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Date Posted: 17:33:26 11/08/03 Sat
Author: Inapiel
Subject: Eat or Be Eaten

Inapiel wandered through the jungle he found himself in, he wondered "were am I?". his stomach growled, he was hungry. Apparently so was the beast that just came thumping out of the woods. It was easily twice the size of an elephant, and it's grey furr covered it, making it look even larger. "He shouldn't mess with a sela of the new path. I'll kill it, or I'll never get anything to eat. this'll be easy" he thought

He thought wrong.

The huge beast swung a paw at him, but the slow beast was too late, for Inapiel jump out of the way and leaped at his left side. Ripping flesh, Inapiel had no mercy. the beast let out a moan, then tried to butt him with his rhino-like horn. The sela jump out of the way, but right into the way of the creature's right paw. Inapiel went flying into a tree, wounded badly. The beast limped of a short way and collapsed in a puddle of it's on death blood. The sela knew he had to get over to the carcass before others stole his food. He took one step, and collapsed.

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