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Date Posted: 08:31:35 05/22/17 Mon
Author: Knut Holt (corrected post)

To read about rheumatic fever and how it is treated, about a simple method for complete relaxation, about benign prostate hypertrofia and its treatment, please scroll down.

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About Rheumatic Fever and Its Treatment

By Knut Holt



By rheumatic fever the immune system attacks acutely tissues in the body and causes swelling, pain and damages. Most often the skin and joints are attacked. Often also the heart is the target of attack and here the condition can cause severe anatomical damages and functional problems, sometimes life-threatening.


The conditions mot often occurs as a complication to a bacterial infection, usually in the airways, and by the type of bacteria called hemolytic streptococs. In typically occur accutely 1-3 weeks after the infaction itself is mostly over and typically and the accute period typically lasts a few weeks. After that period there may be a chronic period with les symptoms or recurring accute periods, usually triggered by new infections.

One thinks that the condition occurs because proteins at the cell surface of the bacteria resamble proteins in body tissues and that the immune system therefore also reacts against body proteins.

The condition also may occur because products from the bacteria attach themselves chemically to structures in the body tissues. The immune system then recogizes the chemical complexes thus formed as something foreign and attack the sells where these complexes are attached.


General symptoms from the condition is fever, lathargy and strong sweathing. There is often paun in the stomach.

Symptoms from the skin are reddened areas or small round red spots. Some patients get small lumps or knots in the deeper layers of the skin.

The joints will show symptoms of inflammation, especially swelling, redness and elevated temperature. Joints often affected are the knees, elbows, and wrists.

All layers in the heart can be attacked. Cardiac symptoms are rapid heart beat, murmers by auscultation, breaxt pain and altered patterns by EEG. The heart may work weakly which will give more severe general symptoms.

Anatomical damages can develop, but usually slowly, often during everal years. Especially the valves in the heart can be severely damaged, which result in severe heart malfunction.


The most important prevention of the condition is to combat the infection effectively by antibiotics, and to hinder new infections to occur. If the infetion still occurs by the onset of rheumatic fever, the best treatment is getting rid of the infection as soon as possible.

By all chronic conditions a healthy diet plays a crusial role for the prevention and cure, and also by rheumatic fever.

In the accute face non-steroid drugs against pain and fever is used. If the heart is affected, the pasient is ordered to avoid physical strain.

By hard affliction upon the heart, it is common to order the patient to stay in bed until the inflammation in the heart is over. This can in some cases take months or years. In these cases the patient may be ordered to stay in bed for months or years. One must however wonder if such a strict regime will do more harm to the patient after a few weeks that good, or even contribute to death, since that degree of inactivity will also gravely weaken the physiology.
If the cardiac valves are seriously damaged, surgery to correct or replace the valves can be done.


The frequency of rheumatic fever seems to be proportional to the frequency, everity and length of streptococcal infections in the population. In the weatern countries, especially the length and severity of these infections have gone down due to effective treatment by antibiotics, and hence the condition is more seldome than before.

Knut Holt is a marketer and business consultant focusing on the health field. At his web-site you can find information about fitness, disease treatment and sex. You can also find natural medicines for specific diseases, rejuvenation produts, products for sexual satisfation and of women and men. There are natural drugs to treat skin problems, digestive issues and hemorrhoids, UTI, Yeast infetion, edema, hypothyroidism, poor concentration and memory, depressive issues, obesity, heart and circulation issues, respiratory problems and allergy, and much more. Also hobby products, nice jewelry, car parts and electronics.



Relaxation - A simple Method to Relax deply and stress down

By Knut Holt



The following stepwise method will often help you to relax and take away stress, even if you so far have found this to be difficult. You can use the method daily at a specific time, or use it any time you need to relax and relieve stress. It can also help you to fall in a good sleep when you have gone to bed:

First lay down on your back or in any other position where you feel comfortable without need to use muscular work to maintain your position. Also use some clothes or a carpet so that you do not feel cold.

Begin by relaxing your whole body as well as you can. Also try to stop thinking actively about anything except the relaxation.

Then inhale deeply and then let the air go out of your lungs again by relaxing your chest muscles and your diaphragm completely. Keep breathing deeply this way some while until you feel you are breathing this way automatically.

