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Date Posted: 15:33:41 02/10/02 Sun
Author: OOT
Subject: Re: Surprise
In reply to: Anubis 's message, "Re: Surprise" on 14:25:34 02/10/02 Sun

*Mars- a black cloud surrounds you and it makes you sneeze as you open your eyes, you see a small gem. a blue cirlce in the middle. As you pick it up you hear a small voice coming from it. "YOu only see my once but then i make a very vaulable gift. You cans ee the future of any person that you wish" The voice disappears and the gem glows bright.

*Anubis- ~A form of green smoke forms in front of you and a lone golden wolf steps out. You knwo who she is and she smiles at you. she nods her head yet still kepping it high. She turns to you and speaks to you softly. "Would you like to be Alhpa male of Devil's Final Resting Place?" She waits and nods her head turning as you think about it and the green smoke disppears in the wind. A gem laying on the ground you realize what it is, the Alhpa Gem of Devil's Resting Place, which will bring you fire and the place of Alhpa. Do you take it or left it?
((Other words. You can either choose to be Alhpa know or wait till Isis asked you (hint hint) ))

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