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Wolves in the Mists
Can you survive?
As you walk through the woods, figures move among the trees that sourround you. Tow or three often run in front of you, but you see nothing but black, outlines of something. One runs almost directly in front of you, and all you see are two red diamonds glowing in the darkness ahead of you. You debate about whether to go further, or to turn around. You decide quickly and you turn around. Black figures sourround you and you stare at them. They are still only black outlines, but one stands out among them. Evil sourrounds her as she approaches you, the black outline becoming more and more detectable. A wolf! This red eyed devil is a wolf! Fear overpowers you ability to run, speak, or move as she stands in front of you, malice gleaming in her heartless red eyes. What do you want human? she snarls. If you wish to join us, just say so, or go nowhere ever again. It's your choice. The evil has left her eye and is replaced with the worry for her pack. Make your choice human. You decide to stay, and be in the pack. But how you wonder. How can a human be in a wolf pack? The rest of her pack backs away and her eyes glow on and off. You are hypnotized into her gaze and she begins to get taller, or are you getting shorter? You look down, four paws, fur, and a tail. You're a wolf now, but can you survive? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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