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Date Posted: 16:11:19 09/23/00 Sat
Author: FEÅR_Reaper44

MAN THIS SHIT IS GETTIN WAY OUT OF HAND.If u all enjoy all this drama u need to be watchin soaps instead of playin R6.Now if u dont know what went on the other night u dont really need to be makin any remarks about anyone cause u r only getttin one side of the story and it aint the whole story.This shit really shouldnt have gotten this far and it has. hey fellas wake up this is only a game! this is only a game and it was made so that people like us can have fun,thats all nothin more nothin less.NOW TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT. PSY and myself at no time were planning on hacking anyones computer. were we reaserching this subject, yes we were. why u ask? because we were tired of clans like HA goin around and crashing our games or stealing our rooms and we wanted to find out how they were doin it so we could see if there were some way to put a stop to it.THATS IT. There is no law that i know of that prohibits people from gatherin information. While we were doing this echo and razor came on rw and heard us talkin about this. the only problem was that they came on in the middle of the conversation and sat there and listened to us talking.Now in there defense if i had come on in the middle of our conversation and heard wht they heard i would have wondered what the hell was goin on also. But the problem came when they acted on the situation without knowing all the facts. The last time i looked i was living in America and i believe that here a man is innocent until given a fair trial and proven guilty, and we (psy and reap) were not given this.Well, to make a long story short every thing was exlained to echo and he apologized for acting hastilly,but let us know where he stood on the matter,and im cool with that. I have to say i agree with psy on the way he feels i feel we were given a bum rap that night,but im not about to loose any friends over this shit.All this crap thats been put up on the forum makes us look bad and shows other clans that read our forum that we arent as tight as we use to be. I play this game because it helps me unwind after work and because its fun , but now its not that much fun anymore. everyone needs to cut the crap and drop this shit. and like i said before if u werent there the other night and know the full story u dont need to be passing judgment on psy or anyone else for that matter, cause from what i have seen written in the forum u dont know the full story just bits and pieces.

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