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Date Posted: 15:54:12 03/20/02 Wed
Author: Ken (Formerly Dark Mouse)
Subject: Just Checking Up On Ol' Redwall

Greetings Matt and everyone else here,

My, my, I am surprised to see this. A new Redwall site by the legendary Ublaz. =) I can differently now say that you, Matt, have an amazing amount of dedication and endurance to be still here in the ROC after so many years. Or maybe you just can't pull yourself away from it, like many seem or used to seem to be.

I don't have much to do with Redwall anymore. I do still occasionally check back maybe once every few months or so. Although, it is rare for me to leave a message. I thought the ROC had seen the last of you Matt when you closed INSU. I guess, I thought wrong. I am sure many are happy to see your return.

The ROC is in bad shape, it is clear to me more than ever. It's golden days are long gone, and so is it's decline. Currently it is currently taking it's "last breaths" as you could put it. It needs people like you more than ever, maybe through more hard work and dedication you can preserve what is left for a little while.

It is a shame really, I had many great times in the ROC. I guess we just grew up, and with age we gained new interests. I think those that took part in the ROC during it's golden era really did gain something from it and they took this with them after they left. Hell, I went to the extreme and started to make web sites for money. I would of never found this if I never had my stay in the ROC. It is nice to see a few old faces here, I guess some things never change.

Well, that's about it I suppose, I doubt you will hear from me again. Although before I end this message I extend to you my complements on your new site and my best wishes for the all of you.

AKA Dark Mouse
Founder of the once popular Dark Mouse's Cove

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