Then relax all the muscles in your pelvic area and your lower stomach as well as you can. When you feel relaxed in your pelvic zone, concentrate on your legs and relax both your legs as completely as possible. Try to relax all the way down to your toes.

Then turn your attention to the mid area of your back and your upper stomach and relax all the muscles in your mid zone. When you feel relaxed here, relax your muscles downwards along your spine and further down your stomach.

Then relax your neck and shoulders. When you feel the tension slip in this zone, concentrate on your upper spine area and your chest and try to slip all tension in your muscles here. Also concentrate on your arms and relax your arms as completely as possible all the way to your finger tips

Then concentrate on your head and face and relax all the muscles in your head. Take especially care to relax the muscles around your eyes and your jaw muscles.

Then make sure you still are breathing deeply and with a total relaxation of your breathing muscles when you exhale.

Try to relax your whole body even more. As a last step also empty your mind for all thoughts.

Then lay this way completely relaxed some time.

The first times you try this, you will probably not manage to relax completely, but still you will get noticeable results. When practicing this method regularly you will relax better each time.


Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health and fitness. Please see his web-site to find good products to enhance fitness. You can also find items to help for health problems like over-weight, heart problems, hypothyroidism, edema, digestive problems, skin ailments, and more:---

http://www.abicana.comRelaxation - A simple Method to Relax deply and stress down

By Knut Holt



The following stepwise method will often help you to relax and take away stress, even if you so far have found this to be difficult. You can use the method daily at a specific time, or use it any time you need to relax and relieve stress. It can also help you to fall in a good sleep when you have gone to bed:

First lay down on your back or in any other position where you feel comfortable without need to use muscular work to maintain your position. Also use some clothes or a carpet so that you do not feel cold.

Begin by relaxing your whole body as well as you can. Also try to stop thinking actively about anything except the relaxation.

Then inhale deeply and then let the air go out of your lungs again by relaxing your chest muscles and your diaphragm completely. Keep breathing deeply this way some while until you feel you are breathing this way automatically.

Then relax all the muscles in your pelvic area and your lower stomach as well as you can. When you feel relaxed in your pelvic zone, concentrate on your legs and relax both your legs as completely as possible. Try to relax all the way down to your toes.

Then turn your attention to the mid area of your back and your upper stomach and relax all the muscles in your mid zone. When you feel relaxed here, relax your muscles downwards along your spine and further down your stomach.

Then relax your neck and shoulders. When you feel the tension slip in this zone, concentrate on your upper spine area and your chest and try to slip all tension in your muscles here. Also concentrate on your arms and relax your arms as completely as possible all the way to your finger tips

Then concentrate on your head and face and relax all the muscles in your head. Take especially care to relax the muscles around your eyes and your jaw muscles.

Then make sure you still are breathing deeply and with a total relaxation of your breathing muscles when you exhale.

Try to relax your whole body even more. As a last step also empty your mind for all thoughts.

Then lay this way completely relaxed some time.

The first times you try this, you will probably not manage to relax completely, but still you will get noticeable results. When practicing this method regularly you will relax better each time.


Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health and fitness. Please see his web-site to find good products to enhance fitness. You can also find items to help for health problems like over-weight, heart problems, hypothyroidism, edema, digestive problems, skin ailments, and more:---



About Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, Its Symptoms and Treatment

By Knut Holt



The prostate gland is situated around the urethra just under the bladder. Normally it has the shape and size of a large walnut. It produces much of the slime found in the semen.

During puberty the prostate of a boy grows as a part of the pubertal maturing. In many man it keeps on growing smoothly during the whole life, in some men more than in others, a condition called Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH).

The gland is enlarging because the number of all type of cells within the prostate is increasing, but the new cells are normal cells. This continued growth is partly caused by a variant of the male sexual hormone, dihydrotestosterone. Inflammatory reactions is often also present as a causal factor or as a consequence of the condition.

In some men the enlarged prostate strangles the urethra and the bladder so that the urination is hindered or the urinary function is altered. This seldom happens before the man is past the middle ages. The specific symptoms of prostate enlargement is as follows:

- By examination one finds the prostate enlarged. Often one can feel smooth soft lumps, which are essentially enlarged normal sections of the prostate. The prostate is usually without altered symmetry and distinct irregularities. At the beginning this is the only symptom.

