can say, "It's because of Jesus!"...


Turning Points devotional May 2024

Hope: How Do You Have such peace living in Today's World?

by Dr. David Jeremiah


p 18

If your mind is filled with God's precepts, promises, and prophecies, it will transform your mind to a degree that will fascinate and attract people and cause them to ask, "Why do you have such hope within you?"

A Hope-Filled Mood

A mind filled with hopeful Scriptures naturally tends to produce a hope-filled personality. I don't care if by nature you are choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic, or any of the other personality types described by psychologists. God wants you to have a hopeful demeanor, and that comes as the truth in your mind travels through your bloodstream and enliven every part of your temperament.

Proverbs 10:28 says, "The hope of the righteous will be gladness."

Psalm 31:24 says, "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord."

Romans 15:13 tells us to "abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

p 19

A Hope-Filled Message

If our minds are filled with biblical hope and it's pervading our personalities, we cannot help sharing it with others. We'll have a hope-filled message. This doesn't mean we're reduced to naïve optimism or to cliches like, "Don't worry, everything will work out just fine." It means we understand we have a Savior Who cares and Who is still in control, however things turn out for the moment.

...Christ in you is the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). And even if the ground caves in, He will help you look upward and onward with a stubborn streak of hope that outlasts and outshines the gloom.


Turning Points Devotional May 2024

Be fascinating: Your Faith should be attractive

by Dr. David Jeremiah


p 22 - 23

When we live an attractive Christian life. It demonstrates the presence of Jesus to all we encounter and has a magnetic effect in drawing others to our Lord.

A Faith that is likeable

If we take it a step further, we'll also discover that a livable and loveable faith has an extraordinary effect on us. It actually makes us likeable. Not everyone will accept our message, and some people are offended by biblical truth. We cannot yield on crucial points of theology or morality. We may face persecution, for the Bible speaks of "the offense of the cross" (Galatians 5:11). But while some people may not like us, we should nonetheless be likeable.

Our lives should be a testimony as we live out such an attractive faith that others will be drawn to Christ. The wonderful thing about this kind of attractiveness is that it doesn't fade with age; it gets stronger, better, and brighter - like the rising and progressing of the sun.

In fact, Proverbs 4:18 says, "The path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day."

Begin today to live out a sunny life and a fascinating faith that makes you a prism directing the light of Jesus on the dark world around you.


Today in the Word


Seeds of His Presence

Matthew 13:1-23

James Coakley


...God's Word is ever available, ever potent. However, the condition of our hearts determines how well we receive and cultivate His presence.

Just as a farmer prepares the soil before planting, we must prepare our hearts to receive God's Word. This involves eliminating distractions, seeking forgiveness, and approaching God's Word with openness and expectancy. When we allow His Word to take root in our lives, It not only transforms us but also produces fruit that benefits others.

Go Deeper

What can we do to prepare our hearts for God's Word? What type of soil is your heart and how has that affected your time in the Word?


Powerpoint by Pastor Jack Graham 4/22/24

The Key to growing in faith


The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

--Luke 17:5

The apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith. And, as followers of Christ, this is something we should also be seeking.

T—Take away anything in your life that might slow you down or cause you to stumble. You mustn’t let distractions get you off track or let sins trip you up.

R—Read and meditate upon Scripture.

U—Use the faith you have. Faith is like a muscle; it needs to be exercised every day... Exercise your faith daily.

S—Strengthen your faith with prayer and fellowship.

T—Turn your eyes upon Jesus. If you want to increase your faith, give Jesus your full attention.


A vibrant relationship with the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help us not lean towards the world

Are we consistently making wise choices that effectively build us up?

Our view of the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ shapes our response to all things - especially the hard things.

Whenever we get discouraged by the evil we can see, we need to be encouraged by the good that the Heavenly Father is doing that we cannot see.

A saint needs patience to receive a blessing. Patience is delayed gratification - offset dissatisfaction.

A moment of patience can prevent a great disaster.

God's fences keep you within the bounds of His blessings. Choose to bless God for the boundaries and for the way they bless you.

The Heavenly Father directs our life by His divine providence and infinite wisdom.

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