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Date Posted: 19:40:08 02/10/01 Sat
Author: FEÅR_Echo One
Subject: * * * * THIS SITE WILL BE CLOSING SOON * * * *

This is to my freinds. This is to my brothers. This is for any of you that i have played this game with at one point or another. This is for the fun. This is for the late nights. This is for the learning experiences. This is for the adrenalin. This is for the rush. This is for anyone who gives a rats ass.

Seems FEÅR has come to an end. I hate to see it where it is now the way it lies. Shit happened and that's that. It used to be fun. To me it still is at times. There is no FEÅR reputation to have to defend anymore. No bullshit trash talkin goin on anymore. I kinda like it this way. No worries.

Clanpages.com will be shutting this website down in a matter ot weeks....hell maybe even days, i forget. They are asking a price now for what i created. I won't pay it since its just me. So by the end of February (i think) it will be shut down permanantly by clanpages.com.

I will not lose my prefix. FEAR still exists within me. I recognized it as i played some games after not playing for over 6 months. It just came alive. Made me think about the ol days. The late nights. The FEÅR map. The roger wilco. The good and the bad. Thats when i realized who i was. Who i AM.

All of my freinds...you know me.....those of who dont....I'm Echo One, Leader of the Elite, The Machine....FEÅR.

Take care
FEÅR_Echo One

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