- The prostate area can feel engorged or tender, the man can feel burning sensation during urination, but other pain is seldom felt.

- It takes longer time for the urine to begin flowing, the flow can stop a while before beginning again, the urine flow will get weaker with less pressure at the outlet, and sometimes the urine is only dripping.

- In severe cases the urethra gets completely blocked so that the urine has to be taken out with a catheter.

- Often the bladder will not get totally empty during urination, and after some time the bladder can get permanently distended.

- The man can get more frequent urge for urination, for example during nights, because of incomplete urination and pressure on the prostate.

- Some men lose control of the urination, resulting in involuntary dripping or sudden urine outlet.

BPH is diagnosed by considering the reported symptoms and by inspection of the prostate gland. This is first done by palpation towards the upper wall of the rectum with an inserted finger. Then one often looks at the prostate by means of an ultrasound sond inserted into the rectum. One will also do urine analysis, blood sample analysis and other examinations to exclude cancer, infections or other ailments that can give the same symptoms as BPH:

Benign prostate growth is usually only treated if it causes symptoms. There are several type of treatment:

- One often treats the condition with medicines like finesteride (Proscar, Propecis) and alpha blockers. Finesteride blocks the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, and will after some time make the prostate get smaller. Alpha blockers relax muscle bundles in the prostate and area around so that urine flows more easily. One is however reluctant to begin treating with these pharmaceuticals because of a great risk for side effects.

- Finesteride, but in lower and safer doses, is also used to treat male baldness, and men treated with finesteride for prostate growth will often get better hair growth as a useful additive effect.

- One can treat the condition by microwaves that reduce the prostate size by heating. A similar treatment is inserting a needle into the prostate and apply an alternating current through it, that heats parts of the prostate and evaporates these parts. By these treatments one typically uses a working sond inserted through the urethra and a sond in the rectum to get an overview of the prostate area, or to measure the temperature in this area.

- For severe problems with urination one can cut out the whole prostate or parts of it surgically, so-called prostatectomy. The surgery is usually done with instruments inserted through the urethra. Such surgery can cause erectile problems or retrograde ejaculation, a condition where the semen goes into the bladder instead of out through the urethra.

- On the market you can also find natural remedies to reduce the prostate size and inflammatory reactions in the prostate. Many of these are based on saw palmetto or the substance cernitine extracted from pollen. By a few scientific studies so far done, they seem to be effective and without great side effects. Products based on these ingredients may therefore be a good first choice for treatment of benign prostate growth.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. At his website you can find more information about fitness, disease treatment and sex, including urinary and genital issues. There are also presentations of products to improve fitness, health and sexual life.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Knut_Holt/25995

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7929208


Psoriasis - How to Cope With Psoriasis

By Knut Holt



The skin disease psoriasis consists mainly of an increased growth in the outer part of the skin, the epidermis. The symptoms usually appear at several spots at the same time which can be small and round, or wide areas of complicated shape. All parts of the body can be affected, but often around elbows and knees, in the scalp and in skin folds.

An affected area in the skin gets inflamed, thicker and red. On the area thick white flakes, called plaques, develop. The flakes are an abnormally thick outer keratin layer. Sometimes they are so extensive that they hide all the red skin at the affected area.

These flakes tend to fall off and leave sores. Some feel strong itching. Sometimes there are blisters that rupture and leave sores. This is usually not a sign of infection, but sores caused by psoriasis can get infected. People suffering from psoriasis also tend to develop rheumatoid arthritis due to some of the same deeper causes as the psoriasis itself.

The ultimate causes of the disease are poorly understood, but there is a hereditary component. Psoriasis can develop spontaneously, but infections by streptococci, skin injury, emotional stress and some medicines seem to trigger an outbreak. Psoriasis can start at any age, but often between 15 and 40. It tends to be chronic with god and bad periods when first started, and more or less serious.

The basic mechanism of psoriasis seems to be an auto-immune reaction, where the immune system attacks the skin and causes damage and inflammation. The skin reacts by an exaggerated repair activity which produces too many new cells. These are rapidly pushed towards the surface and peel up, making the whole epidermis thicker, and especially will the outer keratin layer develop into thick flakes.

