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Date Posted: 14:03:00 02/10/02 Sun
Author: JimMahar
Subject: Welcome to the new Forum

Hi Everyone!

I have a favor to ask of you that should be a win-win for us both. I hope! As most of you know I started the FinanceProfessor.com Newsletter largely to help stay in touch with current and past students. While the growth of the newsletter has been satisfying, it is not without its problems. One is that it has at least partially ceased to perform its intended purpose.

I can not as easily include personal anecdotes or “shout-outs” when there are subscribers at well over 150 schools, in who knows how many countries and even a Nobel Prize winner who regularly suggests ideas! (BTW watch in coming weeks, I arranged an interview with him.…it will be probably run the first week of March.)

Yes, you may get email from me every week (supposing you all subscribe) but I realize it is quite long and you may not have time to read it all. I also realize that even when you do read it, and even when you do reply to me, I may not have time to write to you all individually (Chris, Dean, Rebecca, Brad I have owed you letters for a long time!--sorry!). Then what happens is that you think I do not care etc. so you do not write.

So what to do? You folks are pretty bright people so I turned to some of you individually and have discussed the various ideas as to how to stay in touch. The first idea was that of a new newsletter that would be just for “us” but I vetoed it because I have no more time to compile it etc. (as it is the newsletter is taking up much to much time. Just ask Jeff (for those of you who did not go to SBU, Jeff is Jeff Peterson the chair of the Finance Dept.)

The next idea stuck however. A forum (message board/bulletin board etc.).

I have been playing with how to implement it for several months but was waiting for some help on the project (intern or student helper—where are you Diana, Jennifer, Stacey, Chad, Kristen, Chris etc. when I need you …lol). Well the help didn’t really arrive, but calls for a NEWS forum for the main newsletter arose so I went and started that. So long as I was there anyways, I figured, hey they is no time like the present (Matt-who said that first?)

So we now have a new forum intended just for past students. I think it will be a great way to stay in touch.

By now you should be wondering, well what is the favor. Well I am asking you to contribute to it and let others know about it.

Believe it or not I want to know what you are doing, and I am 100% sure others do too. Take the typical phone call from a past student: “Hi Jim, how are you….so have you heard form anyone lately? Who? How are they?” And that is true again and again and again.

I set the forum so that you do not need to leave your email address if you do not want to (I’d hope you would, but) so you do not need to worry about hearing from all of us at once, but please do now and from time to time check the page and give updates.

Of course the one danger in all of this is that with you communicating with each other, you may come to realize what a terrible teacher I was all along. And how much you hated the class, etc. etc. I hope that will not prove to be the case!

Seriously, please help. If we get it off the ground, it should be largely self-perpetuating-youwill want to go to see what your classmates are doing-but it has to get started. So now (this is the first I have told anyone about it) please post an update about yourself as well as to let others know about the link. I will be putting a link on the main FinanceProfessor.com page as well, but will encourage others to use the main forum page so this can be just for us.

The page is http://www.voy.com/70865/

At Bonaventure there is always talk of how there is this sense of community and how SBU is different in that regard. I am not sure I agree. While I agree there is a great place with a tremendous sense of community, that same sense was also at Penn State and at James Madison. I think it has more to do with the people and you are some of the best, so please use this opportunity to reacquaint yourselves with past friends, and even to meet some new ones. (trust me you all are pretty cool folks!)

thanks, and I really do look forward to hearing from you! Let us all know where you are now, what you are doing, and anything else that you want to add.

Remember the site is http://www.voy.com/70865/

Bookmark it, visit it, and contribute to it regularly.


PS I will try to make the forum look better later. I just wanted to get it up and running today.

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