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Date Posted: 19:27:00 02/22/02 Fri
Author: Pete Lisicky
Subject: Update from Pete

As per Jim's suggestion, I am updating all the finance, corporate or otherwise, lovers out there.
I am in my fourth year of professional basketball, here in Lugano, Switzerland. I really am enjoying myself, and can honestly say this is a dream come true for me. The only drawback is that I am far from my family and friends, but as they have discovered, having an excuse to use complimentary intercontinental flights provided by my team is a lot of fun. Sorry, I have only a limited # of such freebies.
I have been keeping in touch with my financial "roots", as CNBC is one of the few english channels on my cable. I also have had some interesting owners on the four teams I have played for. One was the Benetton family, which own the Benetton clothing stores chain, Sisley clothing chain, and a bunch of other enterprises. I once was complaining about the "Autogrill" food on the highways in Italy, and the general manager informed me I shouldn't complain too loudly, as Giancarlo Benetton is the majority owner of the restaurant chain.
Another owner was Kamel Ghribi, who is a Tunisian businessman with major ties in europe, africa and the middle east. His major business is developing countries(he just returned from west africa: Burkina Faso, Gabon, Mali?)and oil(he is a majority owner of Tamoil, a Libyan company, big in europe, but not in the US because of sanctions against Libya). He was the main intermediary who arranged the 60 Minutes interview with Qaddafi last spring.
Other than that, I haven't used CAPM or Arbritrage Pricing Theorem or other such financial theory tools at all. Maybe I should have, and my stock portfolio wouldn't have included Lucent, among other busts. I must say, my Harley Davidson stock is quite the thoroughbred, and my Swiss bank account is...well, I will keep that information to myself at this time.
So, things are well. My email address is attached, so drop me a line sometime. I have a LOT of spare time here. I will write you back...probably fast.

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