The cell division in the basal part of the epidermis occur every 4-7 day in an affected area, while only every 30 day in an normal area. The symptoms of the disease are caused by the original damage, the inflammation, an increased blood circulation and the over-growth in combination.


Treatment of psoriasis is based on many principles: One tries to dissolve the dry flakes in a gentle manner. One uses methods to alleviate inflammation. One slows down the cell production by various methods. Sometimes one uses methods to decrease basic actions of the immune system. One tries to hinder complications like infection.

By treatment one has the policy of trying out methods that give small side effects even though they may be somewhat less effective, before using the most effective methods that also give stronger side effects and more serious risks. Professionals have however very different policies regarding treatment regimes, and the regime will also be adjusted for the individual patient.

Sufferers from psoriasis experience that various lifestyle components aggravate or lessen the disease, but this varies from person to person. Each sufferer must steadily observe what makes the disease worse or alleviates it, and adjust his lifestyle. A generally healthy lifestyle regarding diet and exercise is recommended, and many experience that slimming to a normal weight makes the condition better. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty-acids, as found in fish and seafood, seems to help many. Reducing consume of alcohol is also recommended sometimes. One should also avoid skin injury or factors that irritate the skin.

Baths, cleansers or washes with various ingredients to dissolve the plaques and to make the skin more elastic are much used by psoriasis. Such baths can contain ingredients like botanic oils, soda, Epsom salt, dead Sea salt, sulfur or wheat bran.

One can find salves with natural ingredients to dissolve plaques, make the skin more elastic, reduce itching, and reduce inflammation so that less plaque is formed. These products vary much in composition, but can contain ingredients like olive oil, argan oil, cod liver oil, jojoba oil, lemongrass oil, peppermint oil, rosehip seed oil, cayenne, salicylic acid, allantoin, citrus extract, echinacea, sarsaparilla, lemon dock, vitamin E and many others. Argan oil is also used in pure form for psoriasis treatment.

Salves containing calcipotriol, a derivative of vitamin D3, is often used to decrease the inflammation and the cell formation and thereby the other symptoms of psoriasis. Salves with the drug anthralin (dithranol) which slows down cell division is also a common treatment for psoriasis. These drugs tend however to irritate the skin and anthralin stains everything it comes in contact with.

Salves with corticosteroid hormones which counteracts inflammation are used to treat psoriasis. A side effect of corticosteroids used over a long time is thinning of the skin.

A traditional remedy which still is used for psoriasis are salves or baths containing tar, which has the ability to dissolve plaques and lessen the basic process that lead to formation of plaques. Tar gives however an increased risk for skin cancer.

Ultraviolet light lessen the inflammation and formation of plaques. It can be done by exposing the skin to natural sunshine and by using ultraviolet lamps. Usually one take a bath to dissolve plaques before ultraviolet light is applied. Sea-bath with sunshine exposure afterwards is a natural way of taking this treatment. The most effective UV light is of wavelength 313 nm, but rays of this wavelength give a higher risk of skin cancer. By severe psoriasis tablets or baths with the ingredient psoralen may be used before quick radiation with ultraviolet light. This substance increases the effect of UV light. The combination is called PUVA treatment.

For severe psoriasis that do not respond to outer treatment, systemic treatment through mouth or by injections of medications that reduce cell division and cell maturation is used. Examples of these are derivatives of vitamin A called retinoids and cytostatica like methotrexat in low doses. Systemic treatment by immune suppressing drugs like cyclosporine are also sometimes used for severe psoriasis. These drugs are effective but give side effects for the whole body that can get serious if the treatment is not adjusted accurately. Proneness for infections caused by depression of the immune system is one side effect of these drugs.

In the latest years one has begun using so-called biological drugs for treatment of psoriasis, for example remicade. These drugs consist of antibodies or signal substances that can modify specific internal processes in the tissues, for example the actions of the immune system. The signal substances used to control psoriasis reduce attacks from the immune system on the skin. They also reduce attacks on the joints and are therefore also effective against arthritis related to psoriasis.

These drugs are expensive and one knows little about side effects yet, but they increase proneness to infections. Therefore they are only used by severe psoriasis that does not respond to other treatment.


Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and science. Please see his web-site to find more information and presentation of natural products to treat psoriasis, eczema and similar conditions